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cleanup and add single event GET
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Jason Reeves authored and sethvargo committed May 19, 2018
1 parent dc37f61 commit f833123
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Showing 2 changed files with 41 additions and 232 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions fastly/errors.go
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ var ErrMissingACL = errors.New("Missing required field 'ACL'")
// required an "IP" key, but one is not set
var ErrMissingIP = errors.New("Missing requried field 'IP'")

// ErrMissingEventID is an error that is returned was an input struct
// requires a "EventID" key, but one was not set
var ErrMissingEventID = errors.New("Missing required field 'EventID'")

// ErrMissingWafID is an error that is returned was an input struct
// requires a "WafID" key, but one was not set
var ErrMissingWAFID = errors.New("Missing required field 'WAFID'")
Expand Down
269 changes: 37 additions & 232 deletions fastly/event_logs.go
Expand Up @@ -11,15 +11,9 @@ import (
// "time"

// Events represents an event_logs item response from the Fastly API.
// type Event struct {
// Data []*Data `mapstructure:"data"`
// Links Links `mapstructure:"links"`
// }

type Event struct {
ID string `jsonapi:"primary,event"`
CustomerID string `jsonapi:"attr,customer_id"`
Expand All @@ -31,32 +25,8 @@ type Event struct {
UserID string `jsonapi:"attr,user_id"`
CreatedAt string `jsonapi:"attr,created_at"`
Admin bool `jsonapi:"attr,admin"`
// Type string `mapstructure:"type"`
// Attributes Attributes `mapstructure:"attributes"`

// eventType is used for reflection because JSONAPI wants to know what it's
// decoding into.
// var eventType = reflect.TypeOf(new(Event))
// type Event struct {
// CustomerID string `mapstructure:"customer_id"`
// Description string `mapstructure:"description"`
// EventType string `mapstructure:"event_type"`
// IP string `mapstructure:"ip"`
// Metadata *map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"metadata"`
// ServiceID string `mapstructure:"service_id"`
// UserID string `mapstructure:"user_id"`
// CreatedAt time.Time `mapstructure:"created_at"`
// Admin bool `mapstructure:"admin"`
// }

// type GetAPIEventsInput struct {
// CustomerID string
// ServiceId string
// Filters GetAPIEventsFilter
// }

// GetAPIEventsFilter is used as input to the GetAPIEvents function.
type GetAPIEventsFilterInput struct {
// CustomerID to Limit the returned events to a specific customer.
Expand All @@ -78,11 +48,6 @@ type GetAPIEventsFilterInput struct {
MaxResults int

// type Links struct {
// Next string `mapstructure:"next"`
// Last string `mapstructure:"last"`
// }

// eventLinksResponse is used to pull the "Links" pagination fields from
// a call to Fastly; these are excluded from the results of the jsonapi
// call to `UnmarshalManyPayload()`, so we have to fetch them separately.
Expand All @@ -98,43 +63,57 @@ type eventsPaginationInfo struct {
Next string `json:"next,omitempty"`

// GetWAFRuleStatusesResponse is the data returned to the user from a GetAPIEvents call
// GetAPIEventsResponse is the data returned to the user from a GetAPIEvents call
type GetAPIEventsResponse struct {
Events []*Event

// GetAPIEvents gets the events for a particular customer
func (c *Client) GetAPIEvents(i *GetAPIEventsFilterInput) (GetAPIEventsResponse, error) {
eventsResponse := GetAPIEventsResponse{Events: []*Event{}}
// if i.CustomerID == "" {
// return eventsResponse, ErrMissingCustomerID
// }
// if i. == "" {
// return eventsResponse, ErrMissingService
// }

path := fmt.Sprintf("/events")
// fmt.Println(i.CustomerID)
filters := &RequestOptions{Params: i.formatFilters()}
// if filters.Params != nil {
// path = fmt.Sprintln("/events?")
// }
// fmt.Println(filters)

filters := &RequestOptions{Params: i.formatEventFilters()}

resp, err := c.Get(path, filters)
if err != nil {
return eventsResponse, err

err = c.interpretAPIEventsPage(&eventsResponse, resp)
// NOTE: It's possible for statusResponse to be partially completed before an error
// NOTE: It's possible for eventsResponse to be partially completed before an error
// was encountered, so the presence of a statusResponse doesn't preclude the presence of
// an error.

return eventsResponse, err

// interpretWAFRuleStatusesPage accepts a Fastly response for a set of WAF rule statuses
// GetAPIEventInput is used as input to the GetAPIEvent function.
type GetAPIEventInput struct {
// EventID is the ID of the event and is required.
EventID string

func (c *Client) GetAPIEvent(i *GetAPIEventInput) (*Event, error) {
if i.EventID == "" {
return nil, ErrMissingEventID

path := fmt.Sprintf("/events/%s", i.EventID)
resp, err := c.Get(path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var event Event
if err := jsonapi.UnmarshalPayload(resp.Body, &event); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &event, nil

// interpretAPIEventsPage accepts a Fastly response for a set of WAF rule statuses
// and unmarshals the results. If there are more pages of results, it fetches the next
// page, adds that response to the array of results, and repeats until all results have
// been fetched.
Expand All @@ -145,21 +124,11 @@ func (c *Client) interpretAPIEventsPage(answer *GetAPIEventsResponse, received *
if err != nil {
return err

data, err := jsonapi.UnmarshalManyPayload(body, reflect.TypeOf(new(Event)))
if err != nil {
return err
// e := &Events{}
// body, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(c.res.Body)
// if readErr != nil {
// c.readErr = readErr
// log.Fatal(readErr)
// }
// data := json.Unmarshal(body, &e)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }

for i := range data {
typed, ok := data[i].(*Event)
Expand All @@ -168,6 +137,7 @@ func (c *Client) interpretAPIEventsPage(answer *GetAPIEventsResponse, received *
answer.Events = append(answer.Events, typed)

if pages.Next != "" {
// NOTE: pages.Next URL includes filters already
resp, err := c.SimpleGet(pages.Next)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,9 +166,9 @@ func getEventsPages(body io.Reader) (eventsPaginationInfo, io.Reader, error) {
return pages.Links, bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), nil

func (i *GetAPIEventsFilterInput) formatFilters() map[string]string {
// fmt.Printf("input is %v\n", i)
// fmt.Printf("CID is %v\n", i.CustomerID)
// formatEventFilters converts user input into query parameters for filtering
// Fastly results for rules in an Event.
func (i *GetAPIEventsFilterInput) formatEventFilters() map[string]string {
result := map[string]string{}
pairings := map[string]interface{}{
"filter[customer_id]": i.CustomerID,
Expand All @@ -208,32 +178,18 @@ func (i *GetAPIEventsFilterInput) formatFilters() map[string]string {
"page[size]": i.MaxResults,
"page[number]": i.PageNumber, // starts at 1, not 0
// input := i.Filters
// fmt.Printf("input is %v\n", input)
// fmt.Printf("CID is %v\n", input.CustomerID)
// result := map[string]string{}
// pairings := map[string]interface{}{
// "filter[customer_id]": input.CustomerID,
// "filter[service_id]": input.ServiceID,
// "filter[event_type]": input.EventType,
// "filter[user_id]": input.UserID,
// "page[size]": input.MaxResults,
// "page[number]": input.PageNumber, // starts at 1, not 0
// }
// NOTE: This setup means we will not be able to send the zero value
// of any of these filters. It doesn't appear we would need to at present.

for key, value := range pairings {
// fmt.Printf("key is %v and Value is %v\n", key, value)
switch t := reflect.TypeOf(value).String(); t {
case "string":
if value != "" {
result[key] = value.(string)
// fmt.Println("String ran")
case "int":
if value != 0 {
result[key] = strconv.Itoa(value.(int))
// fmt.Println("int ran")
case "[]int":
// convert ints to strings
Expand All @@ -246,159 +202,8 @@ func (i *GetAPIEventsFilterInput) formatFilters() map[string]string {
if len(values) > 0 {
result[key] = strings.Join(toStrings, ",")
// fmt.Println("sliceofints ran")


// fmt.Printf("result is %v", result)
return result


// // CreateDictionaryInput is used as input to the CreateDictionary function.
// type CreateDictionaryInput struct {
// // Service is the ID of the service. Version is the specific configuration
// // version. Both fields are required.
// Service string
// Version int
// Name string `form:"name,omitempty"`
// }
// // CreateDictionary creates a new Fastly dictionary.
// func (c *Client) CreateDictionary(i *CreateDictionaryInput) (*Dictionary, error) {
// if i.Service == "" {
// return nil, ErrMissingService
// }
// if i.Version == 0 {
// return nil, ErrMissingVersion
// }
// path := fmt.Sprintf("/service/%s/version/%d/dictionary", i.Service, i.Version)
// resp, err := c.PostForm(path, i, nil)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var b *Dictionary
// if err := decodeJSON(&b, resp.Body); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return b, nil
// }
// // GetDictionaryInput is used as input to the GetDictionary function.
// type GetDictionaryInput struct {
// // Service is the ID of the service. Version is the specific configuration
// // version. Both fields are required.
// Service string
// Version int
// // Name is the name of the dictionary to fetch.
// Name string
// }
// // GetDictionary gets the dictionary configuration with the given parameters.
// func (c *Client) GetDictionary(i *GetDictionaryInput) (*Dictionary, error) {
// if i.Service == "" {
// return nil, ErrMissingService
// }
// if i.Version == 0 {
// return nil, ErrMissingVersion
// }
// if i.Name == "" {
// return nil, ErrMissingName
// }
// path := fmt.Sprintf("/service/%s/version/%d/dictionary/%s", i.Service, i.Version, i.Name)
// resp, err := c.Get(path, nil)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var b *Dictionary
// if err := decodeJSON(&b, resp.Body); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return b, nil
// }
// // UpdateDictionaryInput is used as input to the UpdateDictionary function.
// type UpdateDictionaryInput struct {
// // Service is the ID of the service. Version is the specific configuration
// // version. Both fields are required.
// Service string
// Version int
// // Name is the name of the dictionary to update.
// Name string
// NewName string `form:"name,omitempty"`
// }
// // UpdateDictionary updates a specific dictionary.
// func (c *Client) UpdateDictionary(i *UpdateDictionaryInput) (*Dictionary, error) {
// if i.Service == "" {
// return nil, ErrMissingService
// }
// if i.Version == 0 {
// return nil, ErrMissingVersion
// }
// if i.Name == "" {
// return nil, ErrMissingName
// }
// path := fmt.Sprintf("/service/%s/version/%d/dictionary/%s", i.Service, i.Version, i.Name)
// resp, err := c.PutForm(path, i, nil)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var b *Dictionary
// if err := decodeJSON(&b, resp.Body); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return b, nil
// }
// // DeleteDictionaryInput is the input parameter to DeleteDictionary.
// type DeleteDictionaryInput struct {
// // Service is the ID of the service. Version is the specific configuration
// // version. Both fields are required.
// Service string
// Version int
// // Name is the name of the dictionary to delete (required).
// Name string
// }
// // DeleteDictionary deletes the given dictionary version.
// func (c *Client) DeleteDictionary(i *DeleteDictionaryInput) error {
// if i.Service == "" {
// return ErrMissingService
// }
// if i.Version == 0 {
// return ErrMissingVersion
// }
// if i.Name == "" {
// return ErrMissingName
// }
// path := fmt.Sprintf("/service/%s/version/%d/dictionary/%s", i.Service, i.Version, i.Name)
// resp, err := c.Delete(path, nil)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// defer resp.Body.Close()
// // Unlike other endpoints, the dictionary endpoint does not return a status
// // response - it just returns a 200 OK.
// return nil
// }

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