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Refine typing for babel-types
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This diff adds a more complete declaration file for `babel/types` and parts of `NodePath` from `babel/traverse`.

## Motivation

* Get better intelli-sense
* Unleash flow's super power and allow it to catch errors at compile time. This will also allow us to catch not yet handled cases after upgrading `babel`. E.g. the support for `SpreadElements`.
* More explicit types in our APIs that are part of Metro's documentation
* Delete repetitive and incomplete/incorrect typings. E.g the code base has multiple incomplete definitions of the Visitor interface

## Typing

### `babel/types`
This diff uses the `babel/types` proposed in the [RFC](babel/rfcs#7) submitted to the babel repository. The PR hasn't been reviewed nor accepted. It's, therefore, likely that further changes are needed.

We can adopt to any changes, if any, on our own paces since we have a custom `babel/types` declaration file today which we'll hopefully able to delete once the RFC has been accepted and the PR's merged and released. We also have the option to use our own fork of the typing generation script if needed.

### `babel/traverse`

There are no official nor in-offical existing types for `babel/traverse` today. My goal is to submit our types to flow-typed once the RFC is merged and the types are more complete. The definitions are based on the Typescript definitions.

## Shortcomings

### No `%checks` support on methods

Flow doesn't support `%checks` refinements on object methods. That also applies if a function is invoked on a method, e.g. `t.isIdentifier(node)` will not refine `node` to an `Identifier`.

This requires us to destructure the `is*` methods to get type refinement.

if (t.isIdentifier(node)) {
 // ^^ Doesn't refine because the function invoked as a method

const {isIdentifier} = t;

if (isIdentifier(node)) {
  console.log(; // works fine

### `NodePath` Refinement

Flow doesn't support `%checks` refinements on methods as mentioned in the previous section. That means that the `*` methods cannot be correctly typed to refine `NodePath` to a more specific type.

It's further not possible to refine a `NodePath` by checking on the type of the node. E.g.

function test(path: NodePath<Node>): void {
  if (path.node.type === "Identifier") {
    const identifier: Identifier = path.node; // <--- works
   const identifierPath: NodePath<Identifier> = path; <-- Doesn't work.

See [Post]( for the reasons.

This is unfortunate because there's no way to cast `NodePath<T>` to `NodePath<S>` (to my knowledge) except casting over any which is unsafe. There were only a few places in the code base today where this was needed. I'll try to rethink this when working on a more complete typing for `babel/traverse`.

### `NodePath.node` is marked read-only

I marked `NodePath.node` as read-only such that a more specific `NodePath` can be assigned to a more generic `NodePath`. E.g. that the following assignment is supported

function getPathKey(path: NodePath<>): string {
  return path.key;

function test(path: NodePath<CallExpression>): void {
  const key = getPathKey(path);
               //  Casts NodePath<CallExpression> to NodePath<>

However, the `node` isn't read-only in reality, e.g. it can be replaced using `NodePath.replaceWith(somethingElse)`.

A sound definition of `NodePath` would define `node` as non-generic. However, that makes it extremelly cumbersome to work with `Node` e.g. in visitors because `invariant` checks would been needed in all visitor method if the accepted node is of the expected type so that flow refines the node (Flow would invalidate the refinement after every function / method calls which will make it nearly impossible).

I believe that this unsoundness is acceptable and it's still a huge improvement over not having any types at all.

### `NodePath.get` isn't generic

`NodePath.get` is an interesting method because it returns either a `NodePath<TNode>` or `Array<NodePath<TNode>>` depending on whatever the field of the passed in key is an array type or not.

It's, unfortunately, not possible to type this method as generic today because of a [bug in flow]( This requires some additional invariants in the code to help flow understand what's going on.

## Summary

I believe that the added types will help us to catch bugs when writing new code and in the existing code base. It will further help us to know what new cases we need to handle when upgrading Babel to a new version. Having better intellisense further helps during development (e.g. I spend hours wondering why `template()` produced incorrect code when I passed a string placeholder instead of a node.

However, it comes at the cost that `babel/types` cannot be exactly typed which means that some additional invariants are needed to make flow happy and it can sometimes mean that we'll have to cast over `any`.  I believe that this additional cost is worth taking in regards of what the additional typing gives us in return.

Reviewed By: cpojer

Differential Revision: D24117447

fbshipit-source-id: d00440bfeaccd827b2cb412e50bd17d54f96636d
  • Loading branch information
Micha Reiser authored and facebook-github-bot committed Oct 8, 2020
1 parent 831ee89 commit ed8a04f
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Showing 19 changed files with 4,525 additions and 369 deletions.
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions flow-typed/babel-traverse.js.flow
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow
* @format

'use strict';

declare module '@babel/traverse' {
declare export type Scope = {
[key: string]: any,

declare export type TraversalContext = {
[key: string]: any,

declare function getNodePathType(node: BabelNode): NodePath<BabelNode>;
declare function getNodePathType(
nodes: Array<BabelNode>,
): Array<NodePath<BabelNode>>;

declare export class NodePath<+TNode: BabelNode = BabelNode> {
/* Declaring node as readonly isn't entirely correct since the node can be
* changed by e.g. calling replaceWith. However, this is needed to reasonably
* work with `NodePath`, e.g. that passing `NodePath<CallExpression>` to a
* `NodePath<Node> works.
+node: TNode;
+parent: BabelNode;
+parentPath: NodePath<>;
key: string | number;
parentKey: string;
scope: Scope;

get<TKey: $Keys<TNode>>(
key: TKey,
context?: boolean | TraversalContext,
): $Call<typeof getNodePathType, $ElementType<TNode, TKey>>;
key: string,
context?: boolean | TraversalContext,
): NodePath<> | Array<NodePath<>>;
buildCodeFrameError<TError: Error>(
msg: string,
Error?: Class<TError>,
): TError;

traverse(visitor: Object, state: any): void;

skip(): void;
remove(): void;
insertBefore(node: BabelNode | Array<BabelNode>): any;
/** Replace the current node with another. */
replaceWith(replacement: BabelNode | NodePath<>): void;
isImport(opts?: Object): boolean;
isStatement(opts?: Object): boolean;
isReferencedIdentifier(opts?: Object): boolean;
evaluate(): {confident: boolean, value: any};

declare export type VisitNodeFunction<TNode: BabelNode, TState> = (
path: NodePath<TNode>,
state: TState,
) => void;

declare export interface VisitNodeObject<TNode: BabelNode, TState> {
enter?: (path: NodePath<TNode>, state: TState) => void;
exit?: (path: NodePath<TNode>, state: TState) => void;

declare export type VisitNode<TNode: BabelNode, TState> =
| VisitNodeFunction<TNode, TState>
| VisitNodeObject<TNode, TState>;

declare export type Visitor<TState = void> = {
Program?: VisitNode<BabelNodeProgram, TState>,
Function?: VisitNode<BabelNodeFunction, TState>,
Class?: VisitNode<BabelNodeClass, TState>,
Identifier?: VisitNode<BabelNodeIdentifier, TState>,
CallExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeCallExpression, TState>,
AssignmentExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeAssignmentExpression, TState>,
ArrowFunctionExpression?: VisitNode<
ConditionalExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeConditionalExpression, TState>,
FunctionDeclaration?: VisitNode<BabelNodeFunctionDeclaration, TState>,
FunctionExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeFunctionExpression, TState>,
IfStatement?: VisitNode<BabelNodeIfStatement, TState>,
BinaryExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeBinaryExpression, TState>,
LogicalExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeLogicalExpression, TState>,
UnaryExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeUnaryExpression, TState>,
MemberExpression?: VisitNode<BabelNodeMemberExpression, TState>,
Scope?: VisitNode<BabelNodeScopable, TState>,
ImportDeclaration?: VisitNode<BabelNodeImportDeclaration, TState>,
ExportNamedDeclaration?: VisitNode<BabelNodeExportNamedDeclaration, TState>,
ExportAllDeclaration?: VisitNode<BabelNodeExportAllDeclaration, TState>,

declare export default function traverse<TState>(
ast: BabelNode | Array<BabelNode>,
visitor: Object,
scope?: ?Scope,
state?: ?TState,
parentPath?: ?NodePath<>,
): void;

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