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Visual Argument: The Damage is Real

For Milllions of years, humans have inhabited the planet we call Earth today and we all know to some extent that our day to day activities and luxuries are affecting the climate of this vulnerable planet we live in. However, what we fail to realize is the extent to which this change has progressed over the course of years. Despite several global conferences on Global warming and climate change, the issue meets no fate, giving us the impression that climate change is not real or at least not as critical. Hence, we delve into our same to day to day activites realizing little that the earth is going to die someday.This project aims to convince people that climate change is indeed real. It is important to get rid of the mindset that Earth is still the same as it was Millions of years ago and for that it is important to zoom into the real picture of our planet as it is today. The picture we have painted ourselves.

Tools used

GIMP 2.10.12


Open the file to view the re-purposed resources

How to view

Open the savearth.png file to view the visual argument


Visual Argument about Climate Change using GIMP







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