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COVID-19 Genomic Data and GenBank GBFF File to JSON Converter

  • Author: Qianqian Fang <q.fang at>
  • License: Data files in the data folder are in the public domain; BSD License for codes in the src folder
  • Version: 0.5
  • URL:

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We provide a GenBank .gbff file to JSON converter and various converted formats for the recently sequenced COVID-19 coronavirus genomic data, with a hope to facilitate automated processing in computer programs using Python, MATLAB, Javascript etc.

The source of the COVID-19 gemonic data is downloaded from NIH NCBI GenBank repository:

The follow data formats are provided:

Most of the above data formats are widely supported data exchange formats, and can be loaded and processed in a variety of programming environments. Among these data formats, we strongly recommend .json and .jdt formats because they are both human-readable and easy to parse/convert.

How to parse genomic data files

Using data in Python

To load the data in python, one can use the below sample codes

JSON files

import json
from collections import OrderedDict

with open('datafile.json') as f:
    covid19= json.load(f,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict);

if you do not attach object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict in the above command, the generated dict object may have random orders in the subfields.

JData files

First, install the pyjdata package via

pip install jdata
pip install bjdata

then open python, and run

import jdata
from collections import OrderedDict

to load the text-based JData file, or

import jdata

to load the binary-version of the jdata file.

Pickle files

import pickle
covid19=pickle.load( open( "datafile.pickle", "rb" ) )

HDF5 files

import h5py

MessagePack files

First, install the msgpack package via

pip install msgpack

then open python, and run

import msgpack
with open('datafile.msgpack') as fd:
    covid19 = msgpack.unpack(fd)

How to access individual data records in Python

Once the data is loaded in Python, the full data structured is typically stored as a nested dict object. One can access the individual subfields via python's standard object indexing and reference methods. For example,

  covid19['Version']   # this prints the Version subfield in the top level
  covid19['Features']['Location/Qualifiers']['gene'].keys()         # print the gene positions
  covid19['Features']['Location/Qualifiers']['gene']['266..21555']  # print the gene between positions 266 and 21555
  len(covid19['Origin'])     # print the genome sequence length
  covid19['Origin'][0:10]    # print the first 10 nucleotide bases

Using data in MATLAB/Octave

To load the data in MATLAB/Octave, one should first download and install JSONLab toolbox from

To read the compressed JData files in Octave (not needed in MATLAB), one shall also install the ZMat toolbox from

If you use Fedora Linux, these toolboxes can be installed via

sudo dnf install octave-jsonlab

JSON files


If you do not have JSONLab, in MATLAB 2018a or newer, you can also use the below command to load the JSON data


JData files

The text-based JData file is directly supported by JSONLab


similarly, the binary JData file can be loaded as


MAT files

Loading the .mat file does not need any additional toolboxes as it is the native format for MATLAB. One can simply

load GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.gbff_matlab.mat

This will produce a struct variable named covid19 in the 'base' workspace.

HDF5 files

To load the hdf5 file in MATLAB using a single command, you need to download the EasyH5 toolbox from the below links

then you can load the file using


MessagePack files

The MessagePack-format is also supported by JSONLab


How to access individual data records in MATLAB/Octave

Once the data is loaded in Python, the full data structured is typically stored as a nested dict object. One can access the individual subfields via python's standard object indexing and reference methods. For example,

  covid19.Version   # this prints the Version subfield in the top level
  fieldnames(covid19.Features.Location_Qualifiers.gene)         # print the gene positions
  covid19.Features.Location_Qualifiers.gene.From_266_to_21555   # print the gene between positions 266 and 21555
  length(covid19.Origin)     # print the genome sequence length
  covid19.Origin(1:10)    # print the first 10 nucleotide bases

How to use the gbff2json converter

The gbff2json converter is a Perl script that converts GenBank gbff files to a JSON file. To see the help information, simply type without any parameter. The below help info will be printed - converting GenBank database file to a JSON/JData file
	Format: <options> input.gbff > output.json
The supported options include (multiple parameters can be used, separated by spaces)
	-m	convert key names to MATLAB friendly forms, otherwise, keeps the original key names
	-C	use all-caps for top-level key names, otherwise, capitalize only the first letter
	-c	print JSON in compact form, otherwise, print in the indented form

Example commands using this script include datafile.gbff                    # print the JSON output to the terminal datafile.gbff > datafile.json    # print the JSON output to a file
echo datafile.gbff | -m          # read from pipe and convert key names to remove special letters
echo datafile.gbff | -c >out.json# read from pipe and output compact JSON format

For better readability and easy extension, gbff2json makes the below minor changes to the original gbff data entry names:

  • the top-level keys (LOCUS, VERSION, ORIGIN ...) are converted to keep only capital form for the first letter. One can revert to the all-caps version by adding the "-C" flag
  • the _matlab.json file contains a JSON structure with converted key-names to facilitate data manipulation in MATLAB/Octave. Because special characters can not be used as structure field names, we converted range operators xxxxx..xxxxx to From_xxxxx_to_xxxxx, and replaced "/", "(", ")" and "," to "_"

The converter requires the JSON and Tie::IxHash perl modules, which can be install via

sudo apt-get install libtie-ixhash-perl libjson-perl 

on Ubuntu/Debian used Linux, or run perl -MCPAN -e shell and type

install JSON
install Tie::IxHash

in the CPAN shell to install these modules. If the cpan command is installed on your OS, you may install those directly using the below commands.

cpan JSON
cpan Tie::IxHash

Contribute to this project

Please submit your bug reports, feature requests and questions to the Github Issues page at

Please feel free to fork our software, making changes, and submit your revision back to us via "Pull Requests". gbff2json is open-source and welcome to your contributions!


GenBank GBFF File to JSON Converter







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