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LNHG - Massive Web Fingerprinter (mwebfp)


The "LowNoiseHG (LNHG) Massive Web Fingerprinter" ("mwebfp" from now on) was conceived in July 2013 after realizing the usefulness of webserver screenshots to pentesters, during an engagement with large external or internal IP address ranges, as a quick means of identification of critical assets, easily-exploitable services, forgotten/outdated servers and basic network architecture knowledge of the target.


The basic operation of mwebfp consists of the processing of an input (targets and TCP ports) that is then used to identify open web server ports with the help of a powerful portscanner (nmap). All ports found open are then analyzed (on HTTP and HTTPS) and all relevant webserver information is recorded, as well as a screenshot of the rendered webpage (as if it is seen from a broswer).

Special Features

  • Input
    • Target(s) can be IP address(es), IP address range(s), server name(s), etc.
    • Target(s) can be provided directly on the command-line or on a file
  • Port Definition
    • Default ports are 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), but any port can be easily configured at runtime
  • Output
    • All output files and related support files for the scan are saved on a directory configured at runtime by the user
    • Currently, mwebfp exports results on a CSV file (Easily usable on MS Excel) only
  • Virtual Hosts
    • If requested at runtime, mwebfp will find all virutally hosted domains and webpages for the target server
  • Webserver Screenshots
    • If requested at runtime, mwebfp will grab screenshots of all found web pages (Graphical UI under Linux is required)


# LowNoiseHG Massive Web Fingerprinter
# by F4Lc0N - LNHG - USA/Colombia
# Thanks to ET, c4an, Th3R3g3nt, ch0ks and ElJeffe311
# for inspiration, ideas and debugging/beta-testing help.

usage: [-h]
                 [-i INPUT_RANGE | -n SERVER_NAME | -f INPUT_FILE | -r]
                 [-p HTTP_PORTS] [-s HTTPS_PORTS] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                 [-t {HTML,XLS,CSV,XML}] [-v {yes,no}] [-w {yes,no}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_RANGE, --input-range INPUT_RANGE
                        input IP CIDR range
  -n SERVER_NAME, --server-name SERVER_NAME
                        name of server (DNS name)
  -f INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        input file containing IP addresses and/or IP ranges
  -r, --recover         recover/continue previous process
  -p HTTP_PORTS, --http-ports HTTP_PORTS
                        TCP HTTP ports (Default: 80/tcp)
  -s HTTPS_PORTS, --https-ports HTTPS_PORTS
                        TCP HTTPS ports (Default: 443/tcp)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        working directory
  -t {HTML,XLS,CSV,XML}, --output-format {HTML,XLS,CSV,XML}
                        output report format (Default: HTML)
  -v {yes,no}, --vhosts {yes,no}
                        choice of processing vhosts for each IP address
                        (Default: no)
  -w {yes,no}, --web-screenshots {yes,no}
                        choice of taking web schreenshots (Default: no)

Current State of Development

As most of the R&D done in LowNoiseHG (LNHG) this tool was designed and developed only for its usefulness and with no economic funds or time allocated to it. All development has been done on personal time only, and it will continue as interesting featurs come up, and if time is available taking into account other projects.

The current version works very well, even though there are still some minor wrinkles (bugs) to iron, and some basic features that can be improved:

  • Features on the works:

    • The recovery feature is non-functional yet
    • The output format for the report is currently CSV, HTML is done but not included yet. All others are non-functional
  • Known bugs:

    • There is a bug on the virtual host identification process, that has been identified and will be fixed soon


mwebfp and all its related code is released under the GPL v3 open-source license. The full license is attached in the file.


In order to run mwebfp "out-of-the-git", with all options enabled, you will need:

  • Python - Programming language (sudo apt-get instal python)
  • nmap - Port Scanner (sudo apt-get install nmap)
  • python-nmap - Python module (apt-get install python-nmap)
  • requests - Python module (apt-get install python-requests)
  • cutycapt - Qt WebKit Capture Utility (You will need the latest version to be able to capture HTTPS pages - do NOT do apt-get !!!) (Read further under Installation)
  • A graphical interface (GUI) on the *nix server you are running the script (I assume Linux)

NOTE: mwebfp has been developed and tested on Kali, Ubuntu and Debian. I am sure YOU can make it work in other platforms of your choice ;)


Install required software with apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install -y nmap python python-nmap python-requests git

Install CutyCapt:

Do NOT use apt-get for this, or the version provided by your OS. You can check if the version you have works for mwebfp by running 'cutycapt --help' and checking if you have an '--insecure' option or not, or if the copyright is '2003-2010' or '2003-2013' (check last line of the help). You need to have '--insecure' or copyright '2003-2013' to be able to use cutycapt with mwebfp. If you need the latest version, uninstall your current version and take the next steps:

$ cd /opt
$ sudo apt-get install -y subversion g++ libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev 
$ sudo svn checkout svn:// cutycapt
$ cd cutycapt/CutyCapt

Modify the file ./CutyCapt.hpp, and include the following two lines after the '#include <QtWebKit>' on the first line:

#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QSslError>

and then:

$ sudo qmake
$ sudo make
$ sudo cp CutyCapt /usr/local/bin/

You can test for the '--insecure' parameter or the '2003-2013' copyright with:

$ cutycapt --help

Install mwebfp

$ cd /opt
$ sudo git clone
$ cd mwebfp

Running (Example)

$ ./mwebfp -i -o OutputDir -w yes -v no

You can check the full list of options at any time with:

$ ./mwebfp -h

Developer Team

  • F4Lc0N - falcon [at]


LNHG - Mass Web Fingerprinter







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