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React Native Pokedex

Learning goals

Upon completion of this project, you will be able to:

  • Install and use React Native Stack Navigator.
  • Create a React Native app with multiple screens.
  • Consume the Pokemon API to obtain information about pokemons.
  • Use context and useReducer to manage information about pokemons.
  • View the details of a pokemon.
  • Render a list of pokemons.
  • Create a form to add a new pokemon to the list.
  • Create the styles of the application.


With these project you should be able to create a React Native application that allows us to view a list of pokemons, add new pokemons to the list, and view the details of each pokemon. To achieve this, we will use the Pokemon API and the React Navigation library to handle navigation between screens.


Start by setting up the development environment, if you have done before. Follow instructions to fullfill this task. Next, create a new application and run Metro and android (or ios) to see app running on terminal.

You should build your own github repo.


Include the apk or ipa file inside your github repository and share the repo link through slack.


This is how the app should look like:



Iteration 1: Create the application structure

  • Create a src folder at the root of the project.
  • Create a navigation folder at the root of the project.
  • Create a components folder inside src.
  • Create a screens folder inside src.
  • Create a hooks folder inside src.
  • Create a context folder inside src.

Iteration 2: Create the navigation

  • Install Stack Navigator from React Navigation.
  • Create a file inside navigation called AppNavigator.js.
  • Create an AppNavigator component that renders a Stack Navigator with three screens: Home, PokemonDetail, and AddPokemon.
  • Set up the route configuration for each screen.
  • Use the AppNavigator component in App.tsx.

Note: Don't forget to type the props of AppNavigator with PropTypes.

Iteration 3: Create the context

  • Configure the application's context. Remember to use useReducer to manage the application state.
  • Provide the context to the application.

Note: Don't forget to create all the necessary types for the context.

Iteration 4: Create the screens

  • Create a HomeScreen component that renders a SafeAreaView with a FlatList displaying the list of pokemons.
  • Create a PokemonDetailScreen component that renders a SafeAreaView with the information of the pokemon.
  • Create an AddPokemonScreen component that renders a SafeAreaView with a form to add a new pokemon to the list.

Iteration 5: Fetch and render the list of pokemons

  • Create a hook called useFetch that allows us to make requests to the Pokemon API (you can use axios.create to create an axios instance with the base URL of the API).
  • Fetch the list of pokemons using the useFetch hook and save it in the context state. You can use the following endpoint:
  • For now, render only a list of the pokemon names on the HomeScreen using the context.

Note: Don't forget to create all the necessary types for the useFetch hook.

Iteration 6: Create the PokemonList and PokemonCard components

  • Create a PokemonList component that receives the list of pokemons as a prop and renders a FlatList with the pokemons.
  • For the renderItem, create and use a PokemonCard component that receives the pokemon as a prop and renders the pokemon's name, number (id), and image.
  • Tip: You'll need to create a function that allows you to get the id of a pokemon from its URL, and you can use the following endpoint to get a pokemon's image:${id}.png
  • Use the PokemonList component on the HomeScreen.

Note: The PokemonCard component should allow the user to navigate to the PokemonDetailScreen when clicked on.

Iteration 7: Fetch and render the details of a pokemon

  • Fetch the information of a pokemon using the useFetch hook and save it in the context state. You can use the following endpoint:${id}
  • Use the context to get the pokemon information on the PokemonDetailScreen and render its name, number (id), image, type, and abilities.
  • You can create a PokemonDetail component to render the pokemon information or render it directly on the PokemonDetailScreen.
  • Create a button that allows the user to navigate to the AddPokemonScreen, and make sure the navigation between screens works correctly.

Iteration 8: Create the form to add a new pokemon

  • Create a form on the AddPokemonScreen that allows the user to add a new pokemon to the list.
  • The form should have the following fields: name, number (id), image, type, and abilities.
  • Add validations to the form fields.
  • When the form is submitted, the new pokemon should be added to the list of pokemons, and the user should be redirected to the HomeScreen.
  • Use the context to add the new pokemon to the list and ensure that the list updates correctly. You can create a new state in the context to store the new pokemon.

Iteration 9: Create the application styles

  • Create a file theme.js inside src and export an object with the application's colors.
  • Create a file styles.js inside src and export an object with the application's styles.
  • The styles are up to you, but make sure the application looks good on both iOS and Android. You can also use the design of the example application as a reference.


  • Create a new Screen PokemonSearchScreen that allows the user to search for a pokemon by its name or number (id).
  • Integrate the Bottom Tabs Navigator to create navigation between the HomeScreen and PokemonSearchScreen.

Happy coding! 💙


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