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Upcoming Versions

DanShu93 edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

To keep track of ideas, postponed features and nice-to-have features for Minventar.

Title Idea
Attribute Types When the user adds attributes to a resource type he can select the type of the attribute by a dropdown (currently only containing 'String'). This attribute type defines the input field for the attribute. Examples for attribute types which could be implemented are: Boolean -> checkbox; Text -> large text area
Input Validation When the user adds attributes to a resource type there could be a new field to let the him fill in a regex. This regex will later be processed against the user input for that attributes value field. To make life more easy for the user, it would be could to provide a popup layer with some regex expressions for default cases. The user should be able to click the desired pattern, to chose this for his currently selected attribute field (whilst on editing a resource). Example for the DB field: "validation": "[AZaz]"
Use Doctrine Use Doctrine as ODM for the MongoDB instead of Mandango because it is more popular, updated and better documented.
Configuration Area Add a configuration area to Minventar where you can configure things such as: showing / hiding the MongoId in the detail view; activation of confirmation for deleting / saving / creating resources
Type Icons The user is able to give a type an icon which is used instead of the folder / file icon in the overview table.
Attribute Filter The user is able to filter the overview table by attributes by adding filters for them to the filter bar.
Collapse / Expand All In the resource overview the user is able to colapse and expand all bundles.
Sorting In the overview table the user is able to sort by name / type.
Pagination Add pagination to the overview table.
CSS Add CSS to the frontend mainly to make it more responsive.
Frontend Unit Tests Cover the JavaScript of the frontend by unit tests.
Collapse / Expand Attributes Only a maximum of lets say 5 attributes are shown for a resource / resource type in the overview table. The rest can be shown by clicking an expand button. The user should also be able to collapse the attributes again.
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