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Remove concept of lock timeout.
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- Remove requirement for a Lock-Ticket to delete a lock

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mikedurbin authored and Andrew Woods committed Apr 18, 2014
1 parent 9183bc1 commit 10e11e3
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Showing 7 changed files with 36 additions and 112 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -96,23 +96,18 @@ public RdfStream getLock(@PathParam("path") final List<PathSegment> pathList) th
* Creates a lock at the given path that is tied to the current session.
* Only the current session may make changes to the current path while
* the lock is held.
* @param timeout a number of seconds before which the lock will not be removed
* by the system. (note, this is just a hint at the expected
* lifespan of the lock, the system makes no guarantees that it
* will actually be removed)
* @param isDeep if true the created lock will affect all nodes in the subgraph
* below
public Response createLock(@PathParam("path") final List<PathSegment> pathList,
@QueryParam("timeout") @DefaultValue("-1") final long timeout,
@QueryParam("deep") @DefaultValue("false") final boolean isDeep)
throws RepositoryException, URISyntaxException {
try {
final String path = toPath(pathList);
final Node node = session.getNode(path);
final Lock lock = lockService.acquireLock(session, path, timeout, isDeep);
final Lock lock = lockService.acquireLock(session, path, isDeep);;
final String location = getTranslator().getSubject(node.getPath()).getURI();
LOGGER.debug("Locked {} with lock token {}.", path, lock.getLockToken());
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Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
public class FedoraLocksTest {

private static final long timeout = 300;

FedoraLocks testObj;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,11 +95,11 @@ public void testCreateLock() throws RepositoryException, URISyntaxException {
final String pid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String path = "/" + pid;
when(mockLockService.acquireLock(mockSession, path, timeout, false)).thenReturn(mockLock);
when(mockLockService.acquireLock(mockSession, path, false)).thenReturn(mockLock);

final Response response = testObj.createLock(createPathList(pid), timeout, false);
final Response response = testObj.createLock(createPathList(pid), false);

verify(mockLockService).acquireLock(mockSession, path, timeout, false);
verify(mockLockService).acquireLock(mockSession, path, false);
Assert.assertEquals(Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());

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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
import static;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.RdfLexicon.HAS_LOCK_TOKEN;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.RdfLexicon.LOCKS;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

Expand All @@ -55,8 +54,6 @@ public class FedoraLocksIT extends AbstractResourceIT implements FedoraJcrTypes

private static final Logger LOGGER = getLogger(FedoraLocksIT.class);

private static final long TIMEOUT = 300;

* Test whether a lock can be created, it prevents updates
* without the token, allows updates with the token and can
Expand All @@ -74,13 +71,18 @@ public void testBasicLockingScenario() throws IOException {

assertCanSetProperty("With the lock token, property updates must be allowed!", pid, lockToken);

Assert.assertEquals("The lock must only be able to be removed with the lock token!",
unlockObject(pid, null).getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

assertUnlockWithToken(pid, lockToken);

public void testUnlockWithoutToken() throws IOException {
final String pid = getRandomUniquePid();


* Test whether a created lock can be viewed by both
* the creator (supplying the token) and by a request
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ public void testDeepVsShallowLocks() throws IOException {
assertUnlockWithToken(pid, shallowLockToken);

// Test deep lock
final String deepLockToken = getLockToken(lockObject(pid, TIMEOUT, true));
final String deepLockToken = getLockToken(lockObject(pid, true));

assertCannotSetPropertyWithoutLockToken("Deep lock must prevent property updates on child nodes!", childPid);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ public void testConflictingDeepLocks() throws IOException {

final String childLockToken = getLockToken(lockObject(childPid));
Assert.assertEquals("May not take out a deep lock when a child is locked!",
CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), lockObject(pid, TIMEOUT, true).getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), lockObject(pid, true).getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ public void testTransactionFailureOnCommit() throws IOException {
txId + "/" + childPid, null);

// take out a lock on an affected resource (out of transaction)
final String lockToken = getLockToken(lockObject(rootPid, TIMEOUT, true));
final String lockToken = getLockToken(lockObject(rootPid, true));

// commit the transaction (which should fail with CONFLICT)
Assert.assertEquals(CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), commitTransaction(txId).getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Expand All @@ -272,65 +274,14 @@ public void testTransactionFailureOnCommit() throws IOException {

* Test whether a created and abandoned lock will actually timeout
* within the ballpark of the specified timeout interval.
* Modeshape's lock cleanup interval is not configurable and is
* currently set to around 10 minutes. It is not practical to verify
* this during our integration tests, so this test is ignored.
* Furthermore, this test fails anyway.
* Unlocks a lock with no token, asserts that it is successful and further
* asserts that property updates can again be made without the token.
public void testLockTimeout() throws IOException {
final long maxWaitTimeMs = 6000000;
final long timeoutInSeconds = 5;
final long timeoutInMs = timeoutInSeconds * 1000;
final String pid = getRandomUniquePid();
createObject(pid);"Starting lock timeout test -- May take up to " + maxWaitTimeMs + "ms");
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
getLockToken(lockObject(pid, timeoutInSeconds, false));
final long timeout = start + timeoutInMs;
final int statusOfImmediateRequest
= setProperty(pid, null, null, "test", "test").getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
final long timeOfImmediateRequestCompletion = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long msUntilImmediateRequest = timeOfImmediateRequestCompletion - start;
if (msUntilImmediateRequest >= (timeoutInMs)) {"Tests are running too slow to gauge timeouts! (2 requests took "
+ msUntilImmediateRequest + "ms!");
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("Request within " + msUntilImmediateRequest
+ "ms of lock creation should be affected by a " + timeoutInMs
+ "ms lock!", CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), statusOfImmediateRequest);
long sleepTime = 1000;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < (start + maxWaitTimeMs)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// no worries.. we'll sleep again when the loop iterates
sleepTime *=2;
final long attemptTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int status = setProperty(pid, null, null, "test", "test").getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
final long duration = attemptTime - start;
if (status != NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) {
if (duration > timeoutInMs) {
LOGGER.warn("After " + duration + "ms, the lock still holds.");
} else {"After " + duration + "ms, the lock still holds.");
} else {
Assert.assertTrue("Lock must be held as long as the specified timeout! (unlocked after "
+ duration + "ms).", duration > timeoutInMs);
Assert.assertEquals("The " + timeoutInMs + "ms lock should have timed out after "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms!", NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode(),
setProperty(pid, null, null, "test", "test").getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
private void assertUnlockWithoutToken(String pid) throws IOException {
unlockObject(pid, null).getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

assertCanSetProperty("Unlocked object must be able to be updated now!", pid, null);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,26 +312,15 @@ private String getLockToken(HttpResponse response) {
* Attempts to lock an object.
private HttpResponse lockObject(String pid) throws IOException {
return lockObject(pid, TIMEOUT, false);
return lockObject(pid, false);

* Attempts to lock an object with the given timeout and
* deep locking status.
* Attempts to lock an object with the given deep locking status.
private HttpResponse lockObject(String pid, long timeout, boolean deep) throws IOException {
StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
if (timeout >= 1) {
query.append("timeout=" + timeout);
if (deep) {
if (query.length() > 0) {
private HttpResponse lockObject(String pid, boolean deep) throws IOException {
final HttpPost post = new HttpPost(serverAddress + pid + "/" + FCR_LOCK
+ (query.length() > 0 ? "?" + query.toString() : ""));
+ (deep ? "?deep=true" : "?deep=false"));
return client.execute(post);

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Expand Up @@ -33,5 +33,4 @@ public interface Lock {
* entire subgraph under the locked node.
public boolean isDeep();

Expand Up @@ -30,14 +30,12 @@ public interface LockService extends Service {
* Acquires a lock on the node at the given path.
* @param session the session wishing to lock the node/subgraph
* @param path the path to be affected
* @param timeout the number of seconds before which the system
* may not remove the lock.
* @param deep if true, indicates that the entire subgraph starting
* at the given path is to be locked
* @return a Lock object that contains a lock token that will allow
* other sessions to access resources locked by this call.
Lock acquireLock(Session session, String path, long timeout, boolean deep) throws RepositoryException;
Lock acquireLock(Session session, String path, boolean deep) throws RepositoryException;

* Gets the lock at the given path. The returned lock will only
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockException;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockManager;

Expand All @@ -32,11 +31,10 @@
public class LockServiceImpl extends AbstractService implements LockService {

public Lock acquireLock(final Session session, final String path, long timeout, boolean deep)
public Lock acquireLock(final Session session, final String path, final boolean deep)
throws RepositoryException {
final LockManager lockManager = session.getWorkspace().getLockManager();
final Lock lock = new JCRLock(lockManager.lock(path, deep, false, timeout, session.getUserID()));
return lock;
return new JCRLock(lockManager.lock(path, deep, false, -1, session.getUserID()));

Expand All @@ -54,9 +52,6 @@ public void releaseLock(final Session session, final String path) throws Reposit
if (!lockManager.isLocked(path)) {
throw new PathNotFoundException("No lock at path " + path + "!");
if (!lockManager.getLock(path).isLockOwningSession()) {
throw new LockException("Lock is not held by this session!");

Expand All @@ -66,7 +61,7 @@ private static class JCRLock implements Lock {

private String token;

public JCRLock(final javax.jcr.lock.Lock lock) {
public JCRLock(final javax.jcr.lock.Lock lock) throws RepositoryException {
isDeep = lock.isDeep();
token = lock.getLockToken();
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class LockServiceImplTest {

private static final String ALREADY_LOCKED_PATH= "test2";

private static final long TIMEOUT = 300;
private static final long TIMEOUT = -1;

private static final String USER = "user";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,23 +77,21 @@ public void setUp() throws RepositoryException {
when(mockLockManager.lock(LOCKABLE_PATH, false, false, TIMEOUT, USER)).thenReturn(mockLock);
when(mockLockManager.lock(ALREADY_LOCKED_PATH, false, false, TIMEOUT, USER)).thenThrow(LockException.class);

public void testAcquireLock() throws RepositoryException {
final org.fcrepo.kernel.Lock lock = testObj.acquireLock(mockSession, LOCKABLE_PATH, TIMEOUT, false);
final org.fcrepo.kernel.Lock lock = testObj.acquireLock(mockSession, LOCKABLE_PATH, false);
Assert.assertEquals(LOCK_TOKEN, lock.getLockToken());

@Test (expected = LockException.class)
public void testAcquireLockFailure() throws RepositoryException {
final org.fcrepo.kernel.Lock lock = testObj.acquireLock(mockSession, ALREADY_LOCKED_PATH, TIMEOUT, false);
final org.fcrepo.kernel.Lock lock = testObj.acquireLock(mockSession, ALREADY_LOCKED_PATH, false);

Expand All @@ -111,9 +109,10 @@ public void testReleaseOwnedLock() throws RepositoryException {

@Test (expected = LockException.class)
public void testReleaseOtherLock() throws RepositoryException {
testObj.releaseLock(mockSession, ALREADY_LOCKED_PATH);


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