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Setup Advanced MacOSX

Pavel edited this page May 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Installing Platform-Specific Packages on macOS (Advanced Setup)

Supported macOS versions

The following macOS versions are supported:

  • 10.12 (Sierra)
  • 10.13 (High Sierra)

It might be possible to run qBittorrent CLI on earlier Mac OS X versions using mono runtime and platform-agnostics packages.

Installing qBittorrent CLI

  1. Download the qBittorrent CLI tar.gz-archive from the Releases page. The archive for macOS has the name qbt-osx-x64-<version>.tar.gz.

  2. Create a folder qbt in /usr/local directory and cd into it:

    sudo mkdir /usr/local/qbt && cd "$_"

    You may want to install qBittorrent CLI in another folder. In this case change the paths in this tutorial correspondingly.

  3. Extract the archive to the newly created folder:

    sudo tar xvf /path/to/downloaded/archive.tar.gz
  4. Add execute permission to the file /usr/local/qbt/qbt:

    sudo chmod +x qbt
  5. Create a symlink /usr/bin/qbt pointing to file /usr/local/qbt/qbt:

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/qbt/qbt /usr/bin/qbt

    Alternatively, you may put this symlink to any other folder in your PATH.

Getting started with qBittorrent CLI:

Run the following command:

qbt --help
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