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198 lines (174 loc) · 8.04 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning, with the exception that 0.x versions can break between minor versions.

0.13.0 - 2023-12-22


  • Support for relative backreferences using \k<-1> (-1 references the previous group) (#121)
  • Add try_replacen to Regex which returns a Result instead of panicking when matching errors (#130)


  • Switch from regex crate to regex-automata and regex-syntax (lower level APIs) to simplify internals (#121)
  • Allow escaping some letters in character classes, e.g. [\A] used to error but now matches the same as [A] (for compatibility with Oniguruma)
  • MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) is now 1.66.1 (from 1.61.0)


  • Fix index out of bounds panic when parsing unclosed (?( (#125)

0.12.0 - 2023-11-11


  • Support for no_std (the std feature is enabled by default but can be disabled if desired) (#111)
  • TryFrom &str and String impl for Regex (#115)


  • Error and its components are now Clone (#116)
  • MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) is now 1.61.0 (from 1.42.0)

0.11.0 - 2023-01-12


  • Support for conditionals: using a regex like (?<test>a)?b(?(test)c|d) will try to match c after b if a matched in the capture group named test, otherwise d after b if a wasn't captured into the test group.


  • Updated parse errors to show the position they occurred at.


  • Fix panic when backref is used within referenced group itself and group end index is not known yet (#103)

0.10.0 - 2022-04-28


0.9.0 - 2022-04-21


  • Support for \K (keep out): Using a regex like @\K\w+ will match things like @foo but the resulting match text will only include foo, keeping out the @.

0.8.0 - 2022-02-22


  • Allow users to disable any of the unicode and perf-* features of the regex crate. Disabling these features can reduce compile time and/or binary size for use cases where these features are not needed. (All features remain enabled by default.)


  • MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) is now 1.42.0 (from 1.41.1)

0.7.1 - 2021-07-29


  • Fix panic on incomplete escape sequences in input regexes
  • Disallow quantifers on lookarounds and other zero-width assertion expressions, e.g. the + in (?=hello)+

0.7.0 - 2021-07-12


  • Regex now has replace methods like the regex crate:
    • replace - single replacement
    • replace_all - replace all non-overlapping matches
    • replacen - configurable number of replacements

0.6.0 - 2021-05-17


  • Regex now implements Clone, Display, FromStr
  • Captures now implements Index<usize> to access captures by number and Index<&str> to access by name

0.5.0 - 2021-02-15


  • Methods find_iter and captures_iter to iterate over all non-overlapping matches for a string
  • Method find_from_pos to find starting from a specific position


  • MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) is now 1.41.1 (from 1.32.0)

0.4.1 - 2020-11-09


  • escape function to escape special characters in a string so that it matches literally

0.4.0 - 2020-09-27


  • Support for named groups and backrefs:
    • Capture with (?<name>...) or (?P<name>...)
    • Backref with \k<name> or (?P=name)
    • Captures::name to get matched group by name
    • Regex::capture_names to get capture names in regex
  • Support for expanding matches using a replacement template string
    • Captures::expand for regex crate compatible syntax
    • See Expander for python-compatible syntax and advanced usage
  • Match::range and some From impls for convenience

0.3.5 - 2020-04-28


  • Include string snippet in errors for unknown group and invalid escape to make it easier to identify the problem.

0.3.4 - 2020-04-28


  • Support comments using (?# comment) syntax
  • Support unicode escapes like \u21D2 and \U0001F60A

0.3.3 - 2020-02-28


  • Optimization: Delegate const-sized suffixes in more cases
  • Optimization: Use captures_read_at when delegating to regex crate

0.3.2 - 2020-02-05


  • Some regexes with fancy parts in the beginning/middle didn't match when they should have, e.g. ((?!x)(a|ab))c didn't match abc.

0.3.1 - 2019-12-09


  • Add delegate_size_limit and delegate_dfa_size_limit to RegexBuilder to allow configuring these limits for regex crate.

0.3.0 - 2019-11-27


  • Add limit for backtracking so that execution errors instead of running for a long time in case of catastrophic backtracking.
  • Add RegexBuilder with backtrack_limit to configure the new backtrack limit per regex.
  • Error now implements std::error::Error trait


  • Fix panic in backref matching with multibyte chars

0.2.0 - 2019-10-19


  • More documentation and examples
  • Support character class nesting and intersections (implemented in regex crate)
  • Support atomic groups, both the the (?>foo) group syntax and the a++, a*+ and a?+ possessive syntax
  • Support \b, \f, \t, \n, \r, \v
  • Support look-behind with variable sized alternative
  • Implement Debug for Regex
  • More test coverage including running one of Oniguruma's test suites


  • Change find to return a Match struct (breaking change)
  • Change Captures API (breaking change):
    • Replace at and pos with get that returns a Match struct
    • Remove is_empty (use len)
  • Allow unescaped ] and } as literals
  • Allow unescaped { as literal when not after atom
  • Allow escapes such as \< or \e inside character classes
  • Allow up to 8 characters in \x{...} escape
  • Allow escaping of space to make literal space
  • Allow (a|)
  • Reject invalid backreferences


  • Multiple fixes for alternatives in look-arounds
  • Fix hex escape to not include letters after "F"
  • Fix handling of unescaped ] in character classes
  • Fix case insensitive character classes and other escapes
  • Don't ignore spaces in character classes even with "comment mode"

0.1.0 - 2017-02-06


  • Initial release