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Azure Functions to AWS Lambda

This repository contains code samples to explain how to migrate .NET code from Azure Functions to AWS Lambda.

It contains four subfolders:

  • AzureFunctionsApi contains the base solution with the Azure Function source code to migrate
  • AwsLambdaAspNetCoreApi contains a migrated solution based on running an ASP.NET Core Api on AWS Lambda
  • AwsLambdaNetCoreApi contains a migrated solution based on running raw Lambda Functions in .NET
  • AWSFileUpload contains a solution demonstrating how to handle file upload with Lambda and S3

Azure Functions Api

The AzureFunctionsApi is a basic Azure Functions .NET solution. It defines three Azure Functions.

The main one is named GetClientList and is defined in the ClientController.cs file located in the Controllers folder. It uses a ClientService object to retrieve the a list of client through the call of the GetClientsList method. This method takes one parameter called name. The value of this parameter is retrieved through the QueryString parameter called name accessible through the HttpRequest object passed as a parameter of the Azure Function handler method. The method GetClientsList of the ClientService object returns an enumeration of ClientDto objects. This enumeration is returned to the caller through an OkObjectResult object. The Azure Functions runtime serializes this enumeration as a json object and returns it in the body of the HTTP response.

The two other Azure Functions define endpoints to expose the Swagger json documentation of the Api and the Swagger UI. The nuget package AzureExtensions.Swashbuckle is used to handle these two Azure Functions and to automatically generate the Swagger documentation from the source code and attributes like QueryStringParameterAttribute and ProducesResponseTypeAttribute.

AWS Lambda ASP.NET Core Api

While Azure Functions manages both HTTP request handling and processing, API Gateway and AWS Lambda separate both concerns. API Gateway allows you to define your HTTP endpoints by defining your HTTP API resources and methods. It then routes the request to a backend service for processing, in this case, AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda is an event-based compute service. when a configured event occures, an AWS Lambda function is triggered to process the event. Here, the event is the invocation via API Gateway. API Gateway passes all the information about the HTTP request through the event (Headers, Body...).

The AWSLambdaASPNetCoreApi solution implements an AWS Serverless application composed of:

  • an API Gateway handling HTTP request and invoking the AWS Lambda function
  • an AWS Lambda function processing the HTTP request
  • an AWS Lambda function processing message from Amazon MQ ActiveMQ broker queue
  • an console application sending messages to an Amazon MQ ActiveMQ broker queue

Integrating API Gateway with ASP.NET Core Web API hosted on AWS Lambda

The API Gateway is implicitly defined through the serverless.template file. This file is a AWS Serverless Application Model template file. To learn more about the AWS Serverless Application Model, read here.

The AWSLambdaASPNetCoreApi is a standard ASP.NET Core API solution. You can run the API through IIS Express or kestrel for local testing purpose. The solution leverages the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore Nuget package to automatically generate the Swagger json documentation endpoint and the Swagger UI endpoint.

To integrate this ASP.NET Core Api into an AWS Lambda function, we integrate API Gateway with AWS Lambda through a generic proxy resource denoted {proxy+}. For example, if you define a generic proxy resource under the path /api, a request to the path /api/clients/list will trigger the invocation of the associated AWS Lambda function. This integration is definied lines 21 to 26 of the serverless.template file.

To integrate AWS Lambda with the ASP.NET Core middleware, we use the Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer Nuget package and we define the class LambdaEntryPoint which inherits from the class Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer.APIGatewayProxyFunction. This base class handles the heavy lifting of integrating the received event from API Gateway into the ASP.NET Core middleware. To complete the integration, we define the AwsLambdaAspNetCoreApi::AwsLambdaAspNetCoreApi.LambdaEntryPoint::FunctionHandlerAsync method as the function handler at line 11 of the serverless.template file.

You can use the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to quickly deploy this solution into your AWS developer account and test it. As we use the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore Nuget package to automaticaly generate the Swagger json documentation and the Swagger UI endpoints, you can browse the https://<your_api_gateway_endpoint>/swagger URL to access the Swagger UI.

Processing Amazon MQ ActiveMQ message queue with AWS Lambda functions

The solution also demonstrates how to integrate AWS Lambda Function with Amazon MQ ActiveMQ broker.

In the AWSLambdaAspNetCoreApi project, you will find the class ClientsMessageHandler in the folder MessageHandlers. This class implement a method handling AmazonMQEvent. This class is not provided by any Amazon provided NuGet packages. It has been implemented on purpose for this sample in the Model folder and gives the basic mapping between the events received by the handler method when messages are received from the queue.

In the serveless.template file, we have defined a second AWS Lambda Function called ClientsMessageHandlerFunction at line 38. At line 41, we define the method AwsLambdaAspNetCoreApi::AwsLambdaAspNetCoreApi.MessageHandlers.ClientsMessageHandler::CreateClientMessageHandler as the handler methode. At line 47, we define the required policies to enable the AWS Lambda function to interact with the broker. At line 71, we bind our Lambda function to an event of type MQ. You have to provide the ARN of your own broker at line 74 and the ARN of you Secret Manager value allowing your Lambda function to connect to the broker at line 79. You must also define the queue your function is listening to at line 75.

The broker must be deployed and the queue created before you deploy the SAM template.

To deploy the broker, you can follow the first part of this blog post.

Sending messages to the Amazon MQ ActiveMQ message queue

The solution also demonstrates how to send messages to your Amazon MQ ActiveMQ broker queue.

The project AmazonMQMessageProducer demonstrates how to do this. The project uses the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ NuGet package to send message to your broker queue. There is nothing specific to AWS here. To make this console app working, you have to provide a broker uri, a username and a password in the appsettings.json file so that the console app can connect to the broker.

AWS Lambda .NET Core Api

While the previous solution is a very convenient way to build and deploy ASP.NET Core API on AWS Lambda, sometimes, you may need faster startup time of your application to reduce the overall cold start of your Lambda function.

In this case, you may want to avoid the computational overhead of using the dependency injection mechanism of the ASP.NET Core middleware and rely explicity instanciated objects.

The AWSLambdaNetCore Api implements such a solution. It relies only on the Amazon.Lambda.Core and Amazon.Lambda.APIGatewayEvents Nuget packages . In the serverless.template file, you define explicity for each path of your API which method to use as the handler like in lines 9 and 22.

With this solution, you cannot use any Swashbuckle package to automatically generate the Swagger json documentation.

Uploading files with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda

This solution is an adaptation of James Beswick's blog post. It demonstrates how to handle file upload with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda.

While with Azure Functions, you will first upload the file to your function, process the file and then store it in an Azure Blob Storage, with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda, you will first a pre-signed URL and use it to upload your file directly to S3. When the file upload is complete, S3 sends an event that triggers your AWS Lambda and you can then process your file.

Be aware that is not a production-ready solution. Especially regarding Cors settings.

The solution contains an index.html file than you can use locally to test. When you have deployed the SAM template into your account, use the ApiURL output at line 29 of the index.html to assign it to the API_ENDPOINT variable.

The SAM template in the serverless.template file defines 4 resources:

  • The resource Api of type AWS::Serverless::Api. It allows to set up the Cors settings for the endpoint we use to get the pre-signed Url
  • The resource GetUploadPresignedUrl of type AWS::Serverless::Function. It defines the AWS Lambda function that handles the request for a pre-signed Url.
  • The resource ProcessFiles of type **AWS:Serverless::Function". It defines the AWS Lambda function that handles file processing.
  • The resource UploadBucket of type **AWS::S3::Bucket". It defines the Amazon S3 Bucket where the file is uploaded.

The resource GetUploadPresignedUrl references the resource UploadBucket to set up IAM policies for the Lambda function and an environment variable so that the handler method can get dynamicaly for which bucket it must create a pre-signed Url.

The resource ProcessFiles references the resource UploadBucket to set up the trigger event.


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