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Fruit App

The Fruit App is a web application consisting of a Symfony backend API and a Vue.js frontend. The backend API provides endpoints for managing fruits, while the frontend allows users to view and interact with the fruits.

Setup environment


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the source repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

     cd symfony-vue-fruit-app
  3. Build and run the Docker containers:

    docker-compose up --build -d
  4. Wait for the complete setup. You can check the status of whether all the containers are up and running via the following command:

    docker ps

Fetching Fruits

To fetch fruits and insert them into the database, run the following commands:

  1. Enter the PHP container:

    docker exec -it php-server /bin/bash
  2. Inside the container, run the following command:

    bin/console app:fetch-fruits

Access the backend API

The backend API will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8081


Method Endpoint Param Comment
GET api/fruits page, limit, name, family List of fruit, filterable via name and family
GET api/favorites List of favorite fruits
POST api/favorites/{id} fruit id as path param Add fruit as favorite
DELETE api/favorites/{id} fruit id as path param Remove fruit from favorite

Access to the Frontend Application

The frontend application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:5173



Before running the tests, ensure that you have completed the setup environment steps above.


  1. Setup the test Database (only first time)
     docker exec -it php-server /bin/bash
     bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create
     bin/console --env=test doctrine:schema:create
     bin/console --env=test doctrine:fixtures:load
  2. Run the tests using PHPUnit: