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Project Initial Setup

John Yoon edited this page Apr 22, 2023 · 4 revisions

Project Initial Setup

Environment Setup

  1. Open bash or zsh terminal
    • Use terminal (zsh) if you are using MacOS
    • Use terminal (bash) if you are using Linux
    • Use git bash (bash) if you are using Windows
  2. Use cd <path> to move to the desired directory where you want to set up the project
  3. Run git clone to clone the project into your local computer
  4. Use cd MNIST_DNN to move into the project directory
  5. Run source to set up the development environment - you may use specific python version to setup using source --python-version <python>. Otherwise, the script will automatically try to detect valid python (It may take 5 - 10 minutes to set up for the first time)

For example, if you use python 3.9 when running python3, run source --python-version python3 to use python 3.9 for setup. For more information about, try source env_setup --help

You should run source every time you start working on the project

After environment setup

After you complete the source, it will provide useful tools to work on our project.

These tools are only provided after running source; you should run this script whenever you open a new shell terminal.

If you want to skip running the script, add the script into your shell profile depending on your environment (not recommended - this may confuse if you have multiple clones of this project)

The setup contents are saved in a folder named dev/ - this folder is included in the .gitignore list by default, it should not be uploaded to GitHub by any chance.

Useful tools

There are three virtual python environments:


You would probably never use publish-venv manually. It is used for script to deploy the package production to PyPI.


This virtual environment is used for mnist_dnn package.

  • If you would like to turn this environment on, use enter dnn or enter d
  • If you would like to turn this environment off, use enter off or enter o or enter
  • To move into the package location, use dnn You should turn on the environment before developing mnist_dnn package


This virtual environment is used for mnist_dnn_api package.

  • If you would like to turn this environment on, use enter api or enter a
  • If you would like to turn this environment off, use enter off or enter o or enter
  • To move into the package location, use api You should turn on the environment before developing mnist_dnn_api package

Please use enter off or enter o or enter to turn off the environment rather than deactivating manually using deactivate - this may cause an error in further use of tools

If you installed a new library in pip, use update_package dnn or update_package api to update requirements.txt in the selected package.

If you want to move to your MNIST_DNN project root directory, use root.


  1. Run cd <path-to-project-root>
  2. Run source
  3. Run enter dnn
  4. Run python -m mnist_dnn to run of mnist_dnn package