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farnoodfaghihi edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 34 revisions

Installation of CamoDroid should be pretty straightforward. The following section provides a step-by-step guide for installing and running CamoDroid.

1- Install an Android Emulator (I suggest GenyMotion) and Android Debug Bridge (adb). In case you have Android Studio on your system, you should have both installed already. Make sure adb installation directory is added to your path variable (adb should be present in the list of commands in your terminal or command prompt). Lunch Android emulator (you can use any version of Android).

2- Install frida-tools on your computer, and frida-server on your emulator. Make sure frida-server process is running on the emulator (using adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server &")

3- Download user data from here, decompress it, and upload it to a folder of your choice on the device. You can use adb to upload folders and files to your device (adb push 5100Files "/sdcard/Download" where /sdcard/Download is the folder where you would like the files to be uploaded to). In case you do not need to have user data in your sandbox, you can skip this step.

Your setup is complete at this point. You can learn how to use CamoDroid to analyze Android application in the Usage page.

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