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Fail2Ban not ban on Ubuntu 16.04.2 #1700

fabienlege opened this issue Feb 21, 2017 · 4 comments

Fail2Ban not ban on Ubuntu 16.04.2 #1700

fabienlege opened this issue Feb 21, 2017 · 4 comments


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fabienlege commented Feb 21, 2017

My system :

Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release:	16.04
Codename:	xenial

Fail2Ban version : 0.9.3

My /etc/fail2ban/jail.local:

# WARNING: heavily refactored in 0.9.0 release.  Please review and
#          customize settings for your setup.
# Changes:  in most of the cases you should not modify this
#           file, but provide customizations in jail.local file,
#           or separate .conf files under jail.d/ directory, e.g.:
# It will probably be overwritten or improved in a distribution update.
# Provide customizations in a jail.local file or a jail.d/customisation.local.
# For example to change the default bantime for all jails and to enable the
# ssh-iptables jail the following (uncommented) would appear in the .local file.
# See man 5 jail.conf for details.
#bantime = 3600
# [sshd]
# enabled = true
# See jail.conf(5) man page for more information

# Comments: use '#' for comment lines and ';' (following a space) for inline comments


#before = paths-distro.conf
before = paths-debian.conf

# The DEFAULT allows a global definition of the options. They can be overridden
# in each jail afterwards.



# "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not
# ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be
# defined using space separator.
ignoreip =,

# External command that will take an tagged arguments to ignore, e.g. <ip>,
# and return true if the IP is to be ignored. False otherwise.
# ignorecommand = /path/to/command <ip>
ignorecommand =

# "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned.
bantime  = 3600

# A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime"
# seconds.
findtime  = 600

# "maxretry" is the number of failures before a host get banned.
maxretry = 3

# "backend" specifies the backend used to get files modification.
# Available options are "pyinotify", "gamin", "polling", "systemd" and "auto".
# This option can be overridden in each jail as well.
# pyinotify: requires pyinotify (a file alteration monitor) to be installed.
#              If pyinotify is not installed, Fail2ban will use auto.
# gamin:     requires Gamin (a file alteration monitor) to be installed.
#              If Gamin is not installed, Fail2ban will use auto.
# polling:   uses a polling algorithm which does not require external libraries.
# systemd:   uses systemd python library to access the systemd journal.
#              Specifying "logpath" is not valid for this backend.
#              See "journalmatch" in the jails associated filter config
# auto:      will try to use the following backends, in order:
#              pyinotify, gamin, polling.
# Note: if systemd backend is choses as the default but you enable a jail
#       for which logs are present only in its own log files, specify some other
#       backend for that jail (e.g. polling) and provide empty value for
#       journalmatch. See
backend = auto

# "usedns" specifies if jails should trust hostnames in logs,
#   warn when DNS lookups are performed, or ignore all hostnames in logs
# yes:   if a hostname is encountered, a DNS lookup will be performed.
# warn:  if a hostname is encountered, a DNS lookup will be performed,
#        but it will be logged as a warning.
# no:    if a hostname is encountered, will not be used for banning,
#        but it will be logged as info.
usedns = warn

# "logencoding" specifies the encoding of the log files handled by the jail
#   This is used to decode the lines from the log file.
#   Typical examples:  "ascii", "utf-8"
#   auto:   will use the system locale setting
logencoding = auto

# "enabled" enables the jails.
#  By default all jails are disabled, and it should stay this way.
#  Enable only relevant to your setup jails in your .local or jail.d/*.conf
# true:  jail will be enabled and log files will get monitored for changes
# false: jail is not enabled
enabled = false

# "filter" defines the filter to use by the jail.
#  By default jails have names matching their filter name
filter = %(__name__)s


# Some options used for actions

# Destination email address used solely for the interpolations in
# jail.{conf,local,d/*} configuration files.
destemail = root@localhost

# Sender email address used solely for some actions
sender = root@localhost

# E-mail action. Since 0.8.1 Fail2Ban uses sendmail MTA for the
# mailing. Change mta configuration parameter to mail if you want to
# revert to conventional 'mail'.
mta = sendmail

# Default protocol
protocol = tcp

# Specify chain where jumps would need to be added in iptables-* actions
chain = INPUT

# Ports to be banned
# Usually should be overridden in a particular jail
port = 0:65535

# Action shortcuts. To be used to define action parameter

# Default banning action (e.g. iptables, iptables-new,
# iptables-multiport, shorewall, etc) It is used to define
# action_* variables. Can be overridden globally or per
# section within jail.local file
banaction = iptables-multiport

# The simplest action to take: ban only
action_ = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s", port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]

# ban & send an e-mail with whois report to the destemail.
action_mw = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s", port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]
            %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]

# ban & send an e-mail with whois report and relevant log lines
# to the destemail.
action_mwl = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s", port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]
             %(mta)s-whois-lines[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", logpath=%(logpath)s, chain="%(chain)s"]

# See the IMPORTANT note in action.d/xarf-login-attack for when to use this action
# ban & send a xarf e-mail to abuse contact of IP address and include relevant log lines
# to the destemail.
action_xarf = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s", port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]
             xarf-login-attack[service=%(__name__)s, sender="%(sender)s", logpath=%(logpath)s, port="%(port)s"]

# ban IP on CloudFlare & send an e-mail with whois report and relevant log lines
# to the destemail.
action_cf_mwl = cloudflare[cfuser="%(cfemail)s", cftoken="%(cfapikey)s"]
                %(mta)s-whois-lines[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", logpath=%(logpath)s, chain="%(chain)s"]

# Report block via fail2ban reporting service API
# See the IMPORTANT note in action.d/blocklist_de.conf for when to
# use this action. Create a file jail.d/blocklist_de.local containing
# [Init]
# blocklist_de_apikey = {api key from registration]
action_blocklist_de  = blocklist_de[email="%(sender)s", service=%(filter)s, apikey="%(blocklist_de_apikey)s"]

# Report ban via, and use as blacklist
# See BadIPsAction docstring in config/action.d/ for
# documentation for this action.
# NOTE: This action relies on banaction being present on start and therefore
# should be last action defined for a jail.
action_badips =[category="%(name)s", banaction="%(banaction)s"]

# Choose default action.  To change, just override value of 'action' with the
# interpolation to the chosen action shortcut (e.g.  action_mw, action_mwl, etc) in jail.local
# globally (section [DEFAULT]) or per specific section
action = %(action_)s


# SSH servers


port    = ssh
logpath = %(sshd_log)s

# This jail corresponds to the standard configuration in Fail2ban.
# The mail-whois action send a notification e-mail with a whois request
# in the body.
port    = ssh
logpath = %(sshd_log)s


port     = ssh
logpath  = %(dropbear_log)s


port     = ssh
logpath  = %(auditd_log)s
maxretry = 5

# HTTP servers


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s

# Ban hosts which agent identifies spammer robots crawling the web
# for email addresses. The mail outputs are buffered.
port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_access_log)s
bantime  = 172800
maxretry = 1


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 6


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 2


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 2


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 2


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_access_log)s
maxretry = 1
ignorecommand = %(ignorecommands_dir)s/apache-fakegooglebot <ip>


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 2


port    = http,https
logpath = %(apache_error_log)s
maxretry = 1


port    = http,https
logpath = %(nginx_error_log)s


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(nginx_error_log)s
maxretry = 2

# Ban attackers that try to use PHP's URL-fopen() functionality
# through GET/POST variables. - Experimental, with more than a year
# of usage in production environments.


port    = http,https
logpath = %(nginx_access_log)s


port    = http,https
logpath = %(suhosin_log)s

# Same as above for Apache's mod_auth
# It catches wrong authentifications
port    = http,https
logpath = %(lighttpd_error_log)s

# Webmail and groupware servers


port     = http,https
logpath  = logpath = %(roundcube_errors_log)s


port     = http,https
logpath  = /var/log/openwebmail.log


port     = http,https
logpath  = /var/log/horde/horde.log


port     = http,https
logpath  = /home/groupoffice/log/info.log

# Monitor SOGo groupware server
# without proxy this would be:
# port    = 20000
port     = http,https
logpath  = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log


logpath  = /var/log/tine20/tine20.log
port     = http,https
maxretry = 5

# Web Applications


port     = http,https
logpath  = %(syslog_daemon)s


port     = http,https
logpath  = /var/log/tomcat*/catalina.out

#Ban clients brute-forcing the monit gui login
filter   = monit
port = 2812
logpath  = /var/log/monit


port    = 10000
logpath = %(syslog_authpriv)s


port    = http,https
logpath  = %(syslog_authpriv)s

# HTTP Proxy servers


port     =  80,443,3128,8080
logpath = /var/log/squid/access.log


port    = 3128
logpath = /var/log/3proxy.log

# FTP servers


enabled  = true
port     = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
logpath  = %(proftpd_log)s
filter	 = proftpd
maxretry = 3


port     = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
logpath  = %(pureftpd_log)s
maxretry = 6


port     = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
logpath  = %(syslog_daemon)s
maxretry = 6


port     = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
logpath  = %(wuftpd_log)s
maxretry = 6

# or overwrite it in jails.local to be
# logpath = %(syslog_authpriv)s
# if you want to rely on PAM failed login attempts
# vsftpd's failregex should match both of those formats
port     = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
logpath  = %(vsftpd_log)s

# Mail servers

# ASSP SMTP Proxy Jail

port     = smtp,465,submission
logpath  = /root/path/to/assp/logs/maillog.txt


port     = smtp,465,submission
logpath  = %(syslog_mail)s


port     = smtp,465,submission
logpath  = %(postfix_log)s


port     = smtp,465,submission
logpath  = %(syslog_mail)s
maxretry = 1


port    = submission,465,smtp
logpath = %(syslog_mail)s


port     = smtp,465,submission
logpath  = %(syslog_mail)s


filter  = qmail
port    = smtp,465,submission
logpath = /service/qmail/log/main/current

# dovecot defaults to logging to the mail syslog facility
# but can be set by syslog_facility in the dovecot configuration.

port    = pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,465,sieve
logpath = %(dovecot_log)s


port   = smtp,465,submission
logpath = %(dovecot_log)s


port    = pop3,pop3s
logpath = %(solidpop3d_log)s


port   = smtp,465,submission
logpath = %(exim_main_log)s


port   = smtp,465,submission
logpath = %(exim_main_log)s


port    = imap,smtp,imaps,465
logpath = /opt/kerio/mailserver/store/logs/security.log

# Mail servers authenticators: might be used for smtp,ftp,imap servers, so
# all relevant ports get banned


port     = smtp,465,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
logpath  = %(syslog_mail)s


port     = smtp,465,submission,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
# You might consider monitoring /var/log/mail.warn instead if you are
# running postfix since it would provide the same log lines at the
# "warn" level but overall at the smaller filesize.
logpath  = %(postfix_log)s


port   = imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s
logpath = %(syslog_mail)s


port = smtp,465,submission,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s,http,https,socks
logpath = /var/lib/squirrelmail/prefs/squirrelmail_access_log


port   = imap3,imaps
logpath = %(syslog_mail)s


port   = imap3,imaps
logpath = %(syslog_mail)s

# DNS servers

# !!! WARNING !!!
#   Since UDP is connection-less protocol, spoofing of IP and imitation
#   of illegal actions is way too simple.  Thus enabling of this filter
#   might provide an easy way for implementing a DoS against a chosen
#   victim. See
#   Please DO NOT USE this jail unless you know what you are doing.
# IMPORTANT: see filter.d/named-refused for instructions to enable logging
# This jail blocks UDP traffic for DNS requests.
# [named-refused-udp]
# filter   = named-refused
# port     = domain,953
# protocol = udp
# logpath  = /var/log/named/security.log

# IMPORTANT: see filter.d/named-refused for instructions to enable logging
# This jail blocks TCP traffic for DNS requests.


port     = domain,953
logpath  = /var/log/named/security.log


port     = 53
action   = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, port="%(port)s", protocol="tcp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-tcp]
           %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, port="%(port)s", protocol="udp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-udp]
logpath = /var/log/nsd.log

# Miscellaneous


port     = 5060,5061
action   = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, port="%(port)s", protocol="tcp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-tcp]
           %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, port="%(port)s", protocol="udp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-udp]
           %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s"]
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/messages
maxretry = 10


port     = 5060,5061
action   = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, port="%(port)s", protocol="tcp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-tcp]
           %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, port="%(port)s", protocol="udp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-udp]
           %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s"]
logpath  = /var/log/freeswitch.log
maxretry = 10

# To log wrong MySQL access attempts add to /etc/my.cnf in [mysqld] or
# equivalent section:
# log-warning = 2
# for syslog (daemon facility)
# [mysqld_safe]
# syslog
# for own logfile
# [mysqld]
# log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log

port     = 3306
logpath  = %(mysql_log)s
maxretry = 5

# Jail for more extended banning of persistent abusers
# !!! WARNINGS !!!
# 1. Make sure that your loglevel specified in fail2ban.conf/.local
#    is not at DEBUG level -- which might then cause fail2ban to fall into
#    an infinite loop constantly feeding itself with non-informative lines
# 2. Increase dbpurgeage defined in fail2ban.conf to e.g. 648000 (7.5 days)
#    to maintain entries for failed logins for sufficient amount of time

logpath  = /var/log/fail2ban.log
banaction = iptables-allports
bantime  = 604800  ; 1 week
findtime = 86400   ; 1 day
maxretry = 5

# Generic filter for PAM. Has to be used with action which bans all
# ports such as iptables-allports, shorewall

# pam-generic filter can be customized to monitor specific subset of 'tty's
#banaction = iptables-allports
#logpath  = %(syslog_authpriv)s


banaction = iptables-multiport-log
logpath   = %(syslog_daemon)s
maxretry  = 2

# stunnel - need to set port for this

logpath = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log


port    = 5222
logpath = /var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log


logpath = /opt/cstrike/logs/L[0-9]*.log
# Firewall:
tcpport = 27030,27031,27032,27033,27034,27035,27036,27037,27038,27039
udpport = 1200,27000,27001,27002,27003,27004,27005,27006,27007,27008,27009,27010,27011,27012,27013,27014,27015
action  = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-tcp, port="%(tcpport)s", protocol="tcp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-tcp]
           %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s-udp, port="%(udpport)s", protocol="udp", chain="%(chain)s", actname=%(banaction)s-udp]

# consider low maxretry and a long bantime
# nobody except your own Nagios server should ever probe nrpe

enabled  = false
logpath  = %(syslog_daemon)s     ; nrpe.cfg may define a different log_facility
maxretry = 1

# see "oracleims" filter file for configuration requirement for Oracle IMS v6 and above
enabled = false
logpath = /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/log/mail.log_current
maxretry = 6
banaction = iptables-allports

enabled = false
logpath = /var/log/directadmin/login.log
port = 2222

enabled  = false
logpath  = /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.history
maxretry = 1

# this pass2allow example allows FTP traffic after successful HTTP authentication
port         = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data
# knocking_url variable must be overridden to some secret value in filter.d/apache-pass.local
filter       = apache-pass
# access log of the website with HTTP auth
logpath      = %(apache_access_log)s
blocktype    = RETURN
returntype   = DROP
bantime      = 3600
maxretry     = 1
findtime     = 1


enabled = true
filter  = sshd
logpath  = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 3

My /var/log/auth.log:

Note : My rsyslog seam to correctly work because with "tail -f" command, a new sshd login attempt apear each second

Feb 21 12:42:14 scw-76ae65 sshd[28374]: Failed password for root from port 41983 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:14 scw-76ae65 sshd[28379]: Failed password for root from port 50615 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:15 scw-76ae65 sshd[28374]: Received disconnect from port 41983:11:  [preauth]
Feb 21 12:42:15 scw-76ae65 sshd[28374]: Disconnected from port 41983 [preauth]
Feb 21 12:42:15 scw-76ae65 sshd[28374]: PAM 2 more authentication failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Feb 21 12:42:16 scw-76ae65 sshd[28379]: Failed password for root from port 50615 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:17 scw-76ae65 sshd[28379]: Received disconnect from port 50615:11:  [preauth]
Feb 21 12:42:17 scw-76ae65 sshd[28379]: Disconnected from port 50615 [preauth]
Feb 21 12:42:17 scw-76ae65 sshd[28379]: PAM 2 more authentication failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Feb 21 12:42:17 scw-76ae65 sshd[28398]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Feb 21 12:42:19 scw-76ae65 sshd[28405]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Feb 21 12:42:19 scw-76ae65 sshd[28403]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Feb 21 12:42:19 scw-76ae65 sshd[28398]: Failed password for root from port 47581 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:21 scw-76ae65 sshd[28405]: Failed password for root from port 50365 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:21 scw-76ae65 sshd[28403]: Failed password for root from port 42134 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:22 scw-76ae65 sshd[28398]: Failed password for root from port 47581 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:23 scw-76ae65 sshd[28403]: Failed password for root from port 42134 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:23 scw-76ae65 sshd[28405]: Failed password for root from port 50365 ssh2
Feb 21 12:42:25 scw-76ae65 sshd[28398]: Failed password for root from port 47581 ssh2

My fail2ban-client status

|- Number of jail:	2
`- Jail list:	proftpd, ssh

My fail2ban-client status ssh:

Status for the jail: ssh
|- Filter
|  |- Currently failed:	0
|  |- Total failed:	0
|  `- File list:	/var/log/auth.log
`- Actions
   |- Currently banned:	0
   |- Total banned:	0
   `- Banned IP list:

My fail2ban-regex /var/log/auth.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sshd.conf:

Running tests

Use   failregex filter file : sshd, basedir: /etc/fail2ban
Use         maxlines : 10
Use         log file : /var/log/auth.log
Use         encoding : UTF-8


Failregex: 3149 total
|-  #) [# of hits] regular expression
|   3) [2288] ^\s*(<[^.]+\.[^.]+>)?\s*(?:\S+ )?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\] )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)?\s(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\])?\s*Failed \S+ for .*? from <HOST>(?: port \d*)?(?: ssh\d*)?(: (ruser .*|(\S+ ID \S+ \(serial \d+\) CA )?\S+ (?:[\da-f]{2}:){15}[\da-f]{2}(, client user ".*", client host ".*")?))?\s*$
|   5) [8] ^\s*(<[^.]+\.[^.]+>)?\s*(?:\S+ )?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\] )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)?\s(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\])?\s*[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .* from <HOST>\s*$
|  16) [853] ^\s*(<[^.]+\.[^.]+>)?\s*(?:\S+ )?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\] )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?(?:(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?sshd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)?\s(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\])?\s*pam_unix\(sshd:auth\):\s+authentication failure;\s*logname=\S*\s*uid=\d*\s*euid=\d*\s*tty=\S*\s*ruser=\S*\s*rhost=<HOST>\s.*$

Ignoreregex: 0 total

Date template hits:
|- [# of hits] date format
|  [6024] (?:DAY )?MON Day 24hour:Minute:Second(?:\.Microseconds)?(?: Year)?

Lines: 6024 lines, 0 ignored, 3149 matched, 2875 missed [processed in 13.42 sec]
Missed line(s): too many to print.  Use --print-all-missed to print all 2875 lines

My problem :

I don't understand why "Currently failed: 0" while a new fail appear each second in auth.log ?!

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sebres commented Feb 21, 2017

  1. You should don't copy the whole jail.conf into jail.local - it's wrong, your jail.local should contain your changes only, see
  2. fail2ban-regex find all failures, fail2ban find failures within findtime only and bans only IP-addresses that made maxretry attempts durung findtime.
  3. Did you see something flashy in fail2ban.log?
  4. What said dump of start parameters fail2ban-client -d | grep sshd?

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I've this errors in fail2ban.log:

2017-02-21 13:38:17,506 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:38:48,988 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:38:53,509 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:39:25,847 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:39:29,992 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:40:03,225 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:40:07,544 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:40:41,395 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:40:45,513 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:41:20,289 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:41:23,960 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:41:59,352 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:42:03,412 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:42:39,367 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:42:43,851 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:43:20,050 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:43:24,571 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:44:01,456 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:44:05,610 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:44:42,962 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:44:47,470 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:45:25,110 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:45:29,957 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:46:08,086 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:46:12,610 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:46:51,325 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:46:56,165 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:47:35,304 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:47:40,174 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:48:19,959 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:48:24,616 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:49:05,041 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:49:09,745 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:49:50,298 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:49:55,572 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:50:36,262 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:50:41,560 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:51:22,898 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:51:27,789 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:52:09,814 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:52:14,921 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:52:56,926 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:53:02,703 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:53:44,545 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:53:50,924 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:54:33,229 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:54:40,042 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:55:22,507 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:55:29,618 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:56:11,999 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:56:20,078 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:57:02,610 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:57:10,944 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:57:53,867 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:58:02,375 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:58:45,620 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:58:54,137 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:59:37,754 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 13:59:46,550 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 14:00:30,720 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 14:00:39,196 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 14:01:23,948 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton
2017-02-21 14:01:32,342 fail2ban.filterpyinotify[27771]: ERROR   Error in FilterPyinotify callback: illegal IP address string passed to inet_aton

fail2ban-client -d | grep sshd result:

['add', 'sshd', 'auto']
['set', 'sshd', 'bantime', 3600]
['set', 'sshd', 'logencoding', 'auto']
['set', 'sshd', 'findtime', 600]
['set', 'sshd', 'addignoreip', ',']
['set', 'sshd', 'addlogpath', '/var/log/auth.log', 'head']
['set', 'sshd', 'ignorecommand', '']
['set', 'sshd', 'maxretry', 3]
['set', 'sshd', 'usedns', 'warn']
['set', 'sshd', 'maxlines', '10']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error) for .* from <HOST>( via \\S+)?\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*(?:error: PAM: )?User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*Failed \\S+ for .*? from <HOST>(?: port \\d*)?(?: ssh\\d*)?(: (ruser .*|(\\S+ ID \\S+ \\(serial \\d+\\) CA )?\\S+ (?:[\\da-f]{2}:){15}[\\da-f]{2}(, client user ".*", client host ".*")?))?\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*ROOT LOGIN REFUSED.* FROM <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .* from <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because listed in DenyUsers\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because not in any group\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*refused connect from \\S+ \\(<HOST>\\)\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*Received disconnect from <HOST>: 3: \\S+: Auth fail$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups\\s*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', "^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups\\s*$"]
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)User .+ not allowed because account is locked<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Received disconnect from <HOST>: 11: .+ \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \\[preauth\\]<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Connection closed by <HOST> \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)Connection from <HOST> port \\d+(?: on \\S+ port \\d+)?<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*pam_unix\\(sshd:auth\\):\\s+authentication failure;\\s*logname=\\S*\\s*uid=\\d*\\s*euid=\\d*\\s*tty=\\S*\\s*ruser=\\S*\\s*rhost=<HOST>\\s.*$']
['set', 'sshd', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service', '+', '_COMM=sshd']
['set', 'sshd', 'addaction', 'iptables-multiport']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'actionstart', '<iptables> -N f2b-<name>\n<iptables> -A f2b-<name> -j <returntype>\n<iptables> -I <chain> -p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port> -j f2b-<name>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'actionban', '<iptables> -I f2b-<name> 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'actionstop', '<iptables> -D <chain> -p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port> -j f2b-<name>\n<iptables> -F f2b-<name>\n<iptables> -X f2b-<name>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'actionunban', '<iptables> -D f2b-<name> -s <ip> -j <blocktype>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'actioncheck', "<iptables> -n -L <chain> | grep -q 'f2b-<name>[ \\t]'"]
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/returntype', 'RETURN']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'bantime', '3600']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'port', 'ssh']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'protocol', 'tcp']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/chain', 'INPUT']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/lockingopt', '-w']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'lockingopt', '-w']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/port', 'ssh']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/protocol', 'tcp']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'name', 'sshd']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'chain', 'INPUT']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/name', 'default']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/iptables', 'iptables <lockingopt>']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'known/blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'returntype', 'RETURN']
['set', 'sshd', 'action', 'iptables-multiport', 'blocktype', 'REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error) for .* from <HOST>( via \\S+)?\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*(?:error: PAM: )?User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*Failed \\S+ for .*? from <HOST>(?: port \\d*)?(?: ssh\\d*)?(: (ruser .*|(\\S+ ID \\S+ \\(serial \\d+\\) CA )?\\S+ (?:[\\da-f]{2}:){15}[\\da-f]{2}(, client user ".*", client host ".*")?))?\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*ROOT LOGIN REFUSED.* FROM <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*[iI](?:llegal|nvalid) user .* from <HOST>\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because listed in DenyUsers\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because not in any group\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*refused connect from \\S+ \\(<HOST>\\)\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*Received disconnect from <HOST>: 3: \\S+: Auth fail$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because a group is listed in DenyGroups\\s*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', "^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*User .+ from <HOST> not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups\\s*$"]
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)User .+ not allowed because account is locked<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Received disconnect from <HOST>: 11: .+ \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \\[preauth\\]<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)(?:error: )?Connection closed by <HOST> \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^(?P<__prefix>\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*)Connection from <HOST> port \\d+(?: on \\S+ port \\d+)?<SKIPLINES>(?P=__prefix)Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for .+? \\[preauth\\]$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addfailregex', '^\\s*(<[^.]+\\.[^.]+>)?\\s*(?:\\S+ )?(?:kernel: \\[ *\\d+\\.\\d+\\] )?(?:@vserver_\\S+ )?(?:(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:\\s+[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?|[\\[\\(]?sshd(?:\\(\\S+\\))?[\\]\\)]?:?(?:\\[\\d+\\])?:?)?\\s(?:\\[ID \\d+ \\S+\\])?\\s*pam_unix\\(sshd:auth\\):\\s+authentication failure;\\s*logname=\\S*\\s*uid=\\d*\\s*euid=\\d*\\s*tty=\\S*\\s*ruser=\\S*\\s*rhost=<HOST>\\s.*$']
['set', 'ssh', 'addjournalmatch', '_SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service', '+', '_COMM=sshd']
['start', 'sshd']

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I'm sory, error come from this line in my jail.local:

ignoreip =,

Correct syntax is:

ignoreip =

(use space instead coma between each IP Address)

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sebres commented Feb 21, 2017

Since 0.9.4 we support comma and space there (see gh-1198).

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