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thvitt committed Sep 7, 2018
1 parent b09736f commit b6f3ebb
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 31 deletions.
71 changes: 40 additions & 31 deletions
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
None: '???'

class HtmlTable:
Helper class to create a simple HTML table from some kind of data.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +104,8 @@ def row(self, row, **row_attrs):

def _build_attrs(attrdict: Dict):
return ''.join(' {}="{}"'.format(attr.strip('_').replace('-', '_'), escape(value)) for attr, value in attrdict.items())
return ''.join(
' {}="{}"'.format(attr.strip('_').replace('-', '_'), escape(value)) for attr, value in attrdict.items())

def _format_column(self, index, data):
attributes = self._build_attrs(self.attrs[index])
Expand All @@ -112,7 +114,8 @@ def _format_column(self, index, data):

def _format_row(self, row: Iterable, **rowattrs) -> str:
attributes = self._build_attrs(rowattrs)
return f'<tr{attributes}>' + ''.join(self._format_column(index, column) for index, column in enumerate(row)) + '</tr>'
return f'<tr{attributes}>' + ''.join(
self._format_column(index, column) for index, column in enumerate(row)) + '</tr>'

def _format_rows(self, rows: Iterable[Iterable]):
for row in rows:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,12 +146,14 @@ def format_table(self, rows=None, row_attrs=None):
rows = self.rows
row_attrs = self.row_attrs
if row_attrs is None:
return self._format_header() + ''.join((self._format_row(row, **attrs) for row, attrs in zip(rows, row_attrs))) + self._format_footer()
row_attrs = repeat({})
return self._format_header() + ''.join(
(self._format_row(row, **attrs) for row, attrs in zip(rows, row_attrs))) + self._format_footer()

def write_html(filename: Path, content: str, head: str = None, breadcrumbs: List[Dict[str,str]] = [], graph_id: str = None,
graph_options: Dict[str,object] = dict(controlIconsEnabled=True)) -> object:
def write_html(filename: Path, content: str, head: str = None, breadcrumbs: List[Dict[str, str]] = [],
graph_id: str = None,
graph_options: Dict[str, object] = dict(controlIconsEnabled=True)) -> object:
Writes a html page.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +218,7 @@ def report_components(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):

def _report_subgraphs(removed_edges, out, pattern, breadcrumbs=[], head_pattern='%d'):
table = HtmlTable().column('Nummer', format_spec='<a href="'+pattern+'">{0}</a>') \
table = HtmlTable().column('Nummer', format_spec='<a href="' + pattern + '">{0}</a>') \
.column('Dokumente') \
.column('Relationen') \
.column('Entfernte Relationen') \
Expand All @@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ def _report_subgraphs(removed_edges, out, pattern, breadcrumbs=[], head_pattern=
sources = {attr['source'].citation for u, v, k, attr in relations if 'source' in attr}
conflict_sources = {attr['source'].citation for u, v, k, attr in removed_edges}
table.row((index, refs, len(relations), len(removed_edges), sources, conflict_sources))
write_dot(subgraph, out / (pattern+"").format(index))
write_dot(subgraph, out / (pattern + "").format(index))
write_html(out / (pattern + '.php').format(index),
f"""<object id="refgraph" class="refgraph" type="image/svg+xml"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,6 +260,7 @@ def _fmt_node(node):
return format(node)

def _edition_link(ref: Reference):
if isinstance(ref, Witness):
return f'<a href="/document?sigil={ref.sigil_t}">{ref}</a>'
Expand All @@ -268,7 +274,6 @@ def _edition_link(ref: Reference):
return format(ref)

def report_refs(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
# Fake dates for when we don’t have any earliest/latest info

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,9 +308,9 @@ def report_refs(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):

write_html(target / 'refs.php', overview.format_table(), head="Referenzen")

#write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.base), str(target / ''), record=False)
#write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.working), str(target / ''), record=False)
#write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.dag), str(target / ''), record=False)
# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.base), str(target / ''), record=False)
# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.working), str(target / ''), record=False)
# write_dot(simplify_graph(graphs.dag), str(target / ''), record=False)

def _report_single_ref(index, ref, graphs, overview):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,14 +398,16 @@ def report_missing(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
missing_table = (HtmlTable()
.column('Zeuge ohne Daten', format_spec=_edition_link)
.column('Inskriptionen', format_spec=lambda refs: ", ".join(map(_fmt_node, refs))))
report += missing_table.format_table((ref, wits_with_inscr[ref]) for ref in sorted(missing_wits, key=lambda r: r.sort_tuple()))
report += missing_table.format_table(
(ref, wits_with_inscr[ref]) for ref in sorted(missing_wits, key=lambda r: r.sort_tuple()))
report += '\n<h3 id="unknown">Unbekannte Referenzen</h3>'
unknown_table = (HtmlTable()
report += unknown_table.format_table((ref, ref.uri) for ref in sorted(unknown_refs))
write_html(target / 'missing.php', report, head="Fehlendes")

def _path_link(*nodes) -> Path:
node_names: List[str] = []
for node in nodes:
Expand All @@ -417,7 +424,7 @@ def _path_link(*nodes) -> Path:
def _report_conflict(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo, u, v):
reportfile = _path_link(u, v)
graphfile = reportfile.with_name(reportfile.stem + '')
relevant_nodes = {u} | set(graphs.base.predecessors(u)) | set(graphs.base.successors(u)) \
relevant_nodes = {u} | set(graphs.base.predecessors(u)) | set(graphs.base.successors(u)) \
| {v} | set(graphs.base.predecessors(v)) | set(graphs.base.successors(v))
counter_path = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +469,7 @@ def _report_conflict(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo, u, v):

return reportfile

def report_conflicts(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
table = (HtmlTable()
Expand All @@ -471,13 +479,14 @@ def report_conflicts(graphs: MacrogenesisInfo):
.column('Kommentare', format_spec="/".join)
.column('XML', format_spec=lambda xml: ":".join(map(str, xml))))
removed_edges = [(u, v, k, attr) for (u, v, k, attr) in graphs.base.edges(keys=True, data=True) if 'delete' in attr and attr['delete']]
removed_edges = [(u, v, k, attr) for (u, v, k, attr) in graphs.base.edges(keys=True, data=True) if
'delete' in attr and attr['delete']]
for index, (u, v, k, attr) in enumerate(sorted(removed_edges, key=lambda t: getattr(t[0], 'index', 0)), start=1):
reportfile = _report_conflict(graphs, u, v)
table.row((f"""<a href="{reportfile.stem}">{index}</a>""",
u+DAY if isinstance(u, date) else u,
u + DAY if isinstance(u, date) else u,
v-DAY if isinstance(v, date) else v,
v - DAY if isinstance(v, date) else v,
attr.get('comments', []),
Expand All @@ -496,16 +505,16 @@ def _fmt_source(uri):
return f'<a href="{source.filename}">{source}</a>'

sources_table = (HtmlTable()
.column('Quelle', format_spec=_fmt_source)
.column('Quelle', format_spec=_fmt_source)
for uri, edges in sorted(by_source.items()):
source = BiblSource(uri)
filename = target / (source.filename + '.php')
graphfile = filename.with_name(filename.stem + '')'%d assertions from %s', len(edges), source.citation)
# subgraph = graphs.base.edge_subgraph([(u,v,k) for u,v,k,attr in edges])
subgraph = graphs.base.subgraph({u for u,v,k,attr in edges} | {v for u,v,k,attr in edges})
subgraph = graphs.base.subgraph({u for u, v, k, attr in edges} | {v for u, v, k, attr in edges})
write_dot(subgraph, graphfile)
sources_table.row((uri, len(edges), len([node for node in subgraph.nodes if isinstance(node, Reference)])))
current_table = (HtmlTable()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,8 +579,6 @@ def report_index(graphs):
graph_options=dict(controlIconsEnabled=True, maxZoom=200))

def report_help():
def demo_graph(u, v, extend=None, **edge_attr) -> nx.MultiDiGraph:
G = nx.MultiDiGraph() if extend is None else extend.copy()
Expand All @@ -587,13 +594,14 @@ def demo_graph(u, v, extend=None, **edge_attr) -> nx.MultiDiGraph:
g1 = demo_graph(w1, w2, kind='temp-pre', label='Quelle 1')
g1a = g1.copy()
g1a.add_edge(w2, w1, kind='temp-pre', delete=True, label='Quelle 2')
g1a.add_edge(w2, w1, kind='temp-pre', ignore=True, label='Quelle 3')
g2 = demo_graph(w1, w2, kind='temp-syn', label='Quelle 2')
g3 = demo_graph(d1 - DAY, w1, kind='not_before', source='Quelle 1')
g3.add_edge(w1, d2+DAY, kind='not_after', source='Quelle 1')
g3.add_edge(w1, d2 + DAY, kind='not_after', source='Quelle 1')
g4 = demo_graph(d1 - DAY, w1, kind='from_', source='Quelle 2')
g4.add_edge(w1, d2+DAY, kind='to_', source='Quelle 2')
g4.add_edge(w1, d2 + DAY, kind='to_', source='Quelle 2')
g5 = demo_graph(d3 - DAY, w2, kind='when', source='Quelle 2')
g5.add_edge(w2, d3+DAY, kind='when', source='Quelle 2')
g5.add_edge(w2, d3 + DAY, kind='when', source='Quelle 2')

i1 = Witness.get('faust://inscription/faustedition/2_IV_H.19/i_uebrige')
i1w = i1.witness
Expand All @@ -620,7 +628,8 @@ def demo_graph(u, v, extend=None, **edge_attr) -> nx.MultiDiGraph:
<tr><td><img src="help-conflict.svg" /></td>
<td>Laut Quelle 1 entstand {w1} vor {w2},
laut Quelle 2 entstand {w2} vor {w1}.
Diese Aussage von Quelle 2 wird nicht berücksichtigt.</td></tr>
Diese Aussage von Quelle 2 wird nicht berücksichtigt.
Die Aussage von Quelle Quelle 3 wird von vornherein ignoriert.</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="help-syn.svg"/></td>
<td>Laut Quelle 2 entstand {w1} etwa zeitgleich zu {w2}.</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="help-dating.svg"/></td>
Expand All @@ -646,8 +655,8 @@ def write_order_xml(graphs):
root = F.order(
Comment('This file has been generated from the macrogenesis data. Do not edit.'),
*[F.item(format(witness), index=format(index), uri=witness.uri, sigil_t=witness.sigil_t)
for index, witness in enumerate(graphs.order_refs(), start=1)
if isinstance(witness, Witness)],
for index, witness in enumerate(graphs.order_refs(), start=1)
if isinstance(witness, Witness)],
target.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
root.getroottree().write(str(target / 'order.xml'), pretty_print=True)
root.getroottree().write(str(target / 'order.xml'), pretty_print=True)

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