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fanf committed Jun 15, 2022
1 parent 29305fd commit dfd2d2b
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Showing 10 changed files with 291 additions and 53 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import com.normation.inventory.domain.AgentType
* A name, used as an identifier, for a policy.
* The name must be unique among all policies!
* TODO : check case sensivity and allowed chars.
* TODO : check case sensitivity and allowed chars.
final case class TechniqueName(value: String) extends AnyVal with Ordered[TechniqueName] {
Expand All @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ final case class TechniqueName(value: String) extends AnyVal with Ordered[Techni
* among all policies, and a version for that policy.
final case class TechniqueId(name: TechniqueName, version: TechniqueVersion) extends Ordered[TechniqueId] {
// intented for debug/log, not serialization
// intended for debug/log, not serialization
def debugString = serialize
// a technique
def serialize = name.value + "/" + version.serialize
Expand All @@ -81,6 +81,17 @@ final case class TechniqueId(name: TechniqueName, version: TechniqueVersion) ext
override def toString: String = serialize

object TechniqueId {
def parse(s: String): Either[String, TechniqueId] = {
s.split("/").toList match {
case n :: v :: Nil =>
TechniqueVersion.parse(v).map(x => TechniqueId(TechniqueName(n), x))
case _ =>
Left(s"Error when parsing '${s}' as a technique id. It should have format 'techniqueName/version+rev' (with +rev optional)")

object RunHook {
* This data structure holds the agent specific
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ import com.normation.zio._
import zio._
import zio.syntax._
import GitTechniqueReader._
import com.normation.GitVersion
import com.normation.rudder.domain.logger.TechniqueReaderLoggerPure
import com.normation.rudder.git.ExactFileTreeFilter
import com.normation.rudder.git.GitFindUtils
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,15 +381,12 @@ class GitTechniqueReader(

//has package id are unique among the whole tree, we are able to find a
//template only base on the techniqueId + name.
// since package id are unique among the whole tree, we are able to find a
// template only base on the techniqueId + name.

val managed = Managed.make(
for {
currentId <- rev match {
case GitVersion.DEFAULT_REV => revisionProvider.currentRevTreeId
case r => GitFindUtils.findRevTreeFromRevString(repo.db, r.value)
currentId <- GitFindUtils.findRevTreeFromRevision(repo.db, rev, revisionProvider.currentRevTreeId)
optStream <- IOResult.effect {
try {
//now, the treeWalk
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,15 +37,18 @@

package com.normation.rudder.git

import com.normation.GitVersion
import com.normation.GitVersion.Revision
import com.normation.GitVersion.RevisionInfo
import com.normation.NamedZioLogger

import com.normation.errors._
import com.normation.rudder.git.ZipUtils.Zippable

import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Status
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectStream
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.{Constants => JConstants}
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk
Expand All @@ -57,8 +60,10 @@ import org.joda.time.DateTime

import zio._
import zio.syntax._

* Utility trait to find/list/get content
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,13 +106,17 @@ object GitFindUtils extends NamedZioLogger {
* relative to git root)
def getFileContent[T](db:Repository, revTreeId:ObjectId, path:String)(useIt : InputStream => IOResult[T]) : IOResult[T] = {
getManagedFileContent(db, revTreeId, path).use(useIt)

def getManagedFileContent(db:Repository, revTreeId:ObjectId, path:String): IOManaged[ObjectStream] = {
val filePath = {
var p = path
while (path.endsWith("/")) p = p.substring(0, p.length - 1)

IOResult.effectM(s"Exception caught when trying to acces file '${filePath}'") {
IOManaged.makeM(IOResult.effectM(s"Exception caught when trying to acces file '${filePath}'") {
//now, the treeWalk
val tw = new TreeWalk(db)

Expand All @@ -123,11 +132,11 @@ object GitFindUtils extends NamedZioLogger {
case Nil =>
Inconsistency(s"No file were found at path '${filePath}}'").fail
case h :: Nil =>
ZIO.bracket(IOResult.effect( => effectUioUnit(s.close()))(useIt)
case _ =>
Inconsistency(s"More than exactly one matching file were found in the git tree for path '${filePath}', I can not know which one to choose. IDs: ${ids}}").fail
})(s => effectUioUnit(s.close()))

Expand All @@ -143,13 +152,25 @@ object GitFindUtils extends NamedZioLogger {

* Retrieve the commit tree from a path name.
* The path may be any one of `org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository#resolve`
* Retrieve the revision tree id from a revision.
* A default revision must be provided (because default in rudder does not mean the
* same as for git)
def findRevTreeFromRevString(db:Repository, revString:String) : IOResult[ObjectId] = {
def findRevTreeFromRevision(db:Repository, rev: Revision, defaultRev: IOResult[ObjectId]) : IOResult[ObjectId] = {
rev match {
case GitVersion.DEFAULT_REV => defaultRev
case Revision(r) => findRevTreeFromRevString(db, r)

* Retrieve the revision tree id from a Git object id
def findRevTreeFromRevString(db:Repository, revString: String) : IOResult[ObjectId] = {
IOResult.effectM {
val tree = db.resolve(revString)
if (null == tree) {
Inconsistency(s"The reference branch '${revString}' is not found in the Active Techniques Library's git repository").fail
} else {
val rw = new RevWalk(db)
Expand All @@ -160,15 +181,26 @@ object GitFindUtils extends NamedZioLogger {

* Get a zip file containing files for commit "revTreeId".
* You can filter files only some directory by giving
* a root path.
def getZip(db:Repository, revTreeId:ObjectId, onlyUnderPaths: List[String] = Nil) : IOResult[Array[Byte]] = {
IOResult.effectM(s"Error when creating a zip from files in commit with id: '${revTreeId}'") {
for {
all <- getStreamForFiles(db, revTreeId, onlyUnderPaths)
zippable = { case (p, opt) => Zippable(p, }
zip <- IOResult.effect(new ByteArrayOutputStream()).bracket(os => effectUioUnit(os.close())) { os =>, zippable) *> IOResult.effect(os.toByteArray)
} yield zip

def getStreamForFiles(db:Repository, revTreeId:ObjectId, onlyUnderPaths: List[String] = Nil): IOResult[Seq[(String, Option[IOManaged[InputStream]])]] = {
IOResult.effect(s"Error when creating the list of files under ${onlyUnderPaths.mkString(", ")} in commit with id: '${revTreeId}'") {
val directories = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
val zipEntries = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Zippable]()
val entries = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[(String, Option[IOManaged[InputStream]])]
val tw = new TreeWalk(db)
//create a filter with a OR of all filters
tw.setFilter(new FileTreeFilter(onlyUnderPaths, Nil))
Expand All @@ -178,14 +210,11 @@ object GitFindUtils extends NamedZioLogger {
while( {
val path = tw.getPathString
directories += (new File(path)).getParent
zipEntries += Zippable(path, Some(GitFindUtils.getFileContent(db,revTreeId,path) _))
entries += ((path, Some(GitFindUtils.getManagedFileContent(db,revTreeId,path))))

//start by creating all directories, then all content
val all = => Zippable(p, None)).toSeq ++ zipEntries
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(), all) *> IOResult.effect(out.toByteArray())
//start by listing all directories, then all content => (p, None)) ++ entries

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,4 +316,3 @@ class ExactFileTreeFilter(rootDirectory:Option[String], fileName: String) extend
override def clone = this
override lazy val toString = "[.*/%s]".format(fileName)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import com.normation.rudder.domain.policies.Rule
import com.normation.rudder.domain.policies.RuleTargetInfo
import com.normation.rudder.domain.policies.RuleUid
import com.normation.rudder.git.ExactFileTreeFilter
import com.normation.rudder.git.FileTreeFilter
import com.normation.rudder.git.GitCommitId
import com.normation.rudder.git.GitFindUtils
import com.normation.rudder.git.GitRepositoryProvider
Expand All @@ -78,11 +80,14 @@ import com.normation.utils.Version
import com.softwaremill.quicklens._
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk

import java.nio.file.Paths

import zio._
import zio.syntax._
import com.normation.errors._

final case class GitRootCategory(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,6 +388,15 @@ trait TechniqueRevisionRepository {
* Get the list of valid revisions for given technique
def getTechniqueRevision(name: TechniqueName, version: Version): IOResult[List[RevisionInfo]]

* Always use git, does not look at what is on the FS even when revision is default.
* Retrieve all files as input streams related to the technique.
* Path are relative to technique version directory, so that for ex,
* technique/1.0/metadata.xml has path "metadata.xml"
* Directories are added at the beginning
def getTechniqueFileContents(id: TechniqueId): IOResult[Option[Seq[(String, Option[IOManaged[InputStream]])]]]

Expand All @@ -397,7 +411,7 @@ class GitParseTechniqueLibrary(
* Get a technique for the specific given revision;
def getTechnique(name: TechniqueName, version: Version, rev: Revision): IOResult[Option[Technique]] = {
override def getTechnique(name: TechniqueName, version: Version, rev: Revision): IOResult[Option[Technique]] = {
val root = GitRootCategory.getGitDirectoryPath(libRootDirectory).root
(for {
v <- TechniqueVersion(version, rev)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,9 +469,73 @@ class GitParseTechniqueLibrary(
} yield {

* Always use git, does not look at what is on the FS even when revision is default.
* Retrieve all files as input streams related to the technique.
* Path are relative to technique version directory, so that for ex,
* technique/1.0/metadata.xml has path "metadata.xml"
* Directories are added at the beginning
override def getTechniqueFileContents(id: TechniqueId): IOResult[Option[Seq[(String, Option[IOManaged[InputStream]])]]] = {
val root = GitRootCategory.getGitDirectoryPath(libRootDirectory).root

* find the path of the technique version
def getFilePath(db: Repository, revTreeId: ObjectId, techniqueId: TechniqueId) = {
println(s"***** root: '${root}'; id! ${techniqueId.withDefaultRev.serialize}; treeod: ${revTreeId.toString}")
IOResult.effect {
//a first walk to find categories
val tw = new TreeWalk(db)
// there is no directory in git, only files
val filter = new FileTreeFilter(List(root + "/"), List(techniqueId.withDefaultRev.serialize + "/" + techniqueMetadata))
println(s"**** filter: " + filter)

var path = Option.empty[String]
while( && path.isEmpty) {
path = Some(tw.getPathString)
}, ""))

for {
_ <- ConfigurationLoggerPure.revision.debug(s"Looking for files for technique: ${id.debugString}")
treeId <- GitFindUtils.findRevTreeFromRevision(repo.db, id.version.rev, revisionProvider.currentRevTreeId)
_ <- ConfigurationLoggerPure.revision.trace(s"Git tree corresponding to revision: ${id.version.rev.value}: ${treeId.toString}")
optPath <- getFilePath(repo.db, treeId, id)
all <- optPath match {
case None => None.succeed
case Some(path) =>
for {
_ <- ConfigurationLoggerPure.revision.trace(s"Found candidate path for technique ${id.serialize}: ${path}")
all <- GitFindUtils.getStreamForFiles(repo.db, treeId, List(path))
} yield {
// we need to correct paths to be relative to path
val res = all.flatMap { case (p, opt) =>
val newPath = p.replaceAll("^"+path, "")
newPath.strip() match {
case "" | "/" => None
case x =>
Some((if(x.startsWith("/")) x.tail else x, opt))
} yield {


def loadTechnique(db: Repository, revTreeId: ObjectId, gitPath: String, id: TechniqueId): IOResult[Technique] = {
for {
xml <- GitFindUtils.getFileContent(db, revTreeId, gitPath){ inputStream =>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,13 @@ import com.normation.rudder.apidata.JsonResponseObjects.JRRuleNodesDirectives
import com.normation.rudder.domain.logger.TimingDebugLoggerPure
import com.normation.rudder.domain.policies.RuleId
import com.normation.rudder.repository.{RoNodeGroupRepository, RoRuleRepository}
import{ApiPath, AuthzToken, RestExtractorService, RestUtils, RuleInternalApi => API}
import{ApiPath, AuthzToken, RestExtractorService, RuleInternalApi => API}
import{DefaultParams, LiftApiModule, LiftApiModuleProvider, LiftApiModuleString}
import com.normation.zio.currentTimeMillis
import net.liftweb.common.Box
import net.liftweb.http.{LiftResponse, Req}
import net.liftweb.json.JValue
import com.normation.rudder.apidata.implicits._
import zio._
import zio.syntax._

class RulesInternalApi(
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