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Math Notations

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# Math notations # Math notations
$\log{2}8$ $\log_{2} 8$
$\lg8$ $\lg8$
$\ln8$ $\ln8$
$\int y \mathrm{d}x$ $\int y \mathrm{d}x$
Symbol Symbol
$\alpha$ $\alpha$
$A$ $A$
$\beta$ $\beta$
$B$ $B$
$\gamma$ $\gamma$
$\Gamma$ $\Gamma$
$\pi$ $\pi$
$\Pi$ $\Pi$
$\phi$ $\phi$
$\Phi$ $\Phi$
$\varphi$ $\varphi$
$\theta$ $\theta$
Operators Operators
Symbol Symbol
$\cos$ $\cos$
$\sin$ $\sin$
$\lim$ $\lim$
$\exp$ $\exp$
$\to$ $\to$
$\infty$ $\infty$
$\equiv$ $\equiv$
$\bmod$ $\bmod$
$\times$ $\times$
Power and Indices Power and Indices
Symbol Symbol
$k_{n+1}$ $k_{n+1}$
$n^2$ $n^2$
$k_n^2$ $k_n^2$
Fractions and Binomials Fractions and Binomials
Symbol Symbol
$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ $\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$
$\binom{n}{k}$ $\binom{n}{k}$
$\frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$ $\frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$
$^3/_7$ $^3/_7$
Roots Roots
Symbol Symbol
$\sqrt{k}$ $\sqrt{k}$
$\sqrt[n]{k}$ $\sqrt[n]{k}$
Sums and Integrals Sums and Integrals
Symbol Symbol
$\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$ $\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$
$\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x},\mathrm{d}x$ $\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x},\mathrm{d}x$
$\sum$ $\sum$
$\prod$ $\prod$
$\coprod$ $\coprod$
$\bigoplus$ $\bigoplus$
$\bigotimes$ $\bigotimes$
$\bigodot$ $\bigodot$
$\bigcup$ $\bigcup$
$\bigcap$ $\bigcap$
$\biguplus$ $\biguplus$
$\bigsqcup$ $\bigsqcup$
$\bigvee$ $\bigvee$
$\bigwedge$ $\bigwedge$
$\int$ $\int$
$\oint$ $\oint$
$\iint$ $\iint$
$\iiint$ $\iiint$
$\int\limits_a^b$ $\int\limits_a^b$
Symbol Symbol
$a’$ $a^{\prime}$ $a’$ $a^{\prime}$
$a’’$ $a’’$
$\hat{a}$ $\hat{a}$
$\bar{a}$ $\bar{a}$
$\grave{a}$ $\grave{a}$
$\acute{a}$ $\acute{a}$
$\dot{a}$ $\dot{a}$
$\ddot{a}$ $\ddot{a}$
$\not{a}$ $\not{a}$
$\mathring{a}$ $\mathring{a}$
$\overrightarrow{AB}$ $\overrightarrow{AB}$
$\overleftarrow{AB}$ $\overleftarrow{AB}$
$a’’’$ $a’’’$
$\overline{aaa}$ $\overline{aaa}$
$\check{a}$ $\check{a}$
$\vec{a}$ $\vec{a}$
$\underline{a}$ $\underline{a}$
$\color{red}x$ $\color{red}x$
$\pm$ $\pm$
$\mp$ $\mp$
$\int y \mathrm{d}x$ $\int y \mathrm{d}x$
$,$ $,$
$:$ $:$
$;$ $;$
$!$ $!$
$\int y, \mathrm{d}x$ $\int y, \mathrm{d}x$
$\dots$ $\dots$
$\ldots$ $\ldots$
$\cdots$ $\cdots$
$\vdots$ $\vdots$
$\ddots$ $\ddots$
Brackets etc Brackets etc
Symbol Script Symbol Script
$(a)$ (a) $(a)$ (a)
$[a]$ [a] $[a]$ [a]
${a}$ {a} ${a}$ {a}
$\langle f \rangle$ $\langle f \rangle$
$\lfloor f \rfloor$ $\lfloor f \rfloor$
$\lceil f \rceil$ $\lceil f \rceil$
$\ulcorner f \urcorner$ $\ulcorner f \urcorner$
$\idotsint $ $\idotsint $
$\sum_{\substack{0<i<m,0<j<n}} P(i, j)$ $\sum_{\substack{0&lt;i&lt;m,0&lt;j&lt;n}} P(i, j)$