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Follow the stock

It follows some stocks on boursorama and send some alerts through XMPP when it detects some changes over the subscribed percentage threshold.

Command line interface

Here are the command line interfaces arguments to start the app:

usage: followthestock -config <file>
  -config="/etc/followthestock/followthestock.conf": Config file
  -console=false: Use console
  -show-config=false: Show config

Config file

The config file looks something like that:

exactTiming = false

username = <username>
password = <password>
server =
notls = false
debug = true
activityWatchdogMinutes = 30

# In the current working directory (should be /var/lib/followthestock)
file = followthestock.db

Client comands

Each client can send the following commands:

  • !help - Display help
  • !s <stock> <per> - Subscribe to variation about a stock
  • !u <stock> - Unsubscribe from a stock
  • !g <stock> - Get data about a stock
  • !ls - List currently monitored stocks
  • !v <stock> <nb> <cost> - Register the cost of our current stocks to calculate the added value
  • !pause <days> - Pause alerts for X days
  • !resume - Resume alerts
  • !uptime - Bot uptime

Here are valid stock formats:

  • RNO is like FR:RNO, which is the french "RENAULT" stock
  • FR0011574110 is like W:FR0011574110 which is the "SOGEN 50C 0614S" warrant

Stocks data source

The stocks are fetched from boursorama. It is not an official API, it might not be legal to fetch data and it might not work in the future.

Debian packages

Debian packages are automatically generated here: