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Listen for navigation and stream HTML5 history

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const bygone = require('bygone')

const locationStream = bygone()

locationStream.on('data', console.log(data))

locationStream.write('/path') // navigates browser and emits `/path`

When you call the bygone instance's install() method, it listens for any clicks on a elements, and treats those as pushState events so long as they are in your current host; for example:

<!-- snippet: test.html -->
<a href="/one">One</a>
<a href="/two">Two</a>
<a href="">Google</a>
const bygone = require('bygone')

const locationStream = bygone().install()

locationStream.on('data', data => console.log('data'))
  • User clicks on One, and /one is emitted and pushed onto the history state
  • User clicks on Two, and /two is emitted and pushed onto the history state
  • User clicks on Google and nothing is emmitted, and browser navigates to

Bygone also listens for popstate events, so forward/back button usage will be emitted as expected.


bygone() -> duplexStream

Instances have the following methods:

  • instance.install([opts]) -> instance: Installs the a element listeners, and returns the instance to allow chaining.
    • opts: (object) an optional configuration object. can have the following properties:
      • root: (string) the root URL to watch under; if root is /base/ only urls starting with /base/ will be hooked.
      • el: (domElement) the element onto which the listeners should be installed. Defaults to document.body
  • instance.uninstall() -> instance: Remove the a element listeners.

Advanced Usage

The instance.install method is intentionally simplistic, and available for convenience only. If you wanted something more complex, the tools are available to do this in a very composable fashion:

const through = require('through')
const events = require('dom-delegation-stream')
const cursor = require('object-cursor-stream')
const bygone = require('bygone')

events(document.body, 'click', 'a', {preventDefault: true, stopPropagation: true})
    .on('data', data => console.log(data))

function filterStream(base) {
  const stream = through(write)
  const props = ['protocol', 'hostname', 'port']

  return stream

  function write(data) {
    // if the string doesn't start with our base string, drop it
    if (data && data.indexOf(base) !== 0) {


Now when you clicked on any link with a URL starting with /beep, it would be pushed into your history state via bygone, and logged to the console.


MIT. See LICENSE for details.


Listen for navigation and stream HTML5 history







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