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basic per-scene macrogenesis list / subgraph
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thvitt committed Sep 9, 2018
1 parent 72fd7f7 commit 4cc1799
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Showing 3 changed files with 156 additions and 78 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ def secondary_key(node):
nodes = nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(self.dag, key=secondary_key)
refs = [node for node in nodes if isinstance(node, Reference)]
self._order = refs
for index, ref in enumerate(refs):
if ref in self.base.node:
self.base.node[ref]['index'] = index
return refs

def _augment_details(self):
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def _main(argv=sys.argv):

Expand All @@ -27,6 +28,6 @@ def _main(argv=sys.argv):

if __name__ == '__main__':
# import requests_cache
# requests_cache.install_cache(expire_after=86400)
import requests_cache
226 changes: 150 additions & 76 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
from itertools import chain, repeat

import requests
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker
from lxml.etree import Comment
from more_itertools import pairwise
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +100,8 @@ def row(self, row, **row_attrs):
if len(row) > len(self.formatters):
raise IndexError('{} values in row, but only {} formatters: {}', len(row), len(self.formatters), row)
return self
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,9 +155,9 @@ def format_table(self, rows=None, row_attrs=None):
(self._format_row(row, **attrs) for row, attrs in zip(rows, row_attrs))) + self._format_footer()

def write_html(filename: Path, content: str, head: str = None, breadcrumbs: List[Dict[str, str]] = [],
def write_html(filename: Path, content: str, head: str = None, breadcrumbs: List[Dict[str,str]] = [],
graph_id: str = None,
graph_options: Dict[str, object] = dict(controlIconsEnabled=True)) -> object:
graph_options: Dict[str,object] = dict(controlIconsEnabled=True)) -> None:
Writes a html page.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +278,91 @@ def _edition_link(ref: Reference):
return format(ref)

class RefTable(HtmlTable):

def __init__(self, base: nx.MultiDiGraph, **table_attrs):
.column('Knoten davor')
.column('Objekt', format_spec=_fmt_node)
.column('Typ / Edition', format_spec=_edition_link)
.column('nicht vor', format_spec=lambda d: format(d) if d != EARLIEST else "")
.column('nicht nach', format_spec=lambda d: format(d) if d != LATEST else "")
.column('erster Vers')
.column('<a href="conflicts">Konflikte</a>'))
self.base = base

def reference(self, ref, index=None, write_subpage=False):
if ref in self.base:
if index is None:
index = self.base.node[ref]['index']
assertions = list(chain(self.base.in_edges(ref, data=True), self.base.out_edges(ref, data=True)))
conflicts = [assertion for assertion in assertions if 'delete' in assertion[2] and assertion[2]['delete']]
self.row((f'<a href="refs#idx{index}">{index}</a>', ref.rank, ref, ref, ref.earliest, ref.latest,
getattr(ref, 'min_verse', ''), len(assertions), len(conflicts)),
id=f'idx{index}', class_=type(ref).__name__)
if write_subpage:
self._last_ref_subpage(DAY, ref)
self.row((index, 0, format(ref), ref, '', '', getattr(ref, 'min_verse', ''), ''),
class_='pure-fade-40', title='Keine Macrogenesedaten', id=f'idx{index}')

def _last_ref_subpage(self, DAY, ref):
"""Writes a subpage for ref, but only if it’s the last witness we just wrote"""
basename = target / ref.filename
relevant_nodes = {ref} | set(self.base.predecessors(ref)) | set(self.base.successors(ref))
if ref.earliest != EARLIEST:
relevant_nodes |= set(nx.shortest_path(self.base, ref.earliest - DAY, ref))
if ref.latest != LATEST:
relevant_nodes |= set(nx.shortest_path(self.base, ref, ref.latest + DAY))
ref_subgraph = self.base.subgraph(relevant_nodes)
write_dot(ref_subgraph, basename.with_name(basename.stem + ''), highlight=ref)
report = f"<!-- {repr(ref)} -->\n"
report += self.format_table(self.rows[-1:])
report += f"""<object id="refgraph" class="refgraph" type="image/svg+xml" data="{basename.with_name(basename.stem+'-graph.svg').name}"></object>\n"""
kinds = {'not_before': 'nicht vor',
'not_after': 'nicht nach',
'from_': 'von',
'to': 'bis',
'when': 'am',
'temp-syn': 'ca. gleichzeitig',
'temp-pre': 'entstanden nach',
'orphan': '(Verweis)',
None: '???'
assertionTable = (HtmlTable()
.column('Bezug', format_spec=_fmt_node)
.column('Kommentare', format_spec="/".join)
.column('XML', format_spec=lambda xml: ":".join(map(str, xml))))
for (u, v, attr) in self.base.in_edges(ref, data=True):
delete_ = 'delete' in attr and attr['delete']
assertionTable.row((f'<a href="{_path_link(u, v).stem}">nein</a>' if delete_ else 'ja',
u + DAY if isinstance(u, date) else u,
attr.get('comments', []),
class_='delete' if delete_ else str(attr['kind']))
kinds['temp-pre'] = 'entstanden vor'
for (u, v, attr) in self.base.out_edges(ref, data=True):
delete_ = 'delete' in attr and attr['delete']
assertionTable.row(('nein' if delete_ else 'ja',
v - DAY if isinstance(v, date) else v,
attr.get('comments', []),
class_='delete' if delete_ else str(attr['kind']))
write_html(basename.with_suffix('.php'), report + assertionTable.format_table(),
breadcrumbs=[dict(caption='Referenzen', link='refs')],
head=str(ref), graph_id='refgraph')

def report_refs(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
# Fake dates for when we don’t have any earliest/latest info

Expand All @@ -288,89 +377,17 @@ def report_refs(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
nx.write_gpickle(graphs.base, str(target / 'base.gpickle'))

refs = graphs.order_refs()
overview = (HtmlTable()
.column('Knoten davor')
.column('Objekt', format_spec=_fmt_node)
.column('Typ / Edition', format_spec=_edition_link)
.column('nicht vor', format_spec=lambda d: format(d) if d != EARLIEST else "")
.column('nicht nach', format_spec=lambda d: format(d) if d != LATEST else "")
.column('erster Vers')
.column('<a href="conflicts">Konflikte</a>'))
overview = RefTable(graphs.base)

for index, ref in enumerate(refs, start=1):
if ref in graphs.base:
_report_single_ref(index, ref, graphs, overview)
overview.row((index, 0, format(ref), ref, '', '', getattr(ref, 'min_verse', ''), ''),
class_='pure-fade-40', title='Keine Macrogenesedaten', id=f'idx{index}')
overview.reference(ref, index, write_subpage=True)

write_html(target / 'refs.php', overview.format_table(), head="Referenzen")

# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.base), str(target / ''), record=False)
# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.working), str(target / ''), record=False)
# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.dag), str(target / ''), record=False)

def _report_single_ref(index, ref, graphs, overview):
assertions = list(chain(graphs.base.in_edges(ref, data=True), graphs.base.out_edges(ref, data=True)))
conflicts = [assertion for assertion in assertions if 'delete' in assertion[2] and assertion[2]['delete']]
overview.row((f'<a href="refs#idx{index}">{index}</a>', ref.rank, ref, ref, ref.earliest, ref.latest,
getattr(ref, 'min_verse', ''), len(assertions), len(conflicts)),
id=f'idx{index}', class_=type(ref).__name__)
DAY = timedelta(days=1)
basename = target / ref.filename
relevant_nodes = {ref} | set(graphs.base.predecessors(ref)) | set(graphs.base.successors(ref))
if ref.earliest != EARLIEST:
relevant_nodes |= set(nx.shortest_path(graphs.base, ref.earliest - DAY, ref))
if ref.latest != LATEST:
relevant_nodes |= set(nx.shortest_path(graphs.base, ref, ref.latest + DAY))
ref_subgraph = graphs.base.subgraph(relevant_nodes)
write_dot(ref_subgraph, basename.with_name(basename.stem + ''), highlight=ref)
report = f"<!-- {repr(ref)} -->\n"
report += overview.format_table(overview.rows[-1:])
report += f"""<object id="refgraph" class="refgraph" type="image/svg+xml" data="{basename.with_name(basename.stem+'-graph.svg').name}"></object>\n"""
kinds = {'not_before': 'nicht vor',
'not_after': 'nicht nach',
'from_': 'von',
'to': 'bis',
'when': 'am',
'temp-syn': 'ca. gleichzeitig',
'temp-pre': 'entstanden nach',
'orphan': '(Verweis)',
None: '???'
assertionTable = (HtmlTable()
.column('Bezug', format_spec=_fmt_node)
.column('Kommentare', format_spec="/".join)
.column('XML', format_spec=lambda xml: ":".join(map(str, xml))))
for (u, v, attr) in graphs.base.in_edges(ref, data=True):
delete_ = 'delete' in attr and attr['delete']
assertionTable.row((f'<a href="{_path_link(u, v).stem}">nein</a>' if delete_ else 'ja',
u + DAY if isinstance(u, date) else u,
attr.get('comments', []),
class_='delete' if delete_ else str(attr['kind']))
kinds['temp-pre'] = 'entstanden vor'
for (u, v, attr) in graphs.base.out_edges(ref, data=True):
delete_ = 'delete' in attr and attr['delete']
assertionTable.row(('nein' if delete_ else 'ja',
v - DAY if isinstance(v, date) else v,
attr.get('comments', []),
class_='delete' if delete_ else str(attr['kind']))
write_html(basename.with_suffix('.php'), report + assertionTable.format_table(),
breadcrumbs=[dict(caption='Referenzen', link='refs')],
head=str(ref), graph_id='refgraph')

def _invert_mapping(mapping: Mapping) -> Dict:
result = defaultdict(set)
for key, value in mapping.items():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,6 +679,63 @@ def _yearlabel(ref: Reference):
result += str(latest_year)
return result if result != sep else ""

class ByScene:
def __init__(self, graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
scene_xml = etree.parse('scenes.xml')
self.scenes = scene_xml.xpath('//f:scene[@first-verse]', namespaces=faust.namespaces)
bargraph_info = requests.get('').json()
self.intervals = {Witness.get('faust://document/faustedition/' + doc['sigil_t']): doc['intervals'] for doc in bargraph_info}
self.ordering = list(enumerate(graphs.order_refs()))
self.graphs = graphs

def report(self):
sceneTable = (HtmlTable()
.column('Verse', format_spec=lambda t: '{} – {}'.format(*t))
for scene in self.scenes:
witnessTable = RefTable(self.graphs.base)
title = scene.xpath('f:title/text()', namespaces=faust.namespaces)[0]
start, end = int(scene.get('first-verse')), int(scene.get('last-verse'))
scene_wits = [(index, wit) for index, wit in self.ordering if self.relevant(wit, start, end)]
for index, witness in scene_wits:
witnessTable.reference(witness, index)
scene_subgraph = self.graphs.base.subgraph([wit for _, wit in scene_wits])
basename = 'scene_' + scene.get('n').replace('.', '-')
subgraph_page = Path(basename + '-subgraph.php')
graph_name = Path(basename + '')
sceneTable.row((scene.get('n'), f'<a href="{basename}">{title}</a>', (start, end), len(scene_wits)))
write_dot(scene_subgraph, target / graph_name)
write_html(target / subgraph_page,
f"""<object id="refgraph" type="image/svg+xml" data="{graph_name.with_suffix('.svg')}"></object>""",
head="Szenengraph", breadcrumbs=[dict(caption='nach Szene', link='scenes'),
dict(caption=title, link=basename)])
write_html(target / (basename + '.php'),
<p><a href="{subgraph_page.stem}">Szenengraph</a> ·
<a href="/genesis_bargraph?rangeStart={start}&amp;rangeEnd={end}">Balkendiagramm</a></p>
head=title, breadcrumbs=[dict(caption='nach Szene', link='scenes')])
write_html(target / "scenes.php", sceneTable.format_table(), head='nach Szene')

def relevant(self, witness: Reference, first_verse: int, last_verse: int) -> bool:
for interval in self.intervals[witness]:
if first_verse <= interval['start'] <= last_verse or \
first_verse <= interval['end'] <= last_verse or \
interval['start'] <= first_verse <= interval['end'] or \
interval['start'] <= last_verse <= interval['end']:
return True
except KeyError:
return False
return False

def report_scenes(graphs):

def write_order_xml(graphs):
F = ElementMaker(namespace='', nsmap=faust.namespaces)
root = F.order(
Expand Down

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