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Funk metric Agent

This agent will be used to get Host metrics (CPU / Memory/ Disk / Host livetime)

If you don´t know what funk is please read here first.

coverage report

You can configure each Agent different on each installation and combine the information to one Elasticsearch Stack.

Possible Environments to configure the Agent

Param Envoirmentname value description require
--funkserver FUNK_SERVER wss://[url]:[port] Complete Funk Server URL true
--connectionkey CONNECTION_KEY string The Key to authenticate against funk-server. Is declared at your funk-server true
--insecureSkipVerify INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY false (default) or true disable ssl verification for server connection false
--loglevel LOG_LEVEL debug or info (default) or warn or error Which log-level for the agent own logs false
--statsintervall STATSINTERVALL 15 If LOG_STATS is not no. than the intervall to collect this information false
--searchindex SEARCHINDEX string(default: "default") the elasticsearch index to write this information (you name will always append by "_metrics_cumlated") false
--staticcontent STATICCONTENT json extra information wich will added to each document

At the release Tags you can find the linux binaries.

You have to run them on your server which metrics will be shipped.

with --help you can find configuration help