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Location Search App with interactive map, filters results to administrative boundaries, displays location details and population data, enables sharing of search results, keeps track of recent searches, and allows users to return to previous searches.

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Location Search App

Location Search App built with Vite, React, and TypeScript, using the Nominatim API also with interactive map, filters results to administrative boundaries, displays location details and population data, enables sharing of search results, keeps track of recent searches, and allows users to return to previous searches.

Live demo Link :

General Features

  • Search for locations using an input field, with results filtered to administrative boundaries.
  • View an interactive map, with Boston, MA as the default location on page load.
  • Select a search result to view the location on the map, with polygon boundaries visible.
  • View the location's population and population data year if theres population and population data available.
  • Clean and well-organized code
  • Share findings with others using a share button that opens a share modal that we can use to send it to anyone on any medium or copy the link.

How to run the app

  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Install the required dependencies with npm install or npm i or yarn install.
  • Start the development server with npm run dev or yarn dev.
  • Open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:5173/ to view the app.

Technologies used

  • Vite for fast frontend development
  • React for UI components
  • TypeScript for type-checking and better code organization
  • Nominatim API for location search functionality
  • TansackQuery for managing and fetching the data
  • Redux-Toolkit for managing state
  • React Leaflet to use a map to display the location and marker


Location Search App with interactive map, filters results to administrative boundaries, displays location details and population data, enables sharing of search results, keeps track of recent searches, and allows users to return to previous searches.







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