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Transformer encoder (#97)
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* Positional encoding

* Feed forward network

* Transformer encoder

* Added documentation comments for Transformer
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yushiyangk committed Nov 2, 2022
1 parent 083cddf commit 528ca3e
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Showing 2 changed files with 542 additions and 1 deletion.
290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions shumai/module/transformer.ts
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,115 @@ import * as ops from '../tensor/tensor_ops'
import * as util from '../util'
import { Linear } from './linear'
import { Module } from './module'
import { LayerNorm } from './norm'
import { Sequential } from './sequential'

const sm = { ...ops, ...tensor, util }

* A module to generate the positional encoding for a Transformer of a given input dimension,
* $$ \mathrm{PE}_{i, 2z} = \sin \left( \frac{i}{10000^{2z/d}} \right) $$
* $$ \mathrm{PE}_{i, 2z + 1} = \cos \left( \frac{i}{10000^{2z/d}} \right) $$
* where $i$ is the sequence position, $2z$ and $2z+1$ are the dimensions of the input embedding, and $d$ is the dimensionality of the input embedding.
* The multiplicative factors $\frac{1}{10000^{2z/d}}$ are precomputed during object creation as they are constant for all $i$.
* The full PE is initially precomputed for all $i$ up to 256 (configurable). If the module is called with a sequence length larger than the initial value, the additional values are also calculated and stored.
export class TransformerPositionalEncoding extends Module {
* The default `initSequenceLength` if none is supplied in the constructor.
static readonly DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 256
* The base of the exponent in the positional encoding.
static readonly ENCODING_BASE = 10000

private dim: number
private sequenceLength: number
private encodingFactors: Tensor
private encoding: Tensor

* @param dim - Number of dimensions of each input embedding
* @param initSequenceLength - Initial sequence length that the positional embedding should be computed for, or {@link DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_LENGTH} if not specified
constructor(dim: number, initSequenceLength?: number) {

if (dim <= 0) {
throw new Error(`Module dimension must be > 0: got ${dim}`)

this.dim = dim
if (initSequenceLength === undefined) {
this.sequenceLength = TransformerPositionalEncoding.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_LENGTH
} else if (initSequenceLength <= 0) {
throw new Error(`Initial sequenceLength must be > 0: got ${initSequenceLength}`)
} else {
this.sequenceLength = initSequenceLength

// base and numerator must be full([1], x) instead of scalar(x)
// Otherwise, if the other operand has shape [1], the result will be reduced to scalar
const base = sm.full([1], TransformerPositionalEncoding.ENCODING_BASE)
const numerator = sm.full([1], 1)
const denominator = sm.scalar(this.dim)
const evenDims = sm.arange(0, this.dim + 1, 2)
this.encodingFactors = numerator.div(base.power(evenDims.div(denominator))) // shape [floor((dim + 1) / 2)]

this.encoding = this.calculate(0, this.sequenceLength) // shape [sequenceLength, dim]

* Calculate positional encodings at a given range of sequence positions.
* @param start - Start of the range to calculate
* @param end - End of the range to calculate
* @returns a Tensor of calculated positional embeddings with shape `[end - start, dim]`
calculate(start: number, end: number): Tensor {
const length = end - start
const pairedDim = this.encodingFactors.shape[0]
const pos = sm.arange(start, end).reshape([length, 1])

const evenEncoding = sm.sin(pos.mul(this.encodingFactors)).reshape([length, pairedDim, 1])
const oddEncoding = sm.cos(pos.mul(this.encodingFactors)).reshape([length, pairedDim, 1])
let encoding = sm.concatenate([evenEncoding, oddEncoding], -1) // shape [length, pairedDim, 2]
encoding = encoding.reshape([length, pairedDim * 2])

if (this.dim % 2 !== 0) {
encoding = encoding.index([':', `:${this.dim}`]).reshape([length, this.dim])
// reshape is necessary to preserve the last axis if this.dim is 1

return encoding

* @param sequenceLength - Length of the sequence for which the positional embedding should be calculated
* @returns a Tensor of positional embeddings with shape `[length, dim]`, using precomputed values if available
forward(sequenceLength: number): Tensor {
if (sequenceLength > this.sequenceLength) {
const extension = this.calculate(this.sequenceLength, sequenceLength)
this.encoding = sm.concatenate([this.encoding, extension], 0)
this.sequenceLength = sequenceLength

if (sequenceLength === this.sequenceLength) {
return this.encoding
} else {
return this.encoding.index([`:${sequenceLength}`, ':'])

function checkAttentionInputs(
attentionDim: number,
queries: Tensor,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,10 +165,16 @@ function checkAttentionInputs(

* Scaled dot-product mechanism as described by Vaswani et al. The {@link scaleFactor} is computed during object creation as $\frac{1}{\sqrt{d}}$, where $d$ is the dimensionality of the inputs.
export class TransformerDotProductAttention extends Module {
private dim: number
private scaleFactor: Tensor

* @param dim - Number of dimensions of the inputs
constructor(dim: number) {
this.dim = dim
Expand All @@ -73,6 +185,12 @@ export class TransformerDotProductAttention extends Module {
return tensor.mul(this.scaleFactor)

* @param queries - Tensor of query embeddings, shape `[..., queryTokens, dim]`
* @param keys - Tensor of key embeddings, shape `[..., keyTokens, dim]`
* @param values - Tensor of value embeddings each corresponding to a key, shape `[..., keyTokens, dim]`
* @returns A Tensor of shape `[..., queryTokens, dim]`
forward(queries: Tensor, keys: Tensor, values: Tensor, mask?: Tensor): Tensor {
// queries shape [..., queryTokens, dim]
// keys and values shape [..., keyTokens, dim]
Expand All @@ -92,6 +210,9 @@ export class TransformerDotProductAttention extends Module {

* Multi-head attention mechanism as described by Vaswani et al. The input Tensors are linearly embedded before being passed to {@link TransformerDotProductAttention | scaled dot-product attentions}.
export class TransformerMultiheadAttention extends Module {
private dim: number
private heads: number
Expand All @@ -102,6 +223,11 @@ export class TransformerMultiheadAttention extends Module {
private attention: TransformerDotProductAttention
private concatEmbed: Linear

* @param dim - Number of dimensions of the input embeddings
* @param heads - Number of heads for the multi-head attention
* @param attentionDim - Number of dimensions of the further embeddings used by the {@link TransformerDotProductAttention | scaled dot-product attentions}, or `dim` if not specified
constructor(dim: number, heads: number, attentionDim?: number) {

Expand All @@ -125,6 +251,12 @@ export class TransformerMultiheadAttention extends Module {
this.concatEmbed = new Linear(this.attentionDim * heads, dim)

* @param queries - Tensor of query vectors, shape `[..., queryTokens, dim]`
* @param keys - Tensor of key vectors, shape `[..., keyTokens, dim]`
* @param values - Tensor of value vectors each corresponding to a key, shape `[..., keyTokens, dim]`
* @returns A Tensor of shape `[..., queryTokens, dim]`
forward(queries: Tensor, keys: Tensor, values: Tensor): Tensor {
// queries shape [..., queryTokens, dim]
// keys and values shape [..., keyTokens, dim]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,3 +293,161 @@ export class TransformerMultiheadAttention extends Module {
return output

class FeedForward extends Module {
private dim: number
private hiddenDim: number
private affineIn: Linear
private affineOut: Linear

constructor(dim: number, hiddenDim?: number) {
this.dim = dim
if (hiddenDim === undefined) {
this.hiddenDim = dim
} else {
this.hiddenDim = hiddenDim
this.affineIn = new Linear(this.dim, this.hiddenDim)
this.affineOut = new Linear(this.hiddenDim, this.dim)

forward(input: Tensor): Tensor {
// shape [..., dim]
let output = this.affineIn(input).relu() // shape [..., hiddenDim]
output = this.affineOut(output) // shape [..., dim]
return output

* A layer of the Transformer encoder, as described by Vaswani et al, consisting of a {@link TransformerMultiheadAttention | multi-head attention} layer and a fully-connected feed forward network. Both of these use residual connections and are normalised with {@link LayerNorm}.
export class TransformerEncoderLayer extends Module {
private dim: number
private heads: number
private attentionDim: number
private feedForwardDim: number
private mha: TransformerMultiheadAttention
private mhaNorm: LayerNorm
private ff: FeedForward
private ffNorm: LayerNorm

* @param dim - Number of dimensions of the input embeddings
* @param heads - Number of heads for the multi-head attention
* @param attentionDim - Number of dimensions of the embeddings used in the scaled dot-product attention, or `dim` if not specified
* @param feedForwardDim - Number of dimensions in the hidden layer of the feed forward network, or `dim` if not specified
constructor(dim: number, heads: number, attentionDim?: number, feedForwardDim?: number) {

this.dim = dim
this.heads = heads
if (attentionDim === undefined) {
this.attentionDim = dim
} else {
this.attentionDim = attentionDim
if (feedForwardDim === undefined) {
this.feedForwardDim = dim
} else {
this.feedForwardDim = feedForwardDim

this.mha = new TransformerMultiheadAttention(this.dim, this.heads, this.attentionDim)
this.mhaNorm = new LayerNorm([this.dim])
this.ff = new FeedForward(this.dim, this.feedForwardDim)
this.ffNorm = new LayerNorm([this.dim])

* @param input - Input Tensor of shape `[..., tokens, dim]`
* @returns A Tensor of shape `[..., tokens, dim]`
forward(input: Tensor): Tensor {
// shape [..., tokens, dim]
let mhaOutput = this.mha(input, input, input) // shape [..., tokens, dim]
mhaOutput = this.mhaNorm(input.add(mhaOutput))

let ffOutput = this.ff(mhaOutput) // shape [..., tokens, dim]
ffOutput = this.ffNorm(mhaOutput.add(ffOutput))

return ffOutput

* Transformer encoder as described by Vaswani et al containing an arbitrary number of {@link TransformerEncoderLayer | TransformerEncoderLayers}.
* This module includes the {@link TransformerPositionalEncoding | positional encoding}, but does not include any initial embedding of an input sequence into vectors (which should have been separately done by e.g. word2vec).
export class TransformerEncoder extends Module {
private dim: number
private heads: number
private depth: number
private attentionDim: number
private feedForwardDim: number
private positional: TransformerPositionalEncoding
private layers: Sequential

* @param dim - Number of dimensions of the input embeddings
* @param heads - Number of heads for the multi-head attention
* @param depth - Number of encoder layers
* @param attentionDim - Number of dimensions of the embeddings used in the scaled dot-product attention, or `dim` if not specified
* @param feedForwardDim - Number of dimensions in the hidden layer of the feed forward network, or `dim` if not specified
* @param initSequenceLength - Initial sequence length that the positional embedding should be computed for, or {@link TransformerPositionalEncoding.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_LENGTH} if not specified
dim: number,
heads: number,
depth: number,
attentionDim?: number,
feedForwardDim?: number,
initSequenceLength?: number
) {

this.dim = dim
this.heads = heads
this.depth = depth
if (attentionDim === undefined) {
this.attentionDim = dim
} else {
this.attentionDim = attentionDim
if (feedForwardDim === undefined) {
this.feedForwardDim = dim
} else {
this.feedForwardDim = feedForwardDim

if (feedForwardDim === undefined) {
this.positional = new TransformerPositionalEncoding(this.dim)
} else {
this.positional = new TransformerPositionalEncoding(this.dim, initSequenceLength)

const layers: TransformerEncoderLayer[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) {
new TransformerEncoderLayer(this.dim, this.heads, this.attentionDim, this.feedForwardDim)
this.layers = new Sequential(...layers)

* @param input - Input Tensor of shape `[..., tokens, dim]`
* @returns A Tensor of shape `[..., tokens, dim]`
forward(input: Tensor): Tensor {
// shape [..., tokens, dim]
const positionalEncoding = this.positional(input.shape[input.shape.length - 2]) // shape [tokens, dim]

let output = input.add(positionalEncoding) // shape [..., tokens, dim]
output = this.layers(output) // shape [..., tokens, dim]
return output

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