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An opinionated, isomorphic library built on top of isomorphic-fetch. Made with JSON in mind, but configurable.

Any call

Getting started

npm install --save fans-rest


Use create() to create a new Rest client instance. Once done, reuse that instance anywhere you need.

// File: src/app/utils/rest

import { create } from 'fans-rest';

export default create();

// File: src/app/business

import rest from '../utils/rest';

rest.get('http://my-endpoint').then(response => {
  // do stuff


The library is built so you only have to setup your client once and then re-use it anywhere. A configuration object can be passed to setup custom headers or response handling.


For instance, if your API requires you to send the same headers for every call, pass your headers on construction:

// Module: src/app/utils/rest

import { create } from 'fans-rest';

const rest = create({
  headers: {
    'my-custom-header': 'hello-world',

Note : If you set removeContentType: true, this will remove the Content-Type from headers allowing the browser to automatically set them for you.

Response handling

By default, your module will return an object read directly from the server response. This behavior can be completely replaced if need be. Use handleResponse for that.

Note : this module uses isomorphic-fetch to handle communication, check the docs to know what methods are available.

For instance, in this example, we return the response as text, and we log a javascript version of it.

// Module: src/app/utils/rest

import { create } from 'fans-rest';

const rest = create({
  handleResponse: (call) =>
    call.then(response => {
      const text = response.text();
      console.log(text === '' ? {} : JSON.parse(text));
      return text;