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qbt torrent add file

Pavel Fedarovich edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 6 revisions

Command Reference

Adds new torrents from torrent files.


qbt torrent add file [arguments] [options]


Argument Description
<file1 file2 ... fileN> The list of files.


Option Description
--folder <PATH>
-f <PATH>
Download folder.
--cookie <COOKIE>
Cookie sent to download the .torrent file.
--category <CATEGORY>
Category for the torrent.
Add torrents in the paused state.
Skip hash checking.
--create-root-folder <BOOL>
Create root folder (true/false).
--rename <NEW_NAME>
Rename torrent
--upload-limit <LIMIT>
-u <LIMIT>
Set torrent upload speed limit (bytes/second).
--download-limit <LIMIT>
-d <LIMIT>
Set torrent upload speed limit (bytes/second).
Enable sequential download.
Prioritize download of the first and the last pieces.
--automatic-torrent-management <BOOL>
-a <BOOL>
Enable/disables automatic torrent management. Requires qBittorrent 4.1.5 or later.
--url <SERVER_URL> QBittorrent Server URL
--username <USERNAME> User name
--password <PASSWORD> User password
--ask-for-password Ask the user to enter a password in a secure way.
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