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packet lib: icmpv6: support MLD (v1/v2)
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Signed-off-by: Yuichi Ito <>
Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
  • Loading branch information
Yuichi Ito authored and fujita committed Dec 29, 2013
1 parent a412753 commit 5611b9e
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,328 additions and 0 deletions.
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions ryu/lib/packet/
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
MLD_LISTENER_QUERY = 130 # multicast listener query
MLD_LISTENER_REPOR = 131 # multicast listener report
MLD_LISTENER_DONE = 132 # multicast listener done
MLDV2_LISTENER_REPORT = 143 # multicast listern report (v2)

# RFC2292 decls
ICMPV6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY = 130 # group membership query
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ND_OPTION_RH = 4 # Redirected Header


class icmpv6(packet_base.PacketBase):
"""ICMPv6 (RFC 2463) header encoder/decoder class.
Expand All @@ -87,6 +95,7 @@ class icmpv6(packet_base.PacketBase):
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_neighbor object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_solicit object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_advert object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mld object, \
or a bytearray.
============== ====================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -659,6 +668,280 @@ def __len__(self):
return length

class mld(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD Lister Query,
MLD Listener Report, and MLD Listener Done messages. (RFC 2710)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
maxresp max response time in millisecond. it is
meaningful only in Query Message.
address a group address value.
============== =========================================

_PACK_STR = '!H2x16s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)

def __init__(self, maxresp=0, address='::'):
self.maxresp = maxresp
self.address = address

def parser(cls, buf, offset):
if cls._MIN_LEN < len(buf[offset:]):
msg = mldv2_query.parser(buf[offset:])
(maxresp, address) = struct.unpack_from(
cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
msg = cls(maxresp, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address))

return msg

def serialize(self):
buf = struct.pack(mld._PACK_STR, self.maxresp,
return buf

def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN

class mldv2_query(mld):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Query messages.
(RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
maxresp max response time in millisecond. it is
meaningful only in Query Message.
address a group address value.
s_flg when set to 1, routers suppress the timer
qrv robustness variable for a querier.
qqic an interval time for a querier in unit of
num a number of the multicast servers.
srcs a list of IPv6 addresses of the multicast
============== =========================================

_PACK_STR = '!H2x16sBBH'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)

def __init__(self, maxresp=0, address='::', s_flg=0, qrv=2,
qqic=0, num=0, srcs=None):
super(mldv2_query, self).__init__(maxresp, address)
self.s_flg = s_flg
self.qrv = qrv
self.qqic = qqic
self.num = num
srcs = srcs or []
assert isinstance(srcs, list)
for src in srcs:
assert isinstance(src, str)
self.srcs = srcs

def parser(cls, buf):
(maxresp, address, s_qrv, qqic, num
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf)
s_flg = (s_qrv >> 3) & 0b1
qrv = s_qrv & 0b111
offset = cls._MIN_LEN
srcs = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and num > len(srcs):
assert 16 <= len(buf[offset:])
(src, ) = struct.unpack_from('16s', buf, offset)
offset += 16
assert num == len(srcs)
return cls(maxresp, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address), s_flg,
qrv, qqic, num, srcs)

def serialize(self):
s_qrv = self.s_flg << 3 | self.qrv
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.maxresp,
addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(self.address), s_qrv,
self.qqic, self.num))
for src in self.srcs:
buf.extend(struct.pack('16s', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(src)))
if 0 == self.num:
self.num = len(self.srcs)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 22, self.num)
return str(buf)

def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN + len(self.srcs) * 16

class mldv2_report(mld):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Report messages.
(RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
record_num a number of the group records.
records a list of ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mldv2_report_group.
None if no records.
============== =========================================

_PACK_STR = '!2xH'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
_class_prefixes = ['mldv2_report_group']

def __init__(self, record_num=0, records=None):
self.record_num = record_num
records = records or []
assert isinstance(records, list)
for record in records:
assert isinstance(record, mldv2_report_group)
self.records = records

def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(record_num, ) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
records = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and record_num > len(records):
record = mldv2_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])
offset += len(record)
assert record_num == len(records)
return cls(record_num, records)

def serialize(self):
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.record_num))
for record in self.records:
if 0 == self.record_num:
self.record_num = len(self.records)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.record_num)
return str(buf)

def __len__(self):
records_len = 0
for record in self.records:
records_len += len(record)
return self._MIN_LEN + records_len

class mldv2_report_group(stringify.StringifyMixin):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Report Group
Record messages. (RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mldv2_report.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
=============== ====================================================
Attribute Description
=============== ====================================================
type\_ a group record type for v3.
aux_len the length of the auxiliary data in 32-bit words.
num a number of the multicast servers.
address a group address value.
srcs a list of IPv6 addresses of the multicast servers.
aux the auxiliary data.
=============== ====================================================
_PACK_STR = '!BBH16s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)

def __init__(self, type_=0, aux_len=0, num=0, address='::',
srcs=None, aux=None):
self.type_ = type_
self.aux_len = aux_len
self.num = num
self.address = address
srcs = srcs or []
assert isinstance(srcs, list)
for src in srcs:
assert isinstance(src, str)
self.srcs = srcs
self.aux = aux

def parser(cls, buf):
(type_, aux_len, num, address
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf)
offset = cls._MIN_LEN
srcs = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and num > len(srcs):
assert 16 <= len(buf[offset:])
(src, ) = struct.unpack_from('16s', buf, offset)
offset += 16
assert num == len(srcs)
aux = None
if aux_len:
(aux, ) = struct.unpack_from('%ds' % (aux_len * 4), buf, offset)
msg = cls(type_, aux_len, num, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address),
srcs, aux)
return msg

def serialize(self):
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.type_,
self.aux_len, self.num,
for src in self.srcs:
buf.extend(struct.pack('16s', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(src)))
if 0 == self.num:
self.num = len(self.srcs)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.num)
if self.aux is not None:
mod = len(self.aux) % 4
if mod:
self.aux += bytearray(4 - mod)
self.aux = str(self.aux)
if 0 == self.aux_len:
self.aux_len = len(self.aux) / 4
struct.pack_into('!B', buf, 1, self.aux_len)
return str(buf)

def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN + len(self.srcs) * 16 + self.aux_len * 4

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