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Alexandr Topilski edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 14 revisions

Redis database:

Driver library: hiredis

Redis server can handle 2 type of connection via unix socket(redis-server and client placed in same machine) and remote socket (redis-server and client placed on different machines, or in same but via tcp stack connection).

Unix socket connection:

If you want to connect into unix socket you should specify path to it in Unix socket path field.

Direct connection:

For direct remote connection you should specify select remote radio box and specify host and port.

SSH connection:

Database path in example below used remote localhost but can be other address, for example when you connected via ssh from remote server into private ip which visible only from it(ssh server). In SSH Address field you should specify ssh address of server for example or visible ip address, in other fields specified ssh connection method can be:

  • Password also should be entered user name and password
  • Public/Private key should be username

TLS/SSL connection (Azure):

If you have secure redis server like azure, you should check SSL checkbox and input host address and secure port.

Hot string parse for azure cloud:

Redis ElastiCache through EC2:

For Amazon ElastiCache connection, setup SSH credentials to your EC2 server, and remote server should be like in your ElastiCache Redis settings.

Other help links:

Redis Docker:

docker run -d -p 7777:7777 redis --port 7777

Test connection:

When all fields entered you can test your connection via test button.