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Table component with VanillaJS DEMO


  • NPM
npm install pyrite-table
<script src="pyrite-table.min.js"></script>


  • ES6
import Table from 'pyrite-table';

const config = { ... };
const model = [{ ... }, ... ];

Table.load(config, model);
  • CommonJS
const Table = require('pyrite-table');

const config = { ... };
const model = [{ ... }, ... ];

Table.load(config, model);
  • Single-file
var config = { ... };
var model = [{ ... }, ... ];

pyrite.Table.load(config, model);


	table: "id-table",
	loading: "id-loading",

	fields: [{
		title: "Col Title",
		field: "", // Optional if there is a custom template.
		id: "id-for-filtering", // Use only when has a field value.
		autorefresh: Number, // Optional: Number of miliseconds.
		template: (row) => { // Optional: Custom template function.
			return `<a href="mailto:${row.field_name}">${row.field_name}</a>`;
		order: (a, b) => { // Optional: Custom order function or disabled if is equal to false.
			if (a.field_name > b.field_name) return 1;
			else if (a.field_name < b.field_name) return -1;
			return 0;
	}, ... ],

	search: {
		id: "id-for-global-search",
		fields: ["", "", ... ] // Optional: By default all fields.

	text: {
		id: "id-text"

	pagination: {
		id: "id-pagination",
		limit: Number // Number of results per page.


	"name": "Pepe",
	"lastname": "Garcia",
	"age": 21,
	"city": "Gijon"
}, {
	"name": "Jose",
	"lastname": "Alonso",
	"age": 12,
	"city": "Oviedo"
}, {
	"name": "Maria",
	"lastname": "Fernandez",
	"age": 22,
	"city": "Aviles"
}, {
	"name": "Pepa",
	"lastname": "Rodriguez",
	"age": 33,
	"city": "Loroñe"
}, ... ]