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asset admin ui sharded
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will-r committed Mar 14, 2009
1 parent cc96888 commit e20a79d
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Showing 7 changed files with 209 additions and 94 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions README
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Paperclipped

Paperclip is a new file management plugin from Thoughtbot which has a few advantages over attachment_fu: it doesn't use RMagick, which uses a lot of RAM and is a bit of overkill for just making thumbnails. Instead it directly uses ImageMagick, making it much easier to install.


This version of paperclipped adds UI regions to the admin interface for the benefit of eg. multisite and other admin extensions.


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32 changes: 18 additions & 14 deletions app/views/assets/_form.html.haml
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
%label{ :for => "asset_title" } Title
= form.text_field :title, :class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 100
#extended-metadata{ :class => "row", :style => "display: none" }
%table.fieldset{ :cellpadding => "0", :cellspacing => "0", :border => "0" }
%label{ :for => "asset_caption" } Caption
= form.text_field :caption, :class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 255
%a{ :id => "more-extended-metadata", :href => "#", :onclick => "#{toggle_javascript_for('extended-metadata')}; return false;" } More
%a{ :id => "less-extended-metadata", :href => "#", :onclick => "#{toggle_javascript_for('extended-metadata')}; return false;", :style => "display: none" } Less
= render_region :form_top
- render_region :form do |form|
- form.edit_title do
%label{ :for => "asset_title" } Title
= f.text_field :title, :class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 100
- form.edit_metadata do
#extended-metadata{ :class => "row", :style => "display: none" }
%table.fieldset{ :cellpadding => "0", :cellspacing => "0", :border => "0" }
%label{ :for => "asset_caption" } Caption
= f.text_field :caption, :class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 255
%a{ :id => "more-extended-metadata", :href => "#", :onclick => "#{toggle_javascript_for('extended-metadata')}; return false;" } More
%a{ :id => "less-extended-metadata", :href => "#", :onclick => "#{toggle_javascript_for('extended-metadata')}; return false;", :style => "display: none" } Less

63 changes: 35 additions & 28 deletions app/views/assets/edit.html.haml
@@ -1,36 +1,43 @@
- include_stylesheet 'admin/assets'
= render_region :top

%h1= "Edit Asset"
- form_for :asset, :url => asset_path(@asset), :html => { :method => "put", :multipart => true } do |form|
= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :form => form }
- render_region :main do |main|
- main.edit_header do
%h1= "Edit Asset"

= "Filename: #{@asset.asset_file_name unless @asset.new_record?}"
- if @asset.image?
= image_tag @asset.thumbnail(Radiant::Config['assets.display_size'].to_sym)
- else
= link_to image_tag(@asset.thumbnail(:thumbnail)), @asset.asset.url
= updated_stamp @asset

%label.upload Replace File
= form.file_field :asset, :class => "", :style => "width: 100%"
- main.edit_form do
- form_for :asset, :url => asset_path(@asset), :html => { :method => "put", :multipart => true } do |f|
= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :f => f }

= "Filename: #{@asset.asset_file_name unless @asset.new_record?}"
- if @asset.image?
= image_tag @asset.thumbnail(Radiant::Config['assets.display_size'].to_sym)
- else
= link_to image_tag(@asset.thumbnail(:thumbnail)), @asset.asset.url
= updated_stamp @asset

= save_model_button(@asset)
= save_model_and_continue_editing_button(@asset)
= link_to "Cancel", assets_url
- if current_user.admin? or current_user.developer?
You can regenerate the asset thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.
%label.upload Replace File
= f.file_field :asset, :class => "", :style => "width: 100%"

= save_model_button(@asset)
= save_model_and_continue_editing_button(@asset)
= link_to "Cancel", assets_url

- main.edit_regenerate do
- if current_user.admin? or current_user.developer?
You can regenerate the asset thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.

- form_tag refresh_assets_path(@asset) do
%input.button{ :type => "submit", :value => "Regenerate" }
- form_tag refresh_assets_path(@asset) do
%input.button{ :type => "submit", :value => "Regenerate" }

Expand Down
129 changes: 93 additions & 36 deletions app/views/assets/index.html.haml
@@ -1,42 +1,99 @@
- include_stylesheet 'admin/assets'
= render_region :top

%h1 Assets
- render_region :preamble do |preamble|
- preamble.header do
%h1 Assets

Assets and images can be uploaded and then attached or inserted into pages, snippets and layouts.
Click on a asset name below to edit it or click <code>Remove</code> to delete it.

%p= link_to image_tag('assets/new-asset.png', :alt => 'New Asset'), new_asset_path

- form_tag(assets_url,:id => 'filesearchform', :method => 'get') do
= link_to "Images", "#"
= link_to "Others", "#"
= link_to "Audio", "#"
= link_to "Movies", "#"

#type_boxes{ :style => "display: none" }
= check_box_tag 'filter[audio]', '1', false, :id => 'audio-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[image]', '1', false, :id => 'images-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[other]', '1', false, :id => 'others-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[movie]', '1', false, :id => 'movies-check'

%label Search
%input{ :type => "text", :id => "search", :name => "search" }
= observe_field 'search', :frequency => 1, :update => 'assets_table', :url => { :controller => 'assets', :action=> 'index' }, :method => 'get', :with => "'search=' + escape(value)"
- preamble.explanation do
Assets and images can be uploaded and then attached or inserted into pages, snippets and layouts.
Click on a asset name below to edit it or click <code>Remove</code> to delete it.

- preamble.new_button do
%p= link_to image_tag('assets/new-asset.png', :alt => 'New Asset'), new_asset_path

- preamble.filters do
- form_tag(assets_url,:id => 'filesearchform', :method => 'get') do
= link_to "Images", "#"
= link_to "Others", "#"
= link_to "Audio", "#"
= link_to "Movies", "#"

#type_boxes{ :style => "display: none" }
= check_box_tag 'filter[audio]', '1', false, :id => 'audio-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[image]', '1', false, :id => 'images-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[other]', '1', false, :id => 'others-check'
= check_box_tag 'filter[movie]', '1', false, :id => 'movies-check'

%label Search
%input{ :type => "text", :id => "search", :name => "search" }
= observe_field 'search', :frequency => 1, :update => 'assets_table', :url => { :controller => 'assets', :action=> 'index' }, :method => 'get', :with => "'search=' + escape(value)"

= render :partial => 'asset_table'

= render :partial => 'assets_container'

- if current_user.admin?
You can regenerate all thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.
%table{ :class => "index", :cellpadding => "0", :cellspacing => "0", :border => "0"}
- render_region :thead do |thead|
- thead.thumbnail_header do
%th.asset Image
- thead.title_header do
%th.asset-title Title
- thead.content_type_header do
%th.content_type Type
- thead.modify_header do
%th.modify{ :colspan =>"2"} Modify

- unless @assets.empty?
- for asset in @assets
- render_region :tbody do |tbody|
- tbody.thumbnail_cell do
- asset_id = "asset_#{}"
= link_to image_tag(asset.thumbnail(:icon)), edit_asset_url(:id => asset), :class => 'icon'
- tbody.title_cell do
= link_to asset.title, edit_asset_url(:id =>
= asset.caption
- tbody.content_type_cell do
= asset.asset_content_type
- tbody.bucket_cell do
= link_to_remote(image_tag('assets/add-to-bucket.png', :alt => 'Add to Bucket'), :url => add_bucket_url(:id => asset))
- tbody.remove_cell do
= link_to image_tag('admin/remove.png', :alt => 'Remove Asset'), remove_asset_url(:id => asset)
- else
- render_region :tbody do |tbody|
%td.note{ :colspan => "5" }
No Assets

- render_region :pagination do
= will_paginate @assets

%script{ :type => "text/javascript"}
// <! [CDATA[
new RuledTable('assets')

- render_region :assets_container do
= render :partial => 'assets_container'

- form_tag refresh_assets_path do
%input.button{ :type => "submit", :value => "Regenerate" }
- render_region :bottom do |bottom|
- bottom.regenerate do
- if current_user.admin?
You can regenerate all thumbnails here. Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server.
- form_tag refresh_assets_path do
%input.button{ :type => "submit", :value => "Regenerate" }
38 changes: 22 additions & 16 deletions app/views/assets/new.html.haml
@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
- include_stylesheet 'admin/assets'
= render_region :top

%h1= "New Asset"
- render_region :main do |main|
- main.edit_header do
%h1= "New Asset"
Choose an asset to upload here. If the <code>Title</code> field is left blank, the filename (without the file type) will be automatically added.
By clicking on <code>More</code>, you can add a caption as well.

Choose an asset to upload here. If the <code>Title</code> field is left blank, the filename (without the file type) will be automatically added.
By clicking on <code>More</code>, you can add a caption as well.

- form_for :asset, :url => assets_path, :html => { :method => "post", :multipart => true } do |form|
= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :form => form }
%label.upload Choose a file to upload
= form.file_field :asset, :class => "", :style => "width: 100%"
- main.edit_form do
- form_for :asset, :url => assets_path, :html => { :method => "post", :multipart => true } do |f|
= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :f => f }

%label.upload Choose a file to upload
= f.file_field :asset, :class => "", :style => "width: 100%"

= save_model_button(@asset)
= save_model_and_continue_editing_button(@asset)
= link_to "Cancel", assets_url
= save_model_button(@asset)
= save_model_and_continue_editing_button(@asset)
= link_to "Cancel", assets_url

= main.edit_regenerate
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions lib/assets_admin_ui.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module AssetsAdminUI

def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do

attr_accessor :asset
alias_method :assets, :asset


def load_default_asset_regions
returning do |asset|
asset.edit = do |edit|
edit.main.concat %w{edit_header edit_form edit_regenerate}
edit.form.concat %w{edit_title edit_metadata}
asset.index = do |index|
index.preamble.concat %w{header explanation new_button filters}
index.thead.concat %w{thumbnail_header title_header content_type_header modify_header}
index.tbody.concat %w{thumbnail_cell title_cell content_type_cell bucket_cell remove_cell}
index.bottom.concat %w{regenerate}
asset.remove = asset.index = asset.edit


5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions paperclipped_extension.rb
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ class PaperclippedExtension < Radiant::Extension

def activate
require_dependency 'application'

unless defined? admin.asset
Radiant::AdminUI.send :include, AssetsAdminUI
admin.asset = Radiant::AdminUI.load_default_asset_regions # UI is a singleton and already loaded

%w{page}.each do |view|
admin.send(view).edit.add :main, "/assets/show_bucket_link", :before => "edit_header"
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