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Business Card Template using fastn

This repository provides a prototype to create customizable business card design using the fastn language. You can create designs which can be used by users to easily create professional business card by filling in their information.

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Getting Started

To use this template, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Use this Template or go to the following link
  2. Enter the required details to create new repository (Note: repository name should be in kebab case).
  3. Clone this newly created repository to your local machine.
  4. Open the fastn file named index.ftd in a text editor.

Creating a new Business Card category

The index.ftd file contains placeholders that you can replace with your own information. Here's what you need to do:

1. Replace Package Information

In the section labeled "DOCUMENTATION FOR YOUR CARD COMPONENTS", locate the docs.home-card component and check the following placeholders:

Note: All these are auto-filled values during repository creation

  • package-name: Your repository name
  • package-full-name: Your GitHub repository's full URL
  • license-url: URL to the license of your choice (e.g., MIT License) (This is currently commented, you can uncomment it if you want to include license.)
  • github: Your GitHub Repository URL

2. Implement Front and Back Components

In the "DEFINE YOUR CARD COMPONENTS" section, you will find placeholders for implementing the front and back components of your business card.

For the both front and back component, you need to use the following headers (card details):

Note: These headers will be used by the users for filling in their information. It's mandatory to use all these headers while creating your component.

  • caption name: You name (e.g., "John Doe")
  • string title: Your job title
  • string company-name: Your company name
  • ftd.image-src logo: Image asset or Image URL to your company logo
  • optional string contact-1: Your primary contact number (Optional for user)
  • optional string contact-2: Your secondary contact number (Optional for user)
  • optional string email: Your email (Optional for user)
  • optional string website: Your email or social media link (Optional for user)
  • optional string address: Your address (Optional for user)
  • optional string company-slogan: A slogan or tagline for your company (Optional for user)

If you want to create a portrait mode business card design, you can uncomment the landscape: false (line number: 39) in lib.display-card component invocation in index.ftd file

Replace the code present in the line numbers 47 to 52 with actual card's front side component implementation/definition. Similarly, replace the code present in the line numbers 66 to 71 with actual card's back side component implementation/definition.

Note: It is recommended to create a component/front.ftd and component/back.ftd files for implementing front side and back side components respectively.

Also, assets for your package is auto-imported, you can use assets to add image etc. (Checkout FASTN.ftd file).

Fix the content

Replace the preview image with your template image

Publishing your category design on Github page:

Check out Publishing Static Site On github pages to know more.

Also add the live site link in About section of github repository.

Some other information:

The sitemap present in FASTN.ftd is used to organise your package. This uses

  • index.ftd: It is the homepage which shows preview of front and back for your card
  • how-to-use.ftd: It is page that gives the detail descriptions about each fields in the card component and how to use your package. It also shows some variant of this card (like when some fields are present).

The documentation for this template comes from business-card

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