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feat: add section on configuration
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Riccardo Cipolleschi committed Jun 17, 2022
1 parent 3341dad commit 25ab1e5
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 1 deletion.
187 changes: 186 additions & 1 deletion docs/the-new-architecture/
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ The final result should look like this:

In the **New Architecture**, we decided to have a single source of truth for Components API and we decided that it has to be a typed dialect of JavaScript (either [Flow]( or [TypeScript]( We need a typed dialect because the **Codegen** has to generate some code in C++, Objective-C++ and Java which are all strongly typed languages: therefore, it needs information on types.

Another important aspect of the JavaScript specification is the file name. A Component filename has to end with the `NativeComponent.js` (or `jsx`, `ts`, `tsx`) suffix. The **Codegen** process will look up for files ending with that suffix to generate the required code.
Another important aspect of the JavaScript specification is the file name. A Component filename has to end with the `NativeComponent.js` (or `jsx`, `ts`, `tsx`) suffix. The **Codegen** process will look up for JavaScript (or TypeScript) files ending with `NativeComponent` to generate the required code.

The following are the specification of our `RTNCenteredText` Component in both Flow and TypeScript.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,191 @@ Finally, we invoke the `codegenNativeComponent` generic function, passing the na

### Component Configuration

The second element we need to properly develop the Fabric Component is a bit of configuration, that will help you setting up:

- all the data the CodeGen process requires to run properly;
- the files required to link the Fabric Component into the app.

Some of these configuration are shared between iOS and Android, while the others are platform specific.

#### Shared

The shared bit is a `package.json` file that will be used by yarn to install your Component.
The file shall live at the root of your Component, side-by-side to the folders created at the [folder Setup](#folder-setup) step.

"name": "rnt-centered-text",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Showcase a Fabric Component with a centered text",
"react-native": "js/index",
"source": "js/index",
"files": [
"keywords": ["react-native", "ios", "android"],
"repository": "<your_github_handle>/rnt-centered-text",
"author": "<Your Name> <> (<your_github_handle>)",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": "<your_github_handle>/rnt-centered-text/issues"
"homepage": "<your_github_handle>/rnt-centered-text#readme",
"devDependencies": {},
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "*",
"react-native": "*"
"codegenConfig": {
"libraries": [
"name": "RNTCenteredTextSpecs",
"type": "components",
"jsSrcsDir": "js"

Let's break it down.

The upper part of the file contains some descriptive information like the name of the Component, its version and what composes it.
Make sure to update the various placeholders which are wrapped in `<>`, so replace all the occurrences of the `<your_github_handle>`, `<Your Name>`, and `<>` tokens.

Then we have the dependencies for this package, specifically we need `react` and `react-native`, but you can add all the other dependencies you may have.

Finally, the last important bit is the `codegenConfig` tag. This will be used generate the code. It will be useful to see what is generated so that we can refer to the proper types. This object contains an array of libraries. Each library is defined by three keys:

- `name`: The name of the library we are going to generate. By convention, we add the `Specs` suffix.
- `type`: The type of module contained by this package. In this case, we have a component.
- `jsSrcsDir`: the relative path to access the `js` specification that will be parsed by the CodeGen.

#### iOS: Create the `podspec` file

Now it's time to configure the native component so that we can generate the required code and we can include it in our app.

For iOS, we need to create a `podspec` file which will define the component as a dependency.
The `podspec` file for our component will look like this

```ruby title="rnt-centered-text.podspec"
require "json"

package = JSON.parse(, "package.json")))

folly_version = '2021.06.28.00-v2'
folly_compiler_flags = '-DFOLLY_NO_CONFIG -DFOLLY_MOBILE=1 -DFOLLY_USE_LIBCPP=1 -Wno-comma -Wno-shorten-64-to-32' do |s| = "rnt-centered-text"
s.version = package["version"]
s.summary = package["description"]
s.description = package["description"]
s.homepage = package["homepage"]
s.license = package["license"]
s.platforms = { :ios => "11.0" } = package["author"]
s.source = { :git => package["repository"], :tag => "#{s.version}" }

s.source_files = "ios/**/*.{h,m,mm,swift}"

s.dependency "React-Core"

s.compiler_flags = folly_compiler_flags + " -DRCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1"
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
"HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/boost\"",

s.dependency "React-RCTFabric"
s.dependency "React-Codegen"
s.dependency "RCT-Folly", folly_version
s.dependency "RCTRequired"
s.dependency "RCTTypeSafety"
s.dependency "ReactCommon/turbomodule/core"

The `podspec` file has to be a sibling of the `package.json` file and its name is the one we set in the `package.json`'s `name` property: `rnt-centered-text`.

The first part of the file prepares some variables we will use throughout the rest of it:

- the `package` variable which contains information read from the `package.json`
- the `folly_version` variable to set the version of `folly` we need.
- the `folly compiler_flags` that we need to set in the new architecture.

The next section contains some information used to configure the pod, like its name, version, a description and so on.

Finally, we have a set of dependencies that are required by the new architecture.

#### Android: Create the `build.gradle` file

For what concerns Android, we need to create a `build.gradle` file in the `android` folder. The file will have the following shape

```kotlin title="build.gradle"
buildscript {
ext.safeExtGet = {prop, fallback ->
rootProject.ext.has(prop) ? rootProject.ext.get(prop) : fallback
repositories {
dependencies {

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.facebook.react'

android {
compileSdkVersion safeExtGet('compileSdkVersion', 31)

defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion safeExtGet('minSdkVersion', 21)
targetSdkVersion safeExtGet('targetSdkVersion', 31)
buildConfigField("boolean", "IS_NEW_ARCHITECTURE_ENABLED", "true")

repositories {
maven {
// All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
url "$projectDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"

dependencies {
implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'

react {
jsRootDir = file("../js/")
libraryName = "RTNCenteredText"
codegenJavaPackageName = "com.RTNCenteredText"

The `gradle` contains various section to properly configure the library and to access the required dependencies. The most interesting bits are:

- the `defaultConfig` block within the `android` block, where we add a `buildConfigField` to enable the new architecture.
- the `react` block where we configure the CodeGen process. For Android, we need to specify:
- The `jsRootDir` which contains the relative path to the JavaScript specs
- The `libraryName` we will use to link the library to the app.
- The `codegenJavaPackageName` which corresponds to the name of the Java Package we will use to group the code generated by the CodeGen.

### Native Code

#### iOS
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