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easyprophet: Simplified Automatic Forecasting Procedure

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Python package developed to simplify Prophet application to any data.
It completely relies on the Prophet package and on its updates.


The package is normally released on pypy, you can find it here, and install it easily on your environment by typing: pip install easyprophet

Note: Prophet requires pystan, that has its own installation instructions on windows. It's recommended to use Conda Environment, and to perform the following step-by-step installation:

  1. Create and activate a conda environment: conda create -n prophet_env, activate stan_env
  2. install c++ compiler: conda install libpython m2w64-toolchain -c msys2
  3. install pystan dependencies through conda: conda install numpy cython matplotlib scipy pandas pystan -c conda-forge
  4. install prophet: pip install prophet

For more details about the installation of prophet, please check the original documentation.

Project Structure

- notebooks              <- Jupyter/Colab Notebooks containing easyprophet examples
- src                    <- Source code for easy_prophet
    - easyprophet
        -    <- To initialize easyprophet package
        - <- Core easyprophet clasees & functions
        - <- module to test if the installation works
        - tools          <- Other helper scripts        
- tests                  <- Test suite
- .gitignore             <- Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
-             <- Credits
-           <- Specify changes and features introduced in any release
-     <- Code of conduct to which contributors must adhere
- LICENSE                <- License 
-              <- This File! Contains info & links about the project
- requirements.txt       <- Python dependencies
-               <- Build script for setuptools (to make the pack pip installable)
- tox.ini                <- Contains info about the python tox test environment