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Synapse Invite Checker

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version

Synapse Invite Checker is a synapse module to restrict invites on a homeserver according to the rules required by Gematik in a TIM federation.

Table of Contents


pip install synapse-invite-checker


Here are the available configuration options:

# the outer modules section is just provided for completeness, the config block is the actual module config.
  - module: "synapse_invite_checker.InviteChecker"
        api_prefix: "/_synapse/client/test", # Prefix to expose these endpoints under, optional, configure only if you know why you need to change it.
        title: "TIM Contact API by Famedly", # Title for the info endpoint, optional
        description: "Custom description for the endpoint", # Description for the info endpoint, optional
        contact: "", # Contact information for the info endpoint, optional
        federation_list_url: "https://localhost:8080", # Full url where to fetch the federation list from, required
        federation_localization_url: "https://localhost:8080/localization", # Full url where to fetch the federation localization from, required. Should be the same host as federation list.
        federation_list_client_cert: "tests/certs/client.pem", # path to a pem encoded client certificate for mtls, required if federation list url is https
        gematik_ca_baseurl: "", # the baseurl to the ca to use for the federation list, required


The tests uses twisted's testing framework trial, with the development enviroment managed by hatch. Running the tests and generating a coverage report can be done like this:

hatch run cov


synapse-invite-checker is distributed under the terms of the AGPL-3.0 license.