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LinkSeq -- GATK best-practices pipeline adapted to linked-reads

Docker build

Table of Contents


This pipeline aligns linked-reads from 10x Genomics and calls variants with GAKT. Specifically, germline short variant discovery (SNPs and indels) is performed according to GATK best-practices.

The pipeline is written in Nextflow. The main steps of the pipeline are summarized below.

  • Align reads with EMA, and recalibrate BAM (BQSR)
  • Call variants with GATK's HaplotypeCaller, yielding a GVCF (which can be used in joint genotyping)
  • Genotype GVCF with GATK's GenotypeGVCFs, yielding a single-sample VCF
  • Annotate variant effect with SnpEff and filter variants
  • Phase VCF with HapCUT2
  • Attach phasing from VCF to BAM using WhatsHap
  • QC of variants with GATK's VariantEval
  • QC of BAM with Qualimap
  • QC report using MultiQC


LinkSeq has a few sister pipelines. This section describes how they fit together.


You have two options: (1) use conda to install dependencies, as described below, or (2) use the fargen/linkseq Docker image.

Install dependencies with conda using the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the environment (check the name of the environment in the environment.yml file, it should be linkseq):

conda activate linkseq

Pull this project with nextflow:

nextflow pull

Usage example

We will run linkseq on the "tiny-bcl" example dataset from 10x Genomics. Before running this example, run the example from the linkseq-demux ( pipeline to basecall, demultiplex and trim the raw sequences.

For information about reference data used in pipeline, see the Reference resources section below.

Run LinkSeq

The easiest way to run the pipeline is by defining a configuration file for nextflow. The configuration file below defines the input files to the pipeline as well as some runtime settings.

params {
    sample = "Sample1"
    // Read 1 and 2 FASTQ files.
    fastq_r1 = "tiny-fastq/Sample1/fastqs/Sample1_L005_R1*fastq.gz"
    fastq_r2 = "tiny-fastq/Sample1/fastqs/Sample1_L005_R2*fastq.gz"
    // Reference data.
    whitelist = "resources/whitelist/4M-with-alts-february-2016.txt"
    reference = "resources/gatk_bundle/Homo_sapiens_assembly38/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta"
    dbsnp = "resources/gatk_bundle/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf"
    targets = "resources/sureselect_human_all_exon_v6_utr_grch38/S07604624_Padded_modified.bed"
    snpeff_datadir = "resources/snpeff_data"
    // How many bins to use in EMA alignment.
    bcbins = 10
    outdir = "outs"

// Resources available to each process.
process {
    executor = 'local'
    memory = '10GB'
    cpus = 1 

// Total resources avilable to pipeline.
executor {
    name = 'local'
    cpus = 10
    memory = '100GB'
    queueSize = 100 

// Capture exit codes from upstream processes when piping. = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail']

Note that the number of "bins" in EMA alignment is set to 10 only because this is a tiny example dataset. For whole-genome data, for example, the EMA developers recommend 500 bins.

We can run the pipeline with the following command. We use -with-trace to get a log file with process progress. If the pipeline fails and we re-run it, -resume means it will continue from where it left off.

nextflow run fargenfo/linkseq -resume -with-trace

When the pipeline has completed, we can run tree -L 3 outs/ to get an overview of the outputs, which we can see below. There is one folder for each sample, with aligned reads (bam), one with variants (vcf), and with GVCFs for joint genotyping (gvcf). The multiqc_logs folder contains various QC reports, these reports are primarily to create a MultiQC report (combined QC report).

├── Sample1
│   ├── bam
│   │   ├── Sample1.bam
│   │   ├── Sample1.bam.bai
│   │   └── bx_stats.csv
│   ├── gvcf
│   │   ├── gvcf.g.vcf
│   │   └── gvcf.g.vcf.idx
│   └── vcf
│       ├── Sample1.vcf.gz
│       ├── Sample1.vcf.gz.tbi
│       └── phasing
├── multiqc
│   ├── multiqc_data
│   │   ├── multiqc.log
│   │   ├── multiqc_data.json
│   │   ├── multiqc_fastqc.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_gatk_varianteval.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.txt
│   │   ├── multiqc_snpeff.txt
│   │   └── multiqc_sources.txt
│   └── multiqc_report.html
└── multiqc_logs
    ├── AnalyzeCovariates
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── SnpEff
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── VariantEval
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── WhatsHap
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── bqsr_after
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── bqsr_before
    │   └── Sample1
    ├── bx_stats
    ├── fastqc
    │   └──
    └── qualimap
        └── Sample1

A note on debugging

If you need to debug the pipeline, because it failed, it can be useful to inspect the pipeline "trace":

less trace.txt

And the files in the work/ directory:

tree work/ | less

Reference resources

Barcode whitelist

The whitelist contains barcodes in the 10X Genomics GemCode technology, and can be obtained in the LongRanger software bundle here:


LongRanger can be obtained on the 10X Genomics website:

It's easier to download the file from this link though:

GATK resources

To run this pipeline you need some reference databases from the GATK resource bundle, as well as an exome targets file.

The reference/ script downloads all the resources needed from the GATK resource bundle; note that if the GATK dev team change any of these resources, this script may fail. We downloaded the resources from the site below on the 22/03-2019:

GATK resource bundle

Interval BED file

You should always use an interval BED file when running this pipeline. If you're running whole-genome sequencing, you might want to use WGS calling regions such as those from the GATK Resource Bundle:

GATK Resource Bundle

Specifically this file:

WGS calling regions hg38

Our particular sequencing experiment uses the Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon V6 UTR kit to capture the exome. The folder reference/sureselect_human_all_exon_v6_utr_grch38 contains an example BED file, and a README that explains where this file comes from. If LinkSeq is unwilling to accept your BED file, this example may help debug the problem.

SnpEff data

Use the reference/ script to download SnpEff database for hg38. In LinkSeq, the path to this database is used together with the dataDir argument in SnpEff.

The handle of this database can also be found by running snpEff databases | grep hg38.

This is particularly useful when running the pipeline in the Docker container, as it saves a lot of time. If we do not supply -dataDir in SnpEff, it will download the database every time it is run. This download may even sporadically fail, crashing the whole pipeline.


A GATK best-practices pipeline adapted to 10x Genomics linked-reads.






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