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Releases: fastlane/fastlane

1.3.2 Updated actions for new core

28 May 16:43
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Preparations for the new fastlane_core

1.3.1 Fixed S3 Integration

26 May 18:56
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  • Fixed an issue with the shenzhen dependency
  • Correctly passing of version number to deliver action
  • Other little improvements

1.3.0 Code Signing done right

22 May 13:04
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  • Added new action to update the Xcode project code signing options based on your provisioning profile with support for App Extensions 馃殌 (thanks @tobiasstrebitzer)
  • Improved output and error information when the ipa action goes wrong
  • Added support for custom snapshot path (thanks @hedjirog)
  • Improved handling of fastlane init when the fastlane folder was already created
  • fastlane setup process now asks for the app's scheme
  • Improved generated Fastfile
  • Improved action template
  • Fixed problems with custom paths for reset_git action
  • Added new option to increment_version_number action (thanks @tobiasstrebitzer)
  • Fixed problems when user doesn't have the bash set to UTF-8
  • Cleaned up unsupported ipa option (thanks @domhof)
  • Updated fastlane dependencies

1.2.3 Appfile Multi-Platform Support

20 May 17:16
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Thanks to @fabiomassimo you can now define your Appfile for multiple platforms:

app_identifier "net.sunapps.1"
apple_id ""
team_id "Q2CBPJ58CC"

for_platform :ios do
  apple_id ""
  team_id 'Q2CBPJ58AA' # for all iOS related things
  for_lane :enterprise do
    app_identifier 'net.sunapps.ios.enterprise'

1.2.2 New AWS S3 options

19 May 18:55
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  • When distributing a build to AWS S3, the current build number is now stored on S3 as well, which you can use to check for updates in your app (thanks @dbachrach)
  • Fixed an error in the Fastfile template (thanks @avanderberg)
  • Improved the documentation

1.2.1 Improvements

19 May 11:44
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1.2.0 Added ChatWork Integration

17 May 13:22
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  • Added integration for ChatWork (thanks @astronaughts)
  • Added support for Mac OS for many built-in actions
  • Improved parameter verification for new frameit integration
  • Improved HipChat integration (thanks @eytanbiala)

1.1.0 New Integrations, More Improvements

15 May 20:20
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  • Added new Mailgun action to send emails right from fastlane (thanks @thiagolioy)
  • Added new OCLint action for static analysis (thanks @HeEAaD)
  • Added integration for frameit 2.0
  • Build output is now much cleaner
  • Added new metadata_only mode for the new deliver version
  • Added new exclude_pattern option to clean_build_artifacts action
  • Added more options to s3 action (thanks @frobichaud)
  • commit_version_bump will never commit any other files
  • Updated the fastlane action template to match the new requirements
  • Made git_author and last_git_commit available to all fastlane actions
  • Improved hockey integration
  • snapshot action now doesn't open the HTML page by default
  • Updated dependencies

1.0.2 Hotfix: shenzhen WatchKit Issue

08 May 10:07
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This release switches to krausefx-shenzhen to resolve the WatchKit binary issues

1.0.1 Fixed ipa action

06 May 17:05
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  • Due to an issue with the latest release of shenzhen the ipa action generated invalid ipa files your app doesn't have WatchKit support
  • Added mac support to hockey integration
  • Added public_identifier option to hockey integration
  • Improved fastlane docs rendering