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Releases: famousketchup/AstroNVimUser


08 Apr 09:08
Choose a tag to compare

Many great changes, from plugins to simple tweaks:

  • Most tabstops are 2 spaces wide (WIP: Unstable)
  • <Leader>rw removes all trailing spaces
  • Added Copilot plugin with <Leader>=[...] key bindings
  • Added Codeium plugin too, as an alternative to Copilot
  • Ctrl+E applies autocompletion, from nvim-cmp and copilot
  • Intelephense works with php
  • Added sort.nvim plugin
  • Added todo-comments plugin
  • Added vim-matchup plugin for easy navigation between tags with %
  • Added vim-pug for compatibility with Pug files
  • Added whitespace.nvim to visibly highlight trailing spaces