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Solana Bootcamp MasterZ 2024 Project


This project is designed as a comprehensive solution for the Solana Bootcamp MasterZ 2024 exam. It includes a series of scripts that facilitate various operations on the Solana blockchain, specifically tailored for educational purposes. The project allows users to create a Solana wallet, perform airdrops in a devnet environment, and manage fungible tokens through the Solana Program Library (SPL).


  • Wallet Creation: Generate a new Solana wallet for transactional purposes.
  • Token Airdrop: Facilitate the airdrop of tokens to the newly created wallet on Solana's devnet.
  • Token Management: Initialize, mint, and transfer fungible tokens using SPL.

Project Structure

  • keygen.ts: Script to create a new Solana wallet.
  • airdrop.ts: Script to airdrop tokens to the specified wallet in the devnet.
  • spl_init.ts: Initializes a new fungible token on Solana.
  • spl_mint.ts: Mints a specified amount of the fungible token.
  • spl_transfer.ts: Transfers a portion of the minted tokens to a new wallet.


Before running the scripts, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • Yarn or npm
  • Solana CLI tools


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <project-directory>
npm install
# Create an empty file to storage wallet secretkey
touch wallet.json


Each script can be run individually as needed. Here are the commands to execute each script:

Create a Wallet

npm run keygen

After the script completes, the wallet secret key is shown in the terminal. You have to take the array and store it in the file named wallet.json.

Airdrop Tokens

npm run airdrop

Initialize SPL Token

npm run spl_init

After the script completes, the Mint Address is shown in the terminal. You have to use it in the next script, inside the mint variable and inside the spl_transfer.ts file in the mint variable.

Mint SPL Tokens

npm run spl_mint

After the script completes, the Associated Token Account Address is shown in the terminal. You have to use it in the next script, inside the fromAta variable.

Transfer SPL Tokens

npm run spl_transfer


This project uses some external libraries and tools, which are listed in the package.json file. Key dependencies include:

  • @solana/web3.js: Solana JavaScript API for interacting with the blockchain.
  • @solana/spl-token: Library for managing SPL tokens.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

This README provides a basic template. You can customize it further based on additional details or specific requirements of your project.