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brantfaircloth committed Jul 10, 2019
1 parent b5419e6 commit 169d233
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150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions protocols-computer/assembly/polishing-with-pilon.rst
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.. include:: ../../links.rst
.. |date| date:: %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z (%z)

.. _PolishingWithPilon:

Polishing Assemblies with Pilon

:Author: Brant C. Faircloth
:Copyright: This documentation is available under a Creative Commons (`CC-BY`_) license.

Modification History

See `Polishing Assemblies with Pilon`_.

.. _Polishing Assemblies with Pilon:


PacBio assemblies are great because they produce contigs with high contiguity. However, the coverage of PacBio reads is something less than we desire, and PacBio reads are more prone error than something like Illumina reads. We can use the Illumina reads to "polish" contigs produce from the "noisier" PacBio chemistry. We can also use 10X_ genomics reads, if we have them, do to the same - because those are simply large insert Illumina reads.

.. note:: This protocol assumes you are using 10X_ reads.

.. warning:: The following assumes you are running on @qb2, which you should probably be doing because we need the ``bigmem`` queue for vertebrate-sized genomes.


.. note:: You may have already performed some of these steps such as processing 10X_ reads to remove the barcode information or mapping the 10X_ reads to the assembly you'd like to polish. Simply skip those steps if you have already performed them.

#. If you are using 10X_ reads, you need to process those to remove the internal barcodes and adapters. That's most easily accomplished by installing and using longranger_. That's a pretty easy process - you just need to go to the longranger_ website, grab the link and download that file to a reasonable location (in our case the shared directory ``/home/brant/project/shared/bin/``, where it is already installed).

.. code-block:: bash
wget -O longranger-2.2.2.tar.gz "<long link from website>"
tar -xzvf longranger-2.2.2.tar.gz
#. Setup a working directory:

.. code-block:: bash
mkdir pacbio-polish && cd $_
#. Now, we're going to run longranger_ to do some basic processing of the 10X linked read data. Go ahead and make a directory within `10x-diglossa-scaffold` to hold the data:

.. code-block:: bash
mkdir longranger-ouput && cd $_
#. Prepare a ``qsub`` script to run longranger_ and process the reads. This should take <24 hours for ~40 GB zipped sequence data. The processing basically trims the reads to remove the barcode and adapter information and puts the barcode info in the fastq header:

.. code-block:: bash
#PBS -q checkpt
#PBS -A <allocation>
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20
#PBS -N longranger_basic
#PBS -o longranger_basic.out
#PBS -e longranger_basic.err
#PBS -m abe
export PATH=/home/brant/project/shared/bin/longranger-2.2.2/:$PATH
longranger basic \
--id=<my_name> \
--fastqs=/path/to/my/demuxed/fastq/files \
--localcores 20 1>longranger-basic.stdout 2>longranger-basic.stderr
#. Once the reads have been processed, we want to map them to our genome assembly using ``bwa-mem`` and ``samtools``. We can get all those installed (along with Pilon_) by creating a conda_ environment:

.. code-block:: bash
conda create -n polishing pilon bwa samtools
#. Now, we need to map the reads over. The easiest thing to do is probably to create a new directory in ``pacbio-polished`` named ``bwa-aligned``

.. code-block:: bash
mkdir bwa-aligned && cd $_
#. Now, symlink in the `*.fastq.gz` file that we just created:

.. code-block:: bash
ln -s ../longranger-ouput/<my_name>/outs/barcoded.fastq.gz
#. Upload the assembly to this directory, using a tool like ``rsync``. Here, we've uploaded ``diglossa.contigs.fa`` to the same directory (``bwa-aligned``) that contains our symlink to ``barcoded.fastq.gz``
#. Once that's uploaded, create a ``qsub`` script to run the ``bwa`` mapping job:

.. code-block:: bash
#PBS -q checkpt
#PBS -A <allocation>
#PBS -l walltime=36:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=20
#PBS -N bwa_mem
#PBS -o bwa_mem.out
#PBS -e bwa_mem.err
source activate polishing
# index the assembly for bwa
bwa index diglossa.contigs.fa
# run bwa, use 20 threads for aligning and sorting and set memory for samtools at 3G per thread
bwa mem -t 20 diglossa.contigs.fa barcoded.fq.gz | samtools sort -@20 -m 3G -o diglossa.contigs.barcoded.bam -
samtools index diglossa.contigs.barcoded.bam
#. Submit that job and let it run. It will take a fair amount of time (~18 hours to map something like 40 GB data)
#. Once the job has run, you should have a directory ``bwa-aligned`` that contains the output bam file, the reads, and the assembly. Moving forward, we only need to care about the BAM file and the assembly.
#. Running Pilon_ is pretty simple - it just needs to use a lot of RAM. We need to setup an appropriate ``qsub`` script for the run:

.. code-block:: bash
#PBS -q bigmem
#PBS -A <allocation>
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=48
#PBS -N pilon
#PBS -o pilon.out
#PBS -e pilon.err
source activate polishing
# run pilon
pilon -Xmx1400G --genome diglossa.contigs.fa \
--bam diglossa.contigs.barcoded.bam \
--changes --vcf --diploid --threads 48 \
--output diglossa.contigs.polished
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions protocols-computer/main.rst
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