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Releases: fdeantoni/tiny-tokio-actor

Release v0.3.5

07 Nov 23:49
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Added Debug trait to ActorSystem and ActorContext.


30 Sep 13:56
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Contains code cleanup/refactoring.

Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4


15 Jan 15:26
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Added ability to set timeout per actor type. See the Actor trait for details.


08 Jan 16:19
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Updated rust edition and dependencies.

Removed Clone requirement from Actor

16 Dec 06:09
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What's Changed

  • Remove bound Clone for Actor by @ryanolf in #2
  • Ask and tell take &self instead of &mut self by @ryanolf in #3

Actor startup supervision

27 Oct 06:02
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The actor trait now includes a supervision strategy that defines what the actor does when it fails to start up properly (i.e. Err is returned by pre_start). There are currently two options: Stop or Retry.

For Retry a RetryStrategy can be defined. You can use the provided strategies: NoIntervalStrategy which will immedately retry an actor for a fixed amount of retries; 'FixedIntervalStategywhich will retry an actor a fixed amount of times with a fixed startup delay period between each retry;ExponentialBackoffStrategy` which will retry an actor a fixed amount of times with an exponential backoff delay between each retry.

Actor retry behaviour by default is to simply call pre_start again, but this can be overridden by defining your own pre_restart method in the Actor trait implementation.


07 Oct 22:50
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Renamed ActorRef::get_path() to ActorRef::path().

A get_or_create_actor function added

07 Jun 12:16
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This release contains some minor improvements as well as a new get_or_create method to get an actor or create one if none exists yet.

Revised generics.

10 May 12:18
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The order of generics has been adjusted, putting SystemEvent always first.

Minor API change

09 May 22:53
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The get_name method in ActorSystem has been renamed to simply name, and ActorError::Create has been renamed to ActorError::Exists taking an ActorPath as property.