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Skybox File Format

fallahn edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Skyboxes are used to load multiple images into a cube map texture used by the Scene class. They are of the Configuration File format, with the following specific layout:

cubemap sky
    up = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/py.png" //positive Y
    down = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/ny.png" //negative Y
    left = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/nx.png" //negative X
    right = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/px.png" //positive X
    front = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/pz.png" //positive Z
    back = "assets/golf/images/skybox/autumn/nz.png" //negative Z

They contain a single object with six properties containing the relative path to the six sides of the cubemap. Skyboxes are loaded into a Scene with Scene::setCubemap()

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