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Authentication of routes using API keys (ie: can be achieved simply using Laravel's built-in 'token' authentication driver.

This package enables this functionality by providing a simple migration to add the required api_token field to your users table.

We often enable session-based (as well as token-based) authentication on our API routes, but Laravel's StartSession middleware creates new sessions every time a request is made from an API clients (because it typically doesn't support cookies). This can quickly result in the creation of thousands of sessions.

To solve this issue, this package provides a replacement StartSession middleware that prevents sessions from being created when api_token=XXXX is detected in a given request.

Installation + Configuration:

composer require faithfm/laravel-simple-auth-tokens
php artisan migrate              # adds 'api_token' field to 'users' table

Modify Models\User.php to include the new api_token field:

    protected $fillable = [
+       'api_token',

For Laravel 8 onwards, add a token-based guard to config/auth.php in the Authentication Guards section. (This config was included by default in prior versions.)

    'guards' => [
+         'api' => [
+           'driver' => 'token',
+           'provider' => 'users',
+           'input_key' => 'api_token',       // Default value - not strictly required
+           'storage_key' => 'api_token',     // Default value - not strictly required
+           'hash' => false,                  // Default value - not strictly required
+        ],

Modify App\Http\Kernel.php to replace the StartSession middleware for WEB routes:

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
-       // \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class,          // replace Laravel default with...
+       \FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens\Http\Middleware\StartSession::class,  // ...FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens class - which prevents creation of (numerous) session files for requests containing 'api_token=XXXX'  (ie: clients without support for cookies will normally result in creation of a session-file for every API call - potentially resulting in hundreds/thousands of session-files)

(Optionally) modify App\Http\Kernel.php to add the session-based middleware for API routes (if you want to enable session-based as well as token-based authentication in API routes):

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'api' => [
        // \Laravel\Sanctum\Http\Middleware\EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful::class,
+       // OPTIONAL session-related middleware for API routes - recommended by FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens
+       \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class,
+       \Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class,
+       \FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens\Http\Middleware\StartSession::class,		// FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens class
+       \Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class,
+       \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,


For Laravel 11 onwards, modify bootstrap/app.php instead... [NOT FULLY TESTED]


Assuming session and token guards have been configured as 'web' and 'api' respectively (ie: Laravel defaults), you can use Laravel's normal authentication methods as follows:

$loggedIn = auth('api')->check();           // check if logged in  (using helper function)
$loggedIn = Auth::guard('api')->check();    // ditto  (using Facades)
$user = auth('api')->user();                // get current User using helper function
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();         // ditto (using Facades)

// Protect routes using 'auth' middleware
Route::get(...)->middleware('auth:api')     // use token-based 'api' guard
Route::get(...)->middleware('auth:web,api') // allow either session-based or token-based guards

When multiple alternative guards have been specified via middleware (ie: the last example above), all authentication calls inside this route are implicitly resolved using the first authenticated guard that was found: (The middleware calls the shouldUse() method which overrides the configured default guard.)

Route::get('/showuser', function () {
    return auth()->user();	// web  OR api guard will automatically be used depending on first authenticated guard found during middleware check

We also have created an extended auth_guards() helper that allows multiple guards to be specified, since unfortunately neither Laravel's guard() helper nor Auth::guard() facade support multiple guards outside of a middleware-protected-route - ie:

$user = auth()->user();                 // default guard   = SUPPORTED
$user = auth('api')->user();            // specific guard  = SUPPORTED
$user = auth('web,api')->user();        // multiple guards = NOT SUPPORTED
$user = auth_guards('web,api')->user(); // multiple guards = SUPPORTED (extended helper)

How It Works:

Laravel's built-in 'token' authentication driver is:

  • Defined in Illuminate\Auth\TokenGuard.php
  • Registered by the createTokenDriver() method in Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager.php, when the resolve() method matches a driver with $name = 'token'.

This 'token' driver attempts to authenticate a request using the following approach:

  • Look for 'api_token=XXXX' request parameters (ie: "").
  • Attempt to match the provided API key against the api_token field in the users table / (User model).
  • Authentication is successful if a user is found with a valid matching api_token

Our FaithFM\SimpleAuthTokens\Http\Middleware\StartSession middleware works as follows:

  • Detect the presence of an api_token=XXXX request parameter.
  • Force Laravel session to use the memory-based 'array' driver for the request (instead persistent file/database/etc driver).


A side-effect of our StartSession middleware this is that if you load a route from a browser that already has a valid / logged-in session, this session becomes invisible if you add an api_token=XXXX request parameter to the URL. (ie: authentication can't fall-back to the session if the api_token has been specified)


Simple token-based authentication for Laravel







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