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File metadata and controls

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Using the API

We will be creating some scripts to publish and subscribe to the bus. First, create a directory to hold the code you will write, than change to this directory.


To publish on the Fedora Messaging bus, you just need to use the :py:func:`fedora_messaging.api.publish` function, passing it an instance of the :py:class:`fedora_messaging.message.Message` class that represents the message you want to publish.

A message has a schema, a topic, a severity, a body, and a set of headers. We'll cover the schema later in this tutorial. The headers and the body are Python dictionaries with JSON-serializable values. The topic is a string containing elements separated by dots that will be used to route messages.

Create a publishing script called

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from fedora_messaging.api import publish, Message
from fedora_messaging.config import conf

message = Message(
    body={"reason": "test message"}

Of course, you can make a smarter script that will use command-line arguments, this is left as an exercice to the reader. Now run it:

chmod +x

The script should complete without error. If you go to RabbitMQ's web interface, you'll see that a message has been sent to the amq.topic exchange. However, since noone is listening to this topic, the message has been discarded. Now, we'll setup listeners.


Clients listen on the Fedora Messaging bus by subscribing to a topic or a topic pattern using the hash (#) symbol as a wildcard. For exemple you can subscribe to bodhi.updates.kernel but also to bodhi.updates.#. In the former case you'll get kernel updates, in the latter case you'll get all Bodhi updates.

After subscription, all messages with a topic matching the pattern will be routed to a queue on the server, and clients will consume messages from this queue. In the AMQP language, this is called binding a queue to an exchange, and the topic pattern is called the routing_key.

In the configuration file, the bindings section controls which queues will be subscribed to which topic patterns. Edit the file so the option looks like this:

queue = "tutorial"
exchange = "amq.topic"
routing_keys = ["tutorial.#"]

This means that the queue named tutorial will be created and subcribed to the amq.topic exchange using the tutorial.# pattern. All messages with a topic starting with tutorial. will end up in this queue, and no other.

Now configure this new queue's properties in the file using a snippet that looks like this:

durable = true
auto_delete = false
exclusive = false
arguments = {}

This means that messages in this queue will survive a client's disconnection and a server restart, and that multiple client can connect to it simultaneously to consume messages in a round-robin fashion.

Python script

Now create the following script, called

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from fedora_messaging.api import consume
from fedora_messaging.config import conf


def print_message(message):

if __name__ == "__main__":

The script should run and wait for new messages. Now run the script again in another terminal (remember to activate the virtualenv with workon fedora-messaging-tutorial). You should see the message being printed where the script is running.

Python callback

You can also just define the callback function and use the fedora-messaging command-line tool to do the listening:

fedora-messaging consume --callback="consume:print_message"

This should behave identically.

Round robin

When multiple programs are simulaneously consuming from the same queue, they get the messages in a round-robin fashion. Try running another instance of the script, and run the script multiple times. You'll see that instances get a message one after the other.