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No signal on HDMI after installing GPU driver

Farhan Sadik edited this page Jun 21, 2023 · 3 revisions

This happens to me accidentally, even I've no idea why this was happened. After 2 days of research I've found some of tips, that would help to solve this issue.


HDMI detected, but after installing driver monitor turn into black. But DVI works fine.

Possible Solution

  • Reinstall Windows or you can change windows versions like Win 10 21H2 to Win 10 20H2
  • Remove your current GPU driver using DDU from safe mode, then reinstall GPU drivers
  • Try to change different GPU drivers, old driver's or newer(latest WHQL Stable) drivers
  • Try to update bios
  • Try lower regulation from active output and then connect it to hdmi.
  • Install older driver and then connect to hdmi, if it works then update to newer or stable GPU driver.
  • If DVI or Display Port works then reinstall windows windows using that port, and then install older driver. After that connect to HDMI check it, if it work or not. (this one works for me)