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5. GUI version (Linux)

fadilla-wahyudi edited this page May 16, 2021 · 8 revisions

GUI version (Linux)


To make things easy to visualise and use, you can opt to download the GUI version.

First, click here to download the GUI version. Then, give the file executable permissions.

chmod +x finemav_GUI

Then launch the GUI.



Refer to the Running FineMAV page to find the checklist of the fields that need to be included in the input files.

The test files can be found in this repository in the "test_files" directory. To clone this repository, do this:

git clone

Then navigate to the "test_files" directory.

cd finemav
cd test_files
Input file Prefix Reference genome VEP file (supplementary file)
VCF_AllFields.txt testrun hg19 None

Input file Prefix Reference genome VEP file (supplementary file)
VCF_no_AA.txt testrun hg19 VEP_AA.txt

Input file Prefix Reference genome VEP file (supplementary file)
VCF_no_CADDPHRED.txt testrun hg19 VEP_CADDPHRED.txt

Input file Prefix Reference genome VEP file (supplementary file)
VCF_no_AA_CADDPHRED.txt testrun hg19 VEP_AA_CADDPHRED.txt