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Stack technologies we used:

html5 sass react javascript typescript clickup vite nodejs postgresql sequelize heroku

html5 HTML

We used HTML to build semantically correct pages taking into account the BEM methodology.

sass SCSS

We used SCSS instead of regular CSS because we believed it would allow us to better organize the styles of our project and reduce code duplication. Additionally, SCSS provides additional features such as variables and mixins, which makes it easier to manage styles and ensure their greater reusability.

react React

We chose React for our project because it provides a robust and efficient way to build complex user interfaces with reusable components. Its virtual DOM system and efficient rendering make it ideal for large-scale applications, and its extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools allows for easy integration with other technologies. Additionally, React's declarative programming model simplifies the development process and makes it easier to maintain our codebase over time.

javascript JavaScript

We used JS in our React project, mainly to send requests to an API that we also implemented in our project

typescript TypeScript

With the help of TypeScript, we were able to type everything that we could in our project, which allowed us to avoid many possible errors and make JavaScript more predictable.

clickup ClickUp

With the help of ClickUp, we were able to avoid task distribution problems right from the beginning of the project. We could see every step that needed to be taken, allowing us to move quickly and confidently.

vite Vite

As a development team, we decided to use Vite instead of the usual webpack, because we found it to be a newer and more convenient tool. It is very user-friendly, with detailed documentation and a variety of useful functions and templates.

nodejs Node

We created an API on Node with multiple endpoints.

postgresql PostgreSQL

We needed PostgreSQL to create a smartphone database and connect it to the API.

sequelize Sequelize

We have opted to use Sequelize in our project. We believe that it is very convenient and provides ample opportunities for working with the database. Sequelize has clear documentation and many built-in functions, which allows for more efficient and productive development.

heroku Heroku

And finally, Heroku. We uploaded our API server to it along with PostgreSQL.

Thank you for your attention🥰🥰🥰


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