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Chapter 01

1.1 What is Fancy ?

Fancy is a dynamic, concurrent, pure object-oriented general purpose programming language inspired by Smalltalk, Ruby, and Erlang. It runs on Rubinius.

The goal is to create a language implementation that is easy to understand and improve, even for people new to implementing programming languages.

Fancy's compiler is currently written in Ruby, while all of Fancy's standard library is written in Fancy itself. It's a good starting point if you want to get a better feel for the language and its built-in classes and methods, once you've mastered the fundamental semantics and syntax. You can view the standard library classes on GitHub here.

OK, enough said, let's get started with Fancy's basic concepts.

1.2 Basic concepts

Fancy is heavily inspired by Smalltalk, a pure object-oriented, message passing dynamic programming language, developed at XEROX PARC in the 1970s and 1980s.

The core idea of Smalltalk (and thus Fancy) is the concept of message sending (also called message passing). Fancy code interacts by sending messages to objects and getting responses while doing so. You can think of methods as message handlers for incoming messages on objects. In Fancy, as in Smalltalk and Ruby, every value is an Object. There is no distinction between so-called value types and reference types. In Fancy, every value is a reference type, meaning each argument in a message send in Fancy is passed around as a reference (call by reference semantics).

1.2.1 Message Sends

In Fancy nearly all operations are done via message sends. While Fancy does have syntax for class & method definitions, importing files and so on, most of them are just syntactic sugar for equivalent message sends to objects.

Let's have a look at how this looks syntactically.

No arguments:

object message_name

Single argument:

object message_name: arg

Is a message send to object with a message called message_name: and an argument arg. As in Smalltalk (or Objective-C, which is inspired by Smalltalk), messages are keyword-based and so are methods. So, if you have multiple arguments in a message send, each argument is preceeded by a keyword (usually describing the argument).

Multiple arguments:

object foo: arg1 bar: arg2 baz: arg3

The above shows a message send with three arguments for the foo:bar:baz: message. If object, its class or any superclass defines a method with the same name, it will get executed with the given arguments. If not, it will look for a method called unkown_message:params: within objects inheritance chain (as with Ruby's method_missing).

Lets look at a more real-world example:

[1,2,3] each: |x| {
  x println

This peace of code shows a message send to a literal Array consisting of the three number values 1, 2 and 3. The each: method expects a Block object (or actually, something callable - it needs to implement the call and call: methods). It will call: the argument given to it with each element in the Array.

The |x| { x println } thing is a Block literal. Blocks are just normal objects but with built-in syntax (like strings, numbers and many more). As in Ruby, anything between the pipes (||) are arguments to the block and the code between the curly braces is the body of the block. Blocks are used as anonymous methods (also called lambda functions) and closures within Fancy. They are first-class values in the language, like any other object, and can be passed around to any method. In Fancy all control structures are implemented with blocks. But we'll get to that in a minute.

First off, let's fully explain that code above. As mentioned, the each: method takes something that implements call: and passes it each element in the array in turn. You can think of each: being used as an iterator. In terms of the language, each: is just a method like any other though.

The println send to x causes it to be displayed on STDOUT. Here's the implementation of println:

def println {
  Console println: (self to_s)

You can find the code in lib/object.fy within Fancy's root source directory or just click here to view it on Github.

1.2.2 Control Structures

As mentioned before, Fancy hardly has any built-in control structures in contrast to most other programming languages out there. It's directly inspired by Smalltalk here in that all the usually built-in control flow structures are implemented with Blocks and their ability to access variables outside of their scope (and preserve them).

Let's look at the most common control structures found in other programming languages.


x < y if_true: {
  "x is smaller than y" println
} else: {
  "x is NOT smaller than y" println

The else: part can be ommited, as there's also a method if_true: defined apart from if_true:else:. You can also write it the following (although longer) way:

if: (x < y) then: {
  "x is smaller than y" println
} else: {
  "x is NOT smaller than y" println

# there's also this additional way of doing something conditionally:

{ "x is smaller than y" println } if: (x < y)


x = 0
{ x < 10 } while_true: {
  x println
  x = x + 1

# or:

x = 0
while: { x < 10 } do: {
  x println
  x = x + 1

Endless loop:

loop: {
   # do something here and possibly return when done


10 times: |i| {
  i println # will print 0 - 9

# or:

0 upto: 9 do_each: |i| {
  i println # same here.

In the next chapter, we'll have a look how class & method definitions work in Fancy.