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Quantitative Healthcare

fcrimins edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 15 revisions

Healthcare Triage: Health Services Research, Diabetes, and the YMCA (4/28/16)

Cancer drug development time halved thanks to artificial intelligence (10/13/15)

  • Berg Health’s team used a specialised form of artificial intelligence to compare samples taken from patients with the most aggressive strains of cancer, including pancreatic, bladder and brain, with those from non-cancerous individuals. The technology highlighted disparities between the corresponding biological profiles, selecting those it predicted would respond best to the drug.

Email: "Idea: ignore drugs, they're all bs"

Email: Google Healthcare

Idea: EMR

Email: Do EMRs include prescribed treatment? (9/17/15)

  • If so, use that to infer the disease rather than trying to predict the disease.
  • Just like collaborative filtering where parameters and features are learned simultaneously.

Email: Diagnosis and prescription biases (no subject)

Email: Thiel on drugs

  • A Biotech Education, In Progress
  • "so what does he think of drug research? Not much."
    • "All these companies that start as technological companies become antitechnological in character...if it turns out that these antitechnology companies are going to be good investments, that’s quite bad for our society."
    • FWC - This is the same in every industry, so why not build rent seeking into the law as a line item on a financial disclosure? As soon as a company starts spending too much on rent seeking they should be broken up, just like monopolies are broken up. Both scenarios are anti-competitive.

Email: Blood Pressure, the Mystery Number

Email: The New Old Age: Chronic Kidney Disease Can Be Dubious Diagnosis

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