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Migrating to 1.0

Feathers authentication has had a major overhaul in order to bring some much needed functionality, customization, and scalability going forward while also making it less complex. It is now simply an adapter over top of Passport.

After usage by ourselves and others we realized that there were some limitations in the previous architecture. These new changes allow for some pretty awesome functionality and flexibility that are outlined in New 1.0 Features.

We've also decoupled the authentication strategies and permissions from the core authentication. While many apps need these, not every app does. This has also allowed us to better test each piece in isolation.

They are now located here:

For most of you, migrating your app should be fairly straight forward as there are only a couple breaking changes to the public interface.

Breaking Changes

Setting up authentication on the server

The Old Way (< v0.8.0)

// @feathersjs/authentication < v0.8.0

// In your config files
  "auth": {
    "token": {
      "secret": "xxxx"
    "local": {},
    "facebook": {
      "clientID": "<your client id>",
      "clientSecret": "<your client secret>",
      "permissions": {
        "scope": ["public_profile","email"]

// In your authentication service
const authentication = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;

let config = app.get('authentication');
config.facebook.strategy = FacebookStrategy;
    .use('/users', memory()) // this use to be okay to be anywhere

The New Way

// @feathersjs/authentication >= v1.0.0

// In your config files
  "auth": {
    "secret": "xxxx"
    "facebook": {
      "clientID": "<your client id>",
      "clientSecret": "<your client secret>",
      "scope": ["public_profile","email"]

// In your app or authentication service, wherever you would like
const auth = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const local = require('feathers-authentication-local');
const jwt = require('feathers-authentication-jwt');
const oauth1 = require('feathers-authentication-oauth1');
const oauth2 = require('feathers-authentication-oauth2');
const FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;

// The services you are setting the `entity` param for need to be registered before authentication
      name: 'facebook', // if the name differs from your config key you need to pass your config options explicitly
      Strategy: FacebookStrategy
    .use('/users', memory());

// Authenticate the user using the a JWT or
// email/password strategy and if successful
// return a new JWT access token.
  before: {
    create: [
      auth.hooks.authenticate(['jwt', 'local'])

Config Options

There are a number of breaking changes since the services have been removed:

  • Change auth.token -> auth.jwt in your config

  • Move auth.token.secret -> auth.secret

  • auth.token.payload option has been removed. See customizing JWT payload for how to do this.

  • auth.idField has been removed. It is now included in all services so we can pull it internally without you needing to specify it.

  • auth.shouldSetupSuccessRoute has been removed. Success redirect middleware is registered automatically but only triggers if you explicitly set a redirect. See redirecting for more details.

  • auth.shouldSetupFailureRoute has been removed. Failure redirect middleware is registered automatically but only triggers if you explicitly set a redirect. See redirecting for more details.

  • auth.tokenEndpoint has been removed. There isn't a token service anymore.

  • auth.localEndpoint has been removed. There isn't a local service anymore. It is a passport plugin and has turned into feathers-authentication-local.

  • auth.userEndpoint has been removed. It is now part of feathers-authentication-local and is auth.local.service.

  • Cookies are now disabled by default. If you need cookie support (ie. OAuth, Server Side Rendering, Redirection) then you need to explicitly enable it by setting auth.cookie.enabled = true.

  • When setting up an OAuth strategy it used to be strategy: FacebookStrategy and is now capitalized Strategy: FacebookStrategy.

  • Any passport strategy options are flattened. So previously you would have had this in your config:

      "auth": {
        "facebook": {
          "clientID": "<your client id>",
          "clientSecret": "<your client secret>",
          "permissions": {
            "scope": ["public_profile","email"]

    and now you have:

      "auth": {
        "facebook": {
          "clientID": "<your client id>",
          "clientSecret": "<your client secret>",
          "scope": ["public_profile","email"]

Setting up authentication on the client

Authenticating through the Feathers client is almost exactly the same with just a few keys changes:

  • type is now strategy when calling authenticate() and must be an exact name match of one of your strategies registered server side.
  • You must fetch your user explicitly (typically after authentication succeeds)
  • You require feathers-authentication-client instead of @feathersjs/authentication/client

You can use feathers-authentication-compatibility on the server to keep the old client functional, this helps to migrate large scale deployments where you can not update all clients/api consumers before migrating to >=1.0.0 Check for more information.

The Old Way (< v0.8.0)

// @feathersjs/authentication < v0.8.0
const auth = require('@feathersjs/authentication/client');

  type: 'local',
  email: '',
  password: 'admin'
  console.log('Authenticated!', result);
  console.error('Error authenticating!', error);

The New Way (with feathers-authentication-client)

// feathers-authentication-client >= v1.0.0
const auth = require('feathers-authentication-client');

  strategy: 'local',
  email: '',
  password: 'admin'
.then(response => {
  console.log('Authenticated!', response);
  // By this point your accessToken has been stored in
  // localstorage
  return app.passport.verifyJWT(response.accessToken);
.then(payload => {
  console.log('JWT Payload', payload);
  return app.service('users').get(payload.userId);
.then(user => {
  app.set('user', user);
  console.log('User', app.get('user'));
  // Do whatever you want now
  console.error('Error authenticating!', error);

Config Options

  • localEndpoint has been removed. There is just one endpoint called service which defaults to /authentication.
  • tokenEndpoint has been removed. There is just one endpoint called service which defaults to /authentication.
  • tokenKey -> accessTokenKey

Response to app.authenticate() does not return user

We previously made the poor assumption that you are always authenticating a user. This is not always the case, or your app may not care about the current user as you already have their id in the accessToken payload or can encode some additional details in the JWT accessToken. Therefore, if you need to get the current user you need to request it explicitly after authentication or populate it yourself in an after hook server side. See the new usage above for how to fetch your user.

Customizing JWT Payload

By default the payload for your JWT is simply your entity id (ie. { userId }). However, you can customize your JWT payloads however you wish by adding a before hook to the authentication service. For example:

// This hook customizes your payload.
function customizeJWTPayload() {
  return function(hook) {
    console.log('Customizing JWT Payload');
    hook.params.payload = {
      // You need to make sure you have the right id.
      // You can put whatever you want to be encoded in
      // the JWT access token.

    return Promise.resolve(hook);

// Authenticate the user using the a JWT or
// email/password strategy and if successful
// return a new JWT access token.
  before: {
    create: [
      auth.hooks.authenticate(['jwt', 'local']),

JWT Parsing

The JWT is only parsed from the header and body by default now. It is no longer pulled from the query string unless you explicitly tell feathers-authentication-jwt to do so.

You can customize the header and body keys like so:

  header: 'custom',
  bodyKey: 'custom'

If you want to customize things further you can refer to the feathers-authentication-jwt module or implement your own custom passport JWT strategy.

Hook Changes

Hooks always return promises

This shouldn't really affect you unless you are testing, modifying or wrapping existing hooks but they always return promises now. This makes the interface more consistent, making it easier to test and reason as to what a hook does.

Added Hooks

auth.hooks.authenticate([...strategies]): This hook takes the place of the verifyToken and populateUser hooks.

For the JWT strategy, this hook has different behavior from the old hooks: it will return a 401 Unauthorized error if no JWT is present in the request. Include an anonymous JWT (a JWT with no associated user) to prevent a 401 response. Anonymous JWT's can created through by externally calling the create endpoint of the authentication service. Internally, they can be created through app.service('authentication').create({}).

Removed Hooks

We have removed all of the old authentication hooks. If you still need these they have been moved to the feathers-authentication-hooks repo and some of them have been deprecated.

The following hooks have been removed:

  • verifyOrRestrict -> use new feathers-permissions plugin
  • populateOrRestrict -> use new feathers-permissions plugin
  • hashPassword -> has been moved to feathers-authentication-local This is important.
  • populateUser -> use new populate hook in feathers-hooks-common
  • verifyToken -> use new feathers-authentication-jwt plugin to easily validate a JWT access token. You can also now call app.passport.verifyJWT anywhere in your app to do it explicitly.

The Old Way (< v0.8.0)

Typically you saw a lot of this in your hook definitions for a service:

// @feathersjs/authentication < v0.8.0
// Users service
const auth = require('@feathersjs/authentication').hooks;
exports.before = {
  all: [],
  find: [
  get: [
    auth.restrictToOwner({ ownerField: '_id' })
  create: [
  update: [
  patch: [

The New Way

// @feathersjs/authentication >= v1.0.0
const auth = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const local = require('feathers-authentication-local');
const {
} = require('feathers-authentication-hooks');

exports.before = {
  all: [],
  find: [
  get: [
    restrictToOwner({ ownerField: '_id' })
  create: [
  update: [
    restrictToOwner({ ownerField: '_id' }),
  patch: [
    restrictToOwner({ ownerField: '_id' }),