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avoid creating too many type variables in expand_type_and_narrow
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This diff is all about using Typing_union.simplify_unions instead of get_union_elements.

Why does it make things better ?
Suppose you have type variables like:
vec<int> <: #1 <: #2
Since we transitively close, we'll get a constraint graph like:
vec<int> <: #1
vec<int>, #1 <: #2
get_union_elements was implemented in such a way that calling in on #2 would get vec<int> twice, resulting in the widened type being (vec<#3> | vec<#4). You can see how this causes a explosion of type variables for bigger, transitively closed, constraint graphs.

Reviewed By: andrewjkennedy

Differential Revision: D15149670

fbshipit-source-id: d74e3f0cc35de755025da087bda7606376206531
  • Loading branch information
CatherineGasnier authored and hhvm-bot committed May 1, 2019
1 parent 4613cf5 commit 81a4c17
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Showing 4 changed files with 61 additions and 65 deletions.
105 changes: 40 additions & 65 deletions hphp/hack/src/typing/
Expand Up @@ -2711,56 +2711,34 @@ let expand_type_and_solve env ~description_of_expected p ty =
* The `widen` function extends this to nullables and abstract types.
* General unions have been dealt with already.
let rec widen env widen_concrete_type ty =
let env, ty = Env.expand_type env ty in
match ty with
| r, Toption ty ->
begin match widen env widen_concrete_type ty with
| env, Some ty -> env, Some (r, Toption ty)
| env, None -> env, None
(* Don't widen the `this` type, because the field type changes up the hierarchy
* so we lose precision
| _, Tabstract (AKdependent (`this, _), _) ->
env, Some ty
(* For other abstract types, just widen to the bound, if possible *)
| _, Tabstract (_, Some ty) ->
widen env widen_concrete_type ty
| _ ->
widen_concrete_type env ty

(* Deconstruct a type into its union elements, if it's a union or nullable.
* If any elements are type variables, take their lower bounds.
* Return (has_var, nullable_reason, elements) where
* has_var = true if any union elements are type variables
* nullable_reason = Some r if there is a nullable/null element with reason r
* elements are the de-duplicated elements of the union
let get_union_elements env ty =
let rec aux env tyl (has_var, nullable_reason, res) =
match tyl with
| [] -> env, has_var,
begin match nullable_reason with
| None -> res
| Some r -> MakeType.null r::res
| ty::tyl ->
let env, ety = Env.expand_type env ty in
match ety with
| _, Tunresolved tyl' ->
aux env (tyl' @ tyl) (has_var, nullable_reason, res)
let widen env widen_concrete_type ty =
let rec widen env ty =
let env, ty = Env.expand_type env ty in
match ty with
| r, Tunresolved tyl ->
widen_all env r tyl
| r, Toption ty ->
aux env (ty::tyl) (has_var, Some r, res)
| _, Tvar var ->
let tyvar_info = Env.get_tyvar_info env var in
(* Lower bounds of type variable, excluding itself *)
let lower_bounds = Typing_set.remove ety tyvar_info.Env.lower_bounds in
aux env tyl (true, nullable_reason, Typing_set.elements lower_bounds @ res)
widen_all env r [(r, Tprim Nast.Tnull); ty]
(* Don't widen the `this` type, because the field type changes up the hierarchy
* so we lose precision
| _, Tabstract (AKdependent (`this, _), _) ->
env, ty
(* For other abstract types, just widen to the bound, if possible *)
| _, Tabstract (_, Some ty) ->
widen env ty
| _ ->
aux env tyl (has_var, nullable_reason, ety::res)
aux env [ty] (false, None, [])
begin match widen_concrete_type env ty with
| env, Some ty -> env, ty
| env, None -> env, (Reason.none, Tunresolved [])
and widen_all env r tyl =
let env, tyl = List.fold_map tyl ~init:env ~f:widen in
Typing_union.union_list env r tyl in
widen env ty

let is_nothing env ty =
is_sub_type_alt env ty (Reason.none, Tunresolved []) ~no_top_bottom:true = Some true

(* Using the `widen_concrete_type` function to compute an upper bound,
* narrow the constraints on a type that are valid for an operation.
Expand All @@ -2786,29 +2764,26 @@ let expand_type_and_narrow env ~description_of_expected widen_concrete_type p ty
* take the lower bounds. If there are no variables, then we have a concrete
* type so just return expanded type
let env, has_var, tys = get_union_elements env ty in
if not has_var
let has_tyvar = ref false in
let seen_tyvars = ref ISet.empty in
(* Simplify unions in ty, but when we encounter a type variable in the process,
recursively replace it with the union of its lower bounds, effectively getting
rid of all unsolved type variables in the union. *)
let env, concretized_ty = Typing_union.simplify_unions env ty ~on_tyvar:(fun env r v ->
has_tyvar := true;
if ISet.mem v !seen_tyvars then env, (r, Tunresolved []) else
let () = seen_tyvars := ISet.add v !seen_tyvars in
let lower_bounds = TySet.elements (Env.get_tyvar_lower_bounds env v) in
Typing_union.union_list env r lower_bounds) in
if not !has_tyvar
then Typing_utils.simplify_unions env ty
(* Now for each union element, use widen_concrete_type to suggest a concrete
* upper bound. *)
let rec widen_tys env tyl res =
match tyl with
| [] ->
env, res

| ty :: tyl ->
let env, opt_upper = widen env widen_concrete_type ty in
let res = match opt_upper with None -> res | Some ty -> ty :: res in
widen_tys env tyl res in

let env, widened_tys = widen_tys env tys [] in
let env, widened_ty = widen env widen_concrete_type concretized_ty in
(* We really don't want to just guess `nothing` if none of the types can be widened *)
if List.is_empty widened_tys
if is_nothing env widened_ty
(* Default behaviour is currently to force solve *)
then expand_type_and_solve env ~description_of_expected p ty
let env, widened_ty = TUtils.union_list env (fst ty) widened_tys in
(fun () ->
let env = sub_type env ty widened_ty in
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions hphp/hack/test/typecheck/append_blow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?hh // strict
// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.

function test2(int $id): void {
$res = Map {};
$res[$id] = vec[1];
$res[$id][0] += 0;
$res[$id][1] += 0;
$res[$id][2] += 0;
$res[$id][3] += 0;
$res[$id][4] += 0;
$res[$id][5] += 0;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions hphp/hack/test/typecheck/append_blow.php.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
File "append_blow.php", line 14, characters 3-15:
Map<int, vec<(int | int)>>
No errors
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions hphp/hack/test/typecheck/append_blow.php.legacy.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
File "append_blow.php", line 14, characters 3-15:
Map<int, vec<int>>
No errors

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